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Hyper, neither Heron is the one I speak of. The origin lies close to the origin of the surname, which you have correctly identified.
*round of applause*Yes hyper, you have correctly solved both puzzles. Now, submit your scurvy dog so we may begin.
*round of applause*Yes hyper, you have correctly solved both puzzles.
Heron did generally go by the name Hero.Alright. What are you playing?
What level are we starting at?
What classes do we have already? I'm leaning towards the obvious choice: swashbuckler.
What classes do we have already?
I'm leaning towards the obvious choice: swashbuckler.
The Rogue is a temp char that will be replaced with a Fighter when we reach lvl 2.
Really, really really.
Three words: Dread Pirate Wesley. D
I am switching it out for an Aquatic Elf, which has an LA of +1.
Is that from a movie.
Well, I just wanted a Rogue for a short while, I guess. Not everything needs a point.
*gasp*You've never seen The Princess Bride?Inconceivable!
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