ForumsNews and FeedbackAG3 Calendar: January 25, 2011. Codename: Longsword

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2,891 posts

All times are in Pacific Standard Time, relative to where our office is located. These times aren't set in stone, by any means, I only write it up here to give everyone some idea of what our typical day looks like for a beta release.

Our next release will be Tuesday, January 25th.

8:30am, we're all in the office, getting coffee or Diet Dr Pepper, and coordinating our morning events, squishing last-minute bugs. We furiously test our code internally on several operating systems and browsers to see if there are any specific layout/render bugs we need to fix.
9:00am, I flip a switch on the database to increment the next beta phase, and migrate new users to our mailing list software. Any users signing up after that will have to wait until the NEXT beta release to get an invite code.
11:30am, lunch time. BLT's all around.
12:30pm, we reconvene to do a final status check on our code, see how everything looks on our test server, and work furiously to fix last-second problems.
1:00pm, I generally start tweeting our status, what we're working on, and issues we see.

Between 1pm and 5:30pm, we get all of our code checked in, deployed to our production servers, start preparing our newsletter and get ready to queue up any invite codes.

The newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing, but does NOT include beta invite codes. Invite codes are always sent in a separate Email to users.


Our last beta invite code cut off was about 10am on January 11, so any new beta signups after that time should get an invite code on January 25th when we release our next software update.

It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, etc. This is to be expected, because we're rolling out the beta in phases where we add new features every two weeks or so.


While this is subject to change, our next release may include some of the following:
- see how you rated a game on AG2, and update your rating to whatever you'd like it to be now
- updating the utility bar to show you when users reply to your activity stream messages
- search results page (whoops, we released that one early, lol)


Found a bug? Found something you absolutely love-omg-squee-happybacondance? Please post it on GetSatisfaction for us. The rest of the webdev team is deathly allergic to lurking in the forums, but posting a message on GS will send an Email update to everyone, which usually gets priority over other things we're doing.

  • 67 Replies
311 posts

*cry* AG2 wil be nothing but memorys and cache! But all is well he comes AG3 !

I though somthing funny happened to the title! So now your wrong cormyn the name of it is not gloutnous or gladias it is longsword... sorry I like the alphabetizing but not as cool of a name...

About the java android thing... I geuss javas the best thing to use on android because of its not normal os type. But if there are tomany it would slow it down but don't worry that much about it! It is more graphics like the "my armory bar" and such would not move with the screen fast engough and acuratly enough so it made it copy and mested things up... so it might be best to make it so when a moblie phone gets on that it deos not move at all (as I have heard others have this problem).

But fraekinstien your grammer is off... XD JK ONLY JK! But does any one here care that much... do they O.O! We'll I an't no peoples ffor grammer I an't!lol

1,846 posts

Is it updated yet? No wait I don't think they're even in the office yet. (8:50 AM)

2,891 posts

We get into the office about 8:30am PST. We're fixing a few final bugs and then we'll deploy and send out the newsletter and invite codes.

2,891 posts

The beta release is complete, and we'll work on immediate bugs if any are found. Or we'll play with R/C cars for a while.

15,595 posts

On the beta I've noticed that the search bar is working quite well. Much more better then on the last release.
Good job!

1,868 posts

Hmmm... the number of plays of each game are still a bit wrong but I liked the new features. Well done, keep up the hard work =)

3,550 posts

There is still that problem with some of the games not showing up in the search bar though. Ex: Free Rider(2)

But the update is awesome anyways.

2,891 posts

The number of plays won't be fully accurate yet... still working on that, and will probably get put to next release.

The search engine underwent a pretty heavy modification. Trying to search for the word 'man' finds nearly 24,000 usernames, and was taking upwards of 30 seconds. I tweaked a ton of code and got the search to about 3.5 seconds.

Multi-word searches are not yet a possibility.

2,891 posts

Okay, multi-word searches should work for games now. )

Turned out to be easier than I thought. Love it when that happens.

9,504 posts

Now see, if that happened to everyone, then maybe there would be quite a few more people that would take interest in programming XD

1,890 posts

I searched for man in the search bar and found 23 952 users with man in their name. =)

It is a real improvement in terms of finding games though!!

Good job!

15,595 posts

It's a way better way to search for names!
I've had some possible username ideas 'if' they decide to let us change our names in AG3. The search bar makes it easier for me to find out if the name is taken or not.

311 posts

Now see, if that happened to everyone, then maybe there would be quite a fe more people that would take interest in programming XD

Lol so true so true... if only! It would make it easyer for us (frustrated) people who are programers!
Fun cormyn play with R/C cars ok maybe I will make the federation of kidy people but we need a new name hmmmm... the FOPPYK! Federation Of People that Play like Young Kids!

But on topic!
Weird it would not search for things with spaces.... why would that be? Did you guys make it from scrach or use some this else to help? But I should be fixed now... but can you only search for games and it works right? Or both?

But like that idea Matrix! I still wonder how you guys will pull that off... is there any example sites that do that? Can't think of one. But it would make it confusing... for poeple that are allready regulars it would be easy to call them by the old name but how would you know who is who! Oh well it is all TBD and ways...
1,868 posts

I have noticed that when you click in a game category and see in the featured games photos, they are a bit blurry. Is it a problem?

9,504 posts

That shows up for me too, but I just assume they are using a blown-up image of the featured game. Kinda like how you can make a blown-up image of an armatar if you want to see a large version of it.

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