@Zan: One guard looks up at you with a TLJIF. The other guard seems to be listening intently. G2:"Did you hear that?" There is a crashing sound and then footsteps on the stairs; both guards stand up immediately.
2 Inmates: You hear, but cannot see, Zan and the guard talking somewhere, as well as the crashing sound and faint footsteps.
Lizardfolk thug approved, try to hurry up with the sheet >.>
Any preference on how to bring him/her in?
A vaguely elven form reaches the top of the stairs, and points a finger at you; a red pea-sized dot flies towards you, which suddenly grows into a massive Fireball, and it hits the first guard directly. Both guards fall dead, extra-crispy, and you took 28 points of Fire damage. If you are wearing anythoing easily combustible like cloth or soft wood, it is on fire or smoldering, respectively.
2 Inmates: You see the fireball and the vaguely elven form, but not where the fireball went.