Oh god **** it. I guess I'll be a sorcerer then and save the swashbuckler for something else. G'night.
But I'm almost done with my rogue.
So submit the character...there's nothing I can do now. Even if I waited until you posted the character, what difference would it make? I would still have to go to sleep straightaway.
Oh god **** it. I guess I'll be a sorcerer then and save the swashbuckler for something else. G'night.
Just for the first one since your only level one.
So submit the character...there's nothing I can do now. Even if I waited until you posted the character, what difference would it make? I would still have to go to sleep straightaway.
Ya got two options, here they are. Which one do you think would be more useful? Also, the Swashbuckler is going to prestige into Duelist if that's the pick.