All times are in Pacific Standard Time, relative to where our office is located. These times aren't set in stone, by any means, I only write it up here to give everyone some idea of what our typical day looks like for a beta release.
Our next release will be Tuesday, January 25th.
8:30am, we're all in the office, getting coffee or Diet Dr Pepper, and coordinating our morning events, squishing last-minute bugs. We furiously test our code internally on several operating systems and browsers to see if there are any specific layout/render bugs we need to fix. 9:00am, I flip a switch on the database to increment the next beta phase, and migrate new users to our mailing list software. Any users signing up after that will have to wait until the NEXT beta release to get an invite code. 11:30am, lunch time. BLT's all around. 12:30pm, we reconvene to do a final status check on our code, see how everything looks on our test server, and work furiously to fix last-second problems. 1:00pm, I generally start tweeting our status, what we're working on, and issues we see.
Between 1pm and 5:30pm, we get all of our code checked in, deployed to our production servers, start preparing our newsletter and get ready to queue up any invite codes.
The newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing, but does NOT include beta invite codes. Invite codes are always sent in a separate Email to users.
Our last beta invite code cut off was about 10am on January 11, so any new beta signups after that time should get an invite code on January 25th when we release our next software update.
It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, etc. This is to be expected, because we're rolling out the beta in phases where we add new features every two weeks or so.
While this is subject to change, our next release may include some of the following: - see how you rated a game on AG2, and update your rating to whatever you'd like it to be now - updating the utility bar to show you when users reply to your activity stream messages - search results page (whoops, we released that one early, lol)
Found a bug? Found something you absolutely love-omg-squee-happybacondance? Please post it on GetSatisfaction for us. The rest of the webdev team is deathly allergic to lurking in the forums, but posting a message on GS will send an Email update to everyone, which usually gets priority over other things we're doing.
Yah cormyn I knew you would correct me, I know I was there "giving my f2 button no mercie!"(knight I think said that). I just was to lazy to find the realy date and it is hard to get around with this android.
Not yet, but we have thought extensively about making a mobile-friendly s the site for communication purposes only. Unless you're on an Android dev'cause then you can actually play most of the games.
Not intirelt true, a lot of androids don't android 2.2 software, as I have a samsung intercept that has 2.1, the sprint sever has given all the intercepts 2.2 but the vergin moble has not yet(spring they will) and I am a virgin Intercept! So tooshae and right back at ya! Lol
Sorry, I've been spoiled with my Nexus-series phones.
Back on topic:
- James is cooking up some neat new stuff with search and making it a little faster.
- James is also working on the game ratings code (which will allow you to re-rate games if you so choose).
- I'm trying to fix a bug with Safari with the push notifications, but also working on a big list of behind-the-scenes stuff you guys will never see/use. But it makes our administration of the site easier, smoother, and worry-free.
- I'm chatting with the moderators about building all-new moderator tools. So far, they seem excited about the new stuff I've got in mind.
- Larry's working on a way to send notifications when users respond to something you've posted, so your utility bar won't just tell you when a friend has posted a new status update... How that will look and act, I don't know yet.
Hmm sounds like some nice stuff you guys are puting in! But the whole safari thing is funny, in the fact that bothe safari and firefox have problems all the time! Google cromo I hear is like perfect with it and internet explorer (what I got) is fine with some graphical errors... but it seem like all beta sites have a problem with safari and fire fox!lol
It's not going to be as big a transition as Broadsword -> Claymore, but yeah, pretty big chunk of updates. I personally want the re-rate system so I can change my rating for Arkandian Crusade from a 6 to a 6.5.
I have fifty-two games in my favorite list. I play all of them quite often though. There are only about four-to-eight that will need to be re-rated. But the thing bugs me that I cannot re-rate them. I can't wait until to do that in AG3 though.
Hey look at that! Only two more days until the next beta with new feature is released.