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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

There has been only a handfull of Expert players like Ghostofzero, Nontroppo, Darwin, Ghostofpain, ...

From what you've played, which doesn't make it solid unless a lot of people have played them and can say they are great at the game. "Handful", not really. There are many, I'd say there's about one hundred or so with the skill level of those you've named.

From the top of my head, I can name some:
GhostOfZero, GhostOfTartarus, thestuntman, Malkoir, MrCoffee, thebluerabbit, GhostOfChunky, GhostOfChopper, RedFox, Eyon, RayOfLight, Nevin, CeroOscuras, TroppO, BigBangKamehameha, and MANY more, far too many to name. You could name them, but I imagine that would take many hours.

I got this from MrCoffee's profile:
Legendary Lobby:

That was Exit Path at its finest.

Rank 1 - 0
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 500
Rank 4 - 1,250
Rank 5 - 2,500
Rank 6 - 4,375
Rank 7 - 7,000
Rank 8 - 10,500
Rank 9 - 15,000
Rank 10 - 20,625
Rank 11 - 27,500
Rank 12 - 35,750
Rank 13 - 45,500
Rank 14 - 56,875
Rank 15 - 70,000
Rank 16 - 85,000
Rank 17 - 102,000
Rank 18 - 121,125
Rank 19 - 142,500
Rank 20 - 166,250
Rank 21 - 192,500
Rank 22 - 221,375
Rank 23 - 253,000
Rank 24 - 287,500
Rank 25 - 325,000
Rank 26 - 365,625
Rank 27 - 409,500
Rank 28 - 456,750
Rank 29 - 507,500
Rank 30 - 561,875
Rank 31 - 620,000
Rank 32 - 682,000
Rank 33 - 748,000
Rank 34 - 818,125
Rank 35 - 892,500
Rank 36 - 971,250
Rank 37 - 1,054,500
Rank 38 - 1,142,375
Rank 39 - 1,235,000
Rank 40 - 1,332,500
Rank 41 - 1,435,000
Rank 42 - 1,542,625
Rank 43 - 1,655,500
Rank 44 - 1,773,750
Rank 45 - 1,897,500
Rank 46 - 2,026,875
Rank 47 - 2,162,000
Rank 48 - 2,303,000
Rank 49 - 2,450,000
Rank 50 - 2,603,125
Rank 51 - 2,762,500
Rank 52 - 2,928,250
Rank 53 - 3,100,500
Rank 54 - 3,279,375
Rank 55 - 3,465,000
Rank 56 - 3,657,500
Rank 57 - 3,857,000
Rank 58 - 4,063,625
Rank 59 - 4,277,500
Rank 60 - 4,498,750
Rank 61 - 4,727,500
Rank 62 - 4,963,875
Rank 63 - 5,208,000
Rank 64 - 5,460,000
Rank 65 - 5,720,000
Rank 66 - 5,988,125
Rank 67 - 6,264,500
Rank 68 - 6,549,250
Rank 69 - 6,842,500
Rank 70 - 7,144,375
Rank 71 - 7,455,000
Rank 72 - 7,774,500
Rank 73 - 8,103,000
Rank 74 - 8,440,625
Rank 75 - 8,787,500
Rank 76 - 9,143,750
Rank 77 - 9,509,500
Rank 78 - 9,884,875
Rank 79 - 10,270,000
Rank 80 - 10,665,000

That sure is a lot of ranks. Is our data from Exit Path going to be reset when Exit Path 2 comes out, or will we still have it? Well, I wonder who'll get to Rank 80 first.

Also, will you have some sort of highscore ranking system? Such as showing the people with the highest rank to the lowest rank on Exit Path. It'll be similar to the uniplayer highscores, but with their rank and username.
156 posts

got this from MrCoffee's profile:
Legendary Lobby:
That was Exit Path at its finest

Lol that was from my profile, MrCoffee stole it from mine >_>
430 posts

Dang John. That is a LOT of ranks. I'd only be about 45 according to that ranking scale.

Also, I think that you should add like degreesto their level. Because for example, say you are level 10 facing a level 40, but the 40 really isn't that good, I think adding degrees(meaning 1st degree, 2nd degree, etc.) like how they do that with black belts, with 1st degree meaning they win 1-10% of their matches, 2nd degree meaning they win 11-20% of their matches, etc.

Of course, I'm just happy that it's so much more difficult to reach the higher levels. It was way too easy to hit 41 in the original Exit Path.

15,595 posts

According to the scale, I'd be at around 50 if my stats were still there. If you add up all the accounts I used to play on, I'd be at around 65-80.

156 posts

CAn we have prestiges like in COD? hahaha. Maybe each prestige we get a new flair? Just a goofy thought.

27 posts

Hey all

for the Expert players debate ...

I think its all coming in generations, like:

First generation (i was not there to see/play so i could be wrong):
madasahatter, zero, makoir, bbk, tart, blue, matrix, Z ... maybe someone else/ correct me if im wrong ..

