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22,207 posts

While we're waiting, what's the basic outside appearance [Gender, class, other notable features] of the party?

2,886 posts

Well, here are the character sheets:

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Demetrius Zephyrgeist.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Class: Fighter/Justiciar.
Level: Fighter 8/Justiciar 4.
Level Equivalency: 12.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Deity: Bahamut.
Languages: Common, Giant, Elven, Undercommon, Dwarven, Draconic, Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Goblin.
Str: 18[+4]
Dex: 12[+1]
Con: 16[+3]
Int: 15[+2]
Wis: 18[+4]
Cha: 18[+4]
Fort Save: +10
Ref Save: +4
Will Save: +10
Hit Points: 120/120.
Base Attack Bonus: +12
Attack Bonus: +21/+16
Damage Bonus: +9/+4
AC: 21/19.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Full Plate[w/Spikes], Medallion of Thoughts.
Off Hand: Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield[w/Spikes].
Primary Hand: Merciful Basterd Sword +5[1d10].
Unequipped: Composite Longbow[1d8, +4 max strength bonus].
Miscellaneous: Chest, Amazing Lock[3], Silk Rope[200 ft], Grappling Hook, Shovel, Masterwork Manacles[2].
Adventurer's Kit: Whetstone, Bedroll, Tent, Bullseye Lantern, Flint/Steel, Backpack, Trail Rations[1 month], Waterskin[10].
Transportation: Light Warhorse[w/Military Saddle].
GP: 2,920.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Track, Exotic Weapon Proficiency[Basterd Sword], Improved Critical[******* Sword].
Class Feats: Weapon Proficiency[Simple, Martial], Armor Proficiency[Heavy, Medium, Light], Shield Proficiency, Bring 'Em Back Alive, Nonlethal Strike[+2d6], Improved Grapple, Crippling Strike, Exotic Weapon Proficiency[Manacles], Street Savvy[+2].
Skills: Climb[8], Intimidate[8], Jump[8], Gather Information[8], Listen[8], Ride[8], Sense Motive[8], Spot[8], Swim[8], Use Rope[8], Speak Language[8].
Synergy: +2 on Climb checks using a rope, +2 on Intimidate checks, +2 on Diplomacy checks, +2 on Escape Artist when escaping rope bonds.
Spells: None

Name: Hollylyassa Alerteyes
Player: Dragon
Age: 27
Sex: F
Race: Halfling
Class: Barbarian 6, Druid 6
Level: 12
Alignment: CN

Hit Points: 103
Rage Hit Points: 111

Str: 17 (21)
Dex: 18
Con: 18 (22)
Int: 13
Wis: 17
Cha: 15

BAB: +10/+6
Attack (Melee): +14/+9 (+16/+11)
Attack (Ranged): +15/+10
Attack (Thrown): +16/+11
AC: 21 (19)

Fort: +14 (+16)
Ref: +8
Will: +10 (+12)

Feats: Vulnerable, Toughness, Track, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Toughness

Skills: Handle Animal 15, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Intimidate 9, Listen 15, Survival 15, Swim 15

Weapons: Greataxe(s) (1d10+4/7), Javelin(s) (1d4+3/5)

Traits: Small, +2 to Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently, +1 to saving throws, +2 vs fear, +1 atk with thrown and slings, Alternate Form, Boar Empathy, Ferocity, Scent, Low-Light Vision.

Features: Rage 2/day, Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +2, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Trackless Step, Resist Natureâs Lure, Wild Shape 1/day

Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic

Equipment: Adventure Kit, +1 Wild Ironwood Chain Shirt, Gauntlet of Rust, 3 Javelins of Lightning, Masterwork Greataxe, 50 Small Javelins, 50 Medium Javelins, 6000 gp

Name: Crona.
Age: 15
Gender: ???.
Description: He/She has an androgynous appearance, with a thin body, monotone expression, pink hair, and tall stature. His/her hair is quite short, with several long, large clumps sticking out in several places. The bangs are straight-cut and end above the eyebrows, but do not stay very uniform. Two long pieces of hair extend from the bangs and hang low over His/Her face.
Race: Human
Class: Dread Necromancer
Level: 12
Level Equivalency:12
Alignment: CN
Deity: None.
Languages: Common Dwarven Elven
Str: 13
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Fort Save:4
Ref Save: 4
Will Save: 8
Hit Points: 93
Attack Bonus:7/2
Damage Bonus:1
Base Attack Bonus:6/1

