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"No idea," Shem replies. "Hey, I think I still owe you, don't I? Have a drink on me."
So, are the rest of yall done being emo?
"Nah, I'm good. Don't drink much."
"Suit yourself." Shem says. "I'll have another drink."
"I'd quit while I was ahead if I were you."
I am still here. Once Tala is out and back, my character will continue.
"What do you mean?"
Is anybody else still here?
Don't think so.
" Those drinks are gonna catch up with you."
I don't know if Noobs is still here, though...
"Maybe you're right..."
His stomach grumbles and he feels the need to go, "told you."
He might be.
He hasn't posted in a while.
"Yes, thank you for that." Shem leaves for the bathroom.
Alright, if Noobs doesn't post in 1o minutes, I'm going to sleep.
I've been trying to avoid a minor timerift, as Tala is bound to be therefor a good hour or however long the water stays warm.
Thread is locked!