Demetrius [tries to] draw his sword and put the point at her throat. If she's already ducked [try to] pick her up by the collar of her shirt. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
"I caught a stowaway on your ship. I was just trying to see what she was up to." Demetrius explains. Then he turns back to Hollylyassa. "So, Miss, you've told me your name. You still haven't told me what you're doing, skulking about. Tell me that, and I might set you down."
Demetrius puts the point of his sword at her throat. "Stop struggling to get free, or I will remove your head from your shoulders! Now, you have given me reason to believe you are guilty of some sort of skulduggery. Explain yourself, or I will put you in manacles and chain you to the very top of the royal mast!"
"Tell me why you are here, and what you were doing sneaking around, and I will!" Hey, do you want to see my Tattooed Monk character? He's my backup in case Demetrius dies.
She gives the death stare to the Law abiding Justicar.
Yup, that he is.
"Look, you can glare daggers at me all you want. I don't care. But if you won't tell me why you were sneaking around like some kind of thieving lowlife, then I won't set you down. I'll just assume you're guilty, put you in manacles, and chain you to the top of the royal mast!"
Did you want to see the Monk? I think he's kind of cool.