Flag...No comment, but where do you live Noobs, cause I'm from Missouri. Ever try catching fish in the Mississippi? They have some big catfish in there, but most of it is inedible, all those **** chemicals...
Illinois, just fishing in one of the local rivers draining into bigger rivers (like the Mississippi ^.^). I haven't, but my brother's gf caught at LEAST a 3-4 foot Carp last year and yesterday he got a 1 1/2 ft. Cat(fish).
This one, some of the others I found weren't very helpful on how to actually play the Ninja or even left out some descriptions on feats, abilities, etc.
That ninja is horribly broken. Use either the Rokugan Ninja, which is bascally exchanging Ki Powers for Full BAB, or one of the other ninjas, that one is not approved.
Gah... Well I don't have said book (or any at that) and am incapable of downloading any of the Pdf files I found online, so I'll be spectating until I find a decent stealth class.