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I'm pretty sure something would happen in the minute and a half she was down.
Well, considering that Shem took a while to walk up to her and then talk, I don't think it would be very long until she recovered.
Tala assesses the damage to her clothing."Unfirtunately the potion didn't work and it's evident none of you trust me. For tye ltter I am pleased."
Dibs, tell me when the spell is over.
How far away is he?
"Sorry about this," Shem says again to the paralyzed one, then walks back up to the rest.
Dimension Door about 80 feet away, thoug still close enoug to seehis flashlight head in the dark.
Dibs, how the **** do you have a 120 speed?
There's no freaking way he can make tye Spot check nor close 120 feet of distance in 1 round,,,,
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