Well, I'm going out for Chinese (fried rice ftw), for 3 reasons: 1. You talking about Orientals (no offense...) 2. Just played Sushi Cat.' 3. BUG BOMB IN DA HOUZE! gotta go, I just set it off... *run away!*
Ugh, it stinks in here, but ze bugs are dead, so I'm happy.
On with the game! *Sound of dice rolling* You are camping outside the fortress of the storm giantess, it's near sunset when you hear someone screaming from inside. It sounds like someone is in trouble, and before you know it there is a dark figure running right towards you, being chased by a gang of ogres (there are 8 of them). The ogres notice the camp, and start heading towards you, with the figure ducked down behind some nearby bushes. One of the ogres calls out:
"We should hold assembry so peopre understand curturar difference. You know, so they know fried rice isn't from Japan, and teriyaki isn't from China- ""Teriyaki isn't from China?" "NO, TERIYAKI'S NOT FROM ****ING CHINA!"
"Kinda rika Pear Harbor...Pear Harbor kinda sneaky too...I think we ar admit, we can ar be a ritter sneaky sometimes."
And those are one of the many reasons I love that episode.
The ogres aren't attacking, they're just standing there, and did call out to you... Also, the bushes are about 40 ft away, the ogres are still inside the grounds of the fortress, 120 ft from where you set up camp.