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Actually, you took so long I'm thinking of doing a Druidic Avenger.
What if I take this and trade out Spell Casting for Rage?
I'ma have to say no.
How about an Aquatic Elf Warrior?
I guess that works.
It has a +1 LA in amphibious campaigns, so can I have a filler character for one level?
Yeah sure.
Alright, thank you.How about a Human Rogue until that time?
Alright, thank you.
How about a Human Rogue until that time?
Name: Heron CritiasPlayer: DragonAge: 22Sex: MRace: HumanClass: RogueLevel: 1Alignment: CNAppearance: Shaven head, a bit short, dark brown eyes, small scar on the left of his lower lip.Hit Points: 8Str: 15Dex: 17Con: 14Int: 10Wis: 12Cha: 11BAB: +0Attack: +3AC: 16Fort: +2Ref: +5Will: +1Feats: Weapon Finesse, Blind FightSkills: Swim 4, Climb 4, Jump 4, Tumble 4, Use Rope 4, Appraise 4, Balance 4, Diplomacy 4Weapons: Rapier (1d4+2)Features: Sneak Attack +1d6, TrapfindingLanguages: CommonEquipment: Rapier, Studded Leather, Adventurerâs Kit
So he is there greatest hero and Heroin?
Actually, his name contains two references. I doubt that you would get them, but I'm sure Hyper will.
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