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"Ma papa (pronounced paw-paw as in grandfather). He ripped a Giant *******'s arm off barehanded!"
Do you think there is any chance in hell my guy is going to come in, cause if not I'ma watch some Psych or something.
"No, I am named after ma nine foot tall papa who was named after a mountain that was named after a legend!"
You means you guys don;t care about the sudden rain, or the fact it's blood.
Somehow I doubt that you have that power, Dibs.
Blood storm, 6th level spell 1 mile radius.
Why would you waste a sixth level spell like that?
Cause nothing is happening and he will be rested by the time the game starts, and also to make himself feel more comfortable, and where is Dragon.
If you want to get technical about it all the effects come into place .
DH, I wonder if I could replace the feat Skill Focus: Gather Information even though it's a requirement for the Justiciar prestige class? I was thinking of replacing it with Improved Critical or Improved Unarmed Strike.
Argh I think he may be a while matey. Perhaps it be best if ye were to continue the CI.
What's with the pirate speak?
I not be knowing myself fair lass.
Argh so we be doing the CI or not.
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