Well, since Noobs isn't here, the choice is obvious.
Noobs it is.
Hey Dibs, I emailed you my sheet right? Can you post it here plox?
Sure, Name: Seneca Paris Arcturus Sirius Iago de Leon.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 22.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Class: Cleric.
Level: 6
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Deity: Cyric.
Languages: Common,
Str: 14[+2]
Dex: 10
Con: 15[+2]
Int: 16[+3]
Wis: 21[+5]
Cha: 17[+3]
Fort Save: +8
Ref Save: +2
Will Save: +9
Hit Points: 50/50.
Attack Bonus: +6, +2 on Trip Attempts.
Damage: 1d10+2
Base Attack Bonus: +4
AC: 18.
Clothing: Full Plate Armor, Periapt of Wisdom +2.
Weapon: Heavy Flail.
Miscellaneous: Silver Holy Symbol, Adventurer's Kit.
Unequipped: Cleric's Vestments.
Transportation: On Foot.
GP: 1,000.
Feats: Eschew Materials, Silent Spell[Detect Good], Still Spell[Detect Good], Persuasive.
Skills: Diplomacy 9+2, Knowledge[Arcana, History, The Planes, Religion] 9, Spellcraft 9.
Spells: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Read Magic, Resistance, Detect Good, Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Doom, Cure Moderate Wounds, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Darkness, Silence, Blindness/Deafness, Animate Dead, Cure Serious Wounds. Here you go.