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How the **** does he have 60?
60 normal and he can charge for double it, so that means he can move to her.
So what happens after he charges?
Well he gets two hits in and deals 21 points of damage.
Shem was running.And now he draws greatsword and attacks the guy who's attacking.
And am I still paralyzed? Technically, I should have gotten 7 extra saves to get out of this by now because I get one save per round.
Well Jesus christ lwt's kill off a characterbefore any major combat starts.
How can I be failing all the DC 17 checks if I have a +16 Will Modifier.....
Dibs, you do not ****ing understand. 1+16=17. If I roll a ****ing 1, I make the save.....
Actually, I have +18 because I'm a ****ing Elf.....
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