"Don't try to protect me, Crona. It is obvious that I did it all."
QW"I cast the s-s-spell so i-i-it's my f-f-f-fault."
Ril (now having taken a collective 16 damage) makes another successful Grapple and moves another 7.5 feet; he is 5 feet away from the edge now.Be more specific. Remember, you have witnesses.
Zan casts Gust of Wind from inside the doorway to out so they can't go in, then he dashes out the same door and runs like he's guilty. Since he is outside the door and so are the guards, they can chase him. Shalla stays behind and tries not to draw attention.
Zan casts Gust of Wind from inside the doorway to out so they can't go in, then he dashes out the same door and runs like he's guilty. Since he is outside the door and so are the guards, they can chase him. Shalla stays behind and tries not to draw attention.
Fail, made the save for his spell resistance. That would have ended terribly had it succeeded; he is stilll fully aware and can cast whatever spell he pleases.
Zan casts Gust of Wind from inside the doorway to out so they can't go in, then he dashes out the same door and runs like he's guilty. Since he is outside the door and so are the guards, they can chase him.Shalla stays behind and tries not to draw attention.
G3 seems confused, but motions for G1 and G2 to chase down Zan and then whistles loudly.
FlagIf they do chase after Zan then Crona casts the tentacle spell to slow them down then casts Ray of enfeeblement/exhaustion on them.
I think the expression would be sh!t hitting the fan....[/quote]
You od that, but which one do you target?
Also, Ril casted Wall of Force between himself and everyone else, and is now escaping