AC: 18
Clothing: He wears a long black old-style robe that is tight-fitting and ends at the mid-calf level on his/her legs. The robe is completed with large white cuff-links at the ends of each sleeve and a tall white button-up collar at the neck. Black slipper-like shoes with a tall white cuff protruding out of the top are also worn.
Off Hand:
Primary Hand: Great sword(Sonic)
Miscellaneous: Necklace of Fireball VII, Staff of Frost (it's a sword)
GP: 13,350
Feats: Improved unarmed strike, Mother Cyst, corpse crafter, Bolster Resistance, Deadly Chill, Destruction retribution, Hardened flesh, Nimble bones, Fell Animate.
Flaws: Anti Social (necroamor), Nigh terrors.
Class Feats: Charnel touch, Rebuke undead, Lich Body Damage reduction 6, Negative energy burst 2/day, Advanced learning, Mental bastion +2, Fear Aura, Scabrous touch 2/Day, Summon familiar, Advanced learning, Undead mastery, Negative energy resistance, Lich Fortification 25%, Advanced learning, Enervating touch.
Familiar: Dead
Skills: Decipher Script, Disguise, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Obscure.
Spells:1st Level: Bane, bestow wound*, cause fear, chill touch, detect
magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds,
ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I*, undetectable alignment
2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, Blood Harvest,
death knell, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict
moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon
undead II*
3rd Level: Crushing despair, death ward, halt undead, inflict
serious wounds, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, summon
undead III*, vampiric touch
4th Level: Animate dead, bestow curse, contagion, death
ward, dispel magic, enervation, Evards black tentacles, fear, giant
vermin, inflict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, poison, summon
undead IV*
5th Level: Blight, cloudkill, fire in the blood*, greater dispel
magic, insect plague, lesser planar binding, magic jar, mass inflict
light wounds, nightmare, oath of blood*, slay living, summon undead
V*, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue, Soul Lance
6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, create undead, eyebite,
geas/quest, harm, mass inflict moderate wounds, planar binding,
waves of exhaustion, Blood Storm,

26,390 posts

While we're waiting, what's the basic outside appearance [Gender, class, other notable features] of the party?

I can give you a physical description of Demetrius if you want. I didn't include it on the sheet this time.
22,207 posts

I can give you a physical description of Demetrius if you want. I didn't include it on the sheet this time.

Do that, doesn't have to be too detailed though.
26,390 posts

Do that, doesn't have to be too detailed though.

He's pretty tall(around 6'3) with very short(military style) black hair, brown eyes, and multiple scars(there are a couple on the face, including a diagonal one that runs from the jaw to just above the eyebrow), and olive skin. Think that's it.
Sorry for the delay between posts. I'm still packing. >.>
22,207 posts

He's pretty tall(around 6'3) with very short(military style) black hair, brown eyes, and multiple scars(there are a couple on the face, including a diagonal one that runs from the jaw to just above the eyebrow), and olive skin. Think that's it.

Mk, thank ye.

Sorry for the delay between posts. I'm still packing. >.>
26,390 posts

Mk, thank ye.

So does this mean I can see the mysterious drow warlock of mystery? You've got me all curious.
22,207 posts

DH should be posting it shortly.

Also, the Gender's Male. I assume you lost?

26,390 posts

Also, the Gender's Male. I assume you lost?


Ha ha!

There are benefits. I get to play with bubble wrap, for one. It never ceases to be entertaining, for some reason.
22,207 posts

There are benefits. I get to play with bubble wrap, for one. It never ceases to be entertaining, for some reason.

Define 'entertain'


26,390 posts

Define 'entertain'

Somehow, I saw that coming.