Second generation (the time that some of the first generation stop playing):

faithpath, darwin, nontroppo, pain, lithe.. and many more that i cant really think of right now (love to hang with this gang)...

i guess there is a third generation but im not playing the game much lately so i cant tell who forms it ... but i can tell its based on trix so maybe.. rawr, jack, maybe others idk.. i really dont know whats going on now...

so.. in the end of the day xP.. its all goes to who is in the rooms most of the time XD

this is a rough split ... based on opinion xD

Im Macedonian... dont know English well... hope you understand xD

15,595 posts

Hmm, there are so many people that could be divided into the generations. I'll probably write something up about it one of these days when I'm not so busy. I will say, serville64 deserves to be mentioned since he basically paved the way. And so does Madasahatter since he found many of the tricks and shared them.

5,340 posts

I think its all coming in generations

thats true. and i think you just started something . for the first generation you can easily go to the old thread "who is the best player on exitpath" created by z and check there. most of the first 30 pages are of the first generation. also yay, 2 people remembered me thanks .

i can say who i think were the best in the first generation and i think my list was: zero, tart, bbk, malkoir, silvan (not in a particualr order).

about the new generation... i cant really tell since im a part of the old one. but i can say that i heard pain, darwin, faith and matrix alot.
15,595 posts

Thank you for reminding me about that thread, blue! I'll have to go through it to make the generations.

366 posts

Probably, the point is to understand that Exit Path is not the same game, lets say that 1 year ago (and some months more when i started playing)

It has changed into a more elaborate one. Now, dont try to think in big changes 'cause this game is about the opposite (little ones); that fact makes your times better in comparison to old techniques.

If you have to judge players based in attitude, skill and influence (i call it "top", at its best) there aren't so many players since the start of the times till now.

I realize that now there are more "good" players than before (interesting and nice phenomenon) but still is possible to differentiate the chaff from the wheat within that group (mainly because some lack from attitude and therefore skill)

Players that have changed the way we play the game are a handful, and sooner or later appear hundred copying the style.

103 posts

Nice amount of Ranks (:
shouldn't be less as I am Rank 64 right of the Bat :P

@the Rest:
At least NonTroppo did understand what I was going to elaborate with the Term Expert players. To rephrase it: there has been only a handfull of Top Notch players that mastered all known routes,plus beeing able to think outside the box,plus refine refine refine, and therefore coming up with new and better routes (many new routes not single ones). With new moves that where that efficient that other players had to learn them in order to keep up with new trends. But thas not all that makes you an Expert. It was also needed to spread this founds by competing with the best at multiplayer and publishing them as recorded videos. Youtube or other media. Through Experts many good players arised with mimicing them.
Of course there has been a ton ot really good players. Some have been better then others but how the hell you wanna judge without a ladder system.

Let me elaborate an easy to see example plz:
GhostofZero published his Uniplayervid at 14.09.2010. It had a huge impact and changed the way Uni was meant to be played significantly. Mainly this+his multidominence made him an expert(Marathon and lotsa other refinements; beeing #1 for like evarrr). Meanwhile Univids, whether partially or fully, with better runners quality came out. For example the one of Ghostofpain, Angeloftime,... Those are great players in uniplayer but not experts.
Apply this plz on multi and so on.

Sidenote: I have joined the game when it was half a year out at oktober 2010 and only stayed a racer. So I can't tell if there where potential Experts earlier and of course don't know about the Tricks side of EP. It was often as popular as racing and has the pleasure of still growing...

271 posts

80 level... outch I'd be around level 63 if my stats were not restarted =X

Snif I don't really now the first generation cuz some of them have stopped to play. I came on EP with the second generation (But my skills are so far of guys like Pain, Darwin... ^^)

Let's see who will get the level 80 first (in 2 years xD)

5,340 posts

Thank you for reminding me about that thread, blue! I'll have to go through it to make the generations.

your welcome. its actually a very interesting thread. i actually read through it all to feel nostalgic again. a WHOLE year almost passed. i also did that to check until when people stopped saying my name. i thought id get to something like page 15 but i got really far. made me feel really good
15,595 posts

First Generation
BigBangKamehameha, GhostOfZero, PrimaFlow, GhostOfTartarus, GhostOfFalcon, thebluerabbit, servile64, CoolRacer, Madasahatter, shadowjk, NoobSlayer3000, Silvan, GrayStorm, Malkoir, MrCoffee, Zultimategamer2000, Faithpath, and GhostOfMatrix.

Second Generation
GhostOfChunky, GhostOfChopper, Delysid, Legz, FlyingNinza, GhostOfMetal, Eyon, IWillWaitForYou, 1000Words, SecondPlace, XRoyalX, Excitement1000, Lithe, MusicMan102, Darwin, and BobSands.

Third Generation
thestuntman, Nevin, RayOfLight, G33kOfArmorGames, Pedro97, Plaer, Whatsisface, Wezzeldurf, and GhostOfPain.

Fourth Generation

Fifth Generation

I went through the "Best Players of Exit Path" thread and filled in the slots accordingly from what I thought and from what I read. The list isn't complete as you can see, since I left out people from the first three generations and didn't fill out the last two. I didn't fill in the first three with more people because I can't remember anyone else that would fit in those categories. And I didn't fill in the last two because I don't play Exit Path as often, so I can't put people in those sections. Feel free to fill in the slots with more people who you think will fit in them. Someone should put names in the last two slots as well.

103 posts


I came that late into this game that half of your "first Generation" had already retired. I have only met Zero, Primaflow,graystorm,Zulti, You like 5+ when they where still active... others below or never....
Just sayin :P

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