"Ooh, brave aren't we now, I think I like you. This one is on the house." You brings you two fizzing green drinks, one is sparkling with black diamonds and the other has a few small eel looking creatures.
"Ooh, brave aren't we now, I think I like you. This one is on the house." You brings you two fizzing green drinks, one is sparkling with black diamonds and the other has a few small eel looking creatures.
Shem peers at them with curiosity, then takes one randomly and drinks it.
Shem peers at them with curiosity, then takes one randomly and drinks it.
He drinks the one with the black diamonds, and he feels all powerful. In his mind he thinks he sees everything that has ever been, that is, and that will be, he feels as if he is one with the universe as if he is the universe then he gets a mind splitting headache, he feels his body age to old age and wither away before being reborn again and ages to where he is now, and he sees all of existence come to an end and begin again.
Come on now Dibs, I was only joking.
Sweet, so I'm still in it.
Member, when I said I poked my throat, well the way I did it was I fell when I was getting a late dinner, or early breakfast I don't know, and we had some hotdogs leftover I got one walking back tripped on something not sure what sorta choked on the hot dog and and slightly hit my head.