Well then, surprsie round begins, and I guess Dallic and Fenris are charging too while the Senior Temple Guard release a volley of arrows.
*Sound of dice rolling* The Sleet storm proved to be quite effective, impairing vision and causing all the ogres to fall over, Demetrius, Dallic, and Fenris cannot see anything, but are still standing, Lorethel calls lightning o the leader, causing him a tremendous amount of pain (16 damage), I assume DBS is off, so I will say he casts one of his spells, cloudkill, right on top of the ogres, managing to avoid the party members and HOLY ****, he killed every single one of them in one fell swoop! Everyone backs away from the deadly combination lightning/sleet/cloudkill apocalyptic nightmare of a storm. You watch as it descends on the fortress, no doubt causing some SERIOUS harm to those inside. In the aftermath, the Drow is still alive, but was quite close to the storm, and was knocked out hard (instead of auto-killing you like what should've happened, Noobs, I dropped you to 0, no point in killing off your character when he just got here, right?).
Epic Victory!!! Unfortunately, that was only worth 1,000 exp each... What are you going to do now?
Can't sleep, the Chinese made me sick, I feel like I have a 3 Con, and I do have night endurance, but it's hard to be active when you THROW UP! (maybe the bug bomb had something to do with it...) Thought I'd post now since I'll probably go take some more pepto, then go back to bed, where I'll most likely be all day, unless I start feeling better. Go ahead and do some character dialogue or something while I'm gone, but do SOMETHING in here. btw, go ahead and heal the Drow (just say he's back to full, you have so many healers, it don't matter anyway...) and introduce yourself Noobs.
Fenris: "UGH, the only thing worse than a elf is a dark one, **** Drow."
Lorethel: "Hey, I take offense to that, you dirty smelly *usual banter* Dwarf!"
Dallic: "No, Fenris has a point, Drow are not creatures you can trust easily, we'd best leave it alone and be on our way."
Lorethel: "Not ALL Drow are evil you know, ever heard of Drizzt?"
Fenris: "A DROW IS A DROW!"
Dallic: "What you both say is true , but we don't know if this one is good or not."
Lorethel: "You're a Cleric, don't you have some magical mumbo jumbo prayer that could figure it out?"
Dallic: "Very well. *Casts Detect Alignment(or Evil)* He does not detect as evil, but with a Drow, it's hard to tell..."
Holly stands between the Drow and the party with her axe raised. "If any one of you tries to kill him just because he's a Drow, I will kill you here and now! AM I UNDERSTOOD!?!?!?"
Lorethal is an Elf Druid, Fenris is a Dwarf Blacksmith and Dallic is the high priest or something. They are all from the village that the Giantess is terrorizing.