We need a tweety.
A tweety?
No, a tweety.
A tweaty?
No, a tweety!
Ohhhh...a tweety?
What the heck is a tweety?
A tweety?
Maybe if you just...speaka Engrish, maybe I can understanda you!
Me? You're the one who not speaking Engrish!
2,886 posts

HAHA (Half Assed Humour Attempt, lol) Here's the sheet, all one piece:

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Rilvyr'atar
Player: SN
Age: 105
Gender: Male
Appearance: Long silvery hair, bright reddish-yellow eyes, 100 lbs.,
Semi-athletic build.
Race: Drow
Class: Warmage
Level: Warmage[10]
Level Equivalency: 12
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: --
Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon, Abyssal, Aquan, Draconic, Drow
Sign Language, Goblin
------Attributes----------(note:does not include magical items)
Str: 14[+2]
Dex: 15[+2]
Con: 14[+1]
Int: 20[+5]
Wis: 14[+2]
Cha: 22[+6]
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +3
Will Save: +7
Other: +2 racial saving throw against enchantment spells and
effects,immunity to sleep spells and effects, +2 will save against
spells andspell-like abilities.
Hit Points: 62/62
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Attack Bonus: Melee +7
Damage Bonus: +2 Melee/+5 Magic
AC: 19
Armor/Clothing: Mstwk Breastplate Armor, Cloak of Charisma +4, , Ring
of Mind Shielding
Off Hand: Heavy Wooden Shield
Primary Hand:+1 Keen Rapier
Miscellaneous: Drow poison [4 doses], Waterskin [full],
Trailrations[1 month], Spell component pouch, Holly berries, Acorns
Transportation: Light Warhorse [Military saddle]
GP: 1,200
Feats: Silent Spell, Combat Casting, Spell focus (Evocation), Maximize

Class Feats: Armored Mage [Light+Medium], Advanced Learning
[Sending,Wall of Force],Sudden Empower, Sudden Enlarge
Racial Features: Darkvision 120 ft., Spell Resistance[21],Spell-like
abilities[ Dancing lights, Darkness, faerie fire] (1/dayeach), Weapon
Proficiency[hand crossbow, rapier, shortsword], +2racial bonus on
Listen, Search & Spot checks, Auto-search hidden doorswithin 5 feet.
Skills:: Concentration 13, Intimidate
13,Knowledge(arcana)13,Knowledge[history]13, Spellcraft 13, Craft 10,
Profession 8, Use Magic Device 4
Spells:0 Level [6/Day]: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Light, Ray of

1st Level[6/Day]: Accuracy, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Fist of
Stone,Hail of Stone, Magic Missile, Lesser Orb
ofAcid+Cold+Electricity+Fire+Sound, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
2nd Level[6/Day]: Blades of Fire, Continual Flame, Fire
Trap,Fireburst, Flaming Sphere, Ice Knife, Acid Arrow,
Pyrotechnics,Scorching Ray, Shatter, Whirling Blade
3rd Level[6/Day]: Fire Shield, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Gust of
Wind,Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Poison, Ring of Blades, Sleet
Storm,Stinking Cloud
4th Level[5/Day]: Blast of Flame, Contagion, Black Tentacles, Orb
ofAcid+Cold+Electricity+Fire+Force+Sound, Phantasmal killer, Shout,
Wallof Fire
5th Level [3/Day]: Arc of Lightning, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, MassFire
Shield, Greater Fireburst, Flame Strike, Prismatic Ray, Sending,Wall
of Force

2,886 posts

We need a tweety.
A tweety?
No, a tweety.
A tweaty?
No, a tweety!
Ohhhh...a tweety?
What the heck is a tweety?
A tweety?
Maybe if you just...speaka Engrish, maybe I can understanda you!
Me? You're the one who not speaking Engrish!

Somebody's been watching South Park...
I prefer the part where they found out the Chinese guy wasn't actually Chinese, so the Japanese guy jumped off the roof:
"NO, this is Japanese sterotyp-o"
26,390 posts

Somebody's been watching South Park...


I prefer the part where they found out the Chinese guy wasn't actually Chinese, so the Japanese guy jumped off the roof:
"NO, this is Japanese sterotyp-o"


"We should hold assembry so peopre understand curturar difference. You know, so they know fried rice isn't from Japan, and teriyaki isn't from China-"
"Teriyaki isn't from China?"

"Kinda rika Pear Harbor...Pear Harbor kinda sneaky too...I think we ar admit, we can ar be a ritter sneaky sometimes."
26,677 posts

I'm here and I owe Dibs $50.......

Also, Holly is about 3' tall, slender by human standards and with smooth, jet black hair just barely touching her shoulders. Need more?

Showing 5011-5025 of 18587