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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
271 posts

Usually I don't like history but with Zero, it's very interesting x)

349 posts

about the Ghost clan...some guy i think it was stunt,he was saying something like raz stole the ghost clan or something O.o which i really doubt,but some guy named GhostOfDonkey was the original leader <_<

5,340 posts

that was a REALLY long time ago. not sure if donkey showed up after or before i came though. hes just a random fake ghost who decided to say he was the original leader and that raz somehow tricked him out of leadership... even someone who doesnt know alot about the ghost clan probably knows that you cant really demote a main owner on xat and that a true leader wouldnt just troll in other peoples chat. also made some really random accounts on AG. anyway, im sure stunt was joking and i dont think donkey is around anymore anyway

349 posts

lol no blue stunt was really serious about it xD he on xat he was arguing with someone and getting super mad...he told me about it and i was like wtf..?

271 posts

Hum I think that a Clan can't be stolen, followers chose their leader =p

(First time that I see the name of GhostOfDonnkey =o)

5,340 posts

lol exactly. there is no one (except for stunt... maybe... and i dont think he is even a ghost) that believes or follows donkey XD also even if stunt does say that donkey was first i think stunt came a long time after the donkey vs. ghost saga so i dont think he can really know XD. you can ask the ghosts that are older then me but really... i dont think you should bother XP

430 posts

Okay, basic history of ghosts, and I should know. I knew Raz even BEFORE he made the ghosts, back when he was still UberGir.

He made the ghosts, it became very successful. Unfortunately tons of fake ghosts started popping up. One of these was "GhostOfDonkey"(" marks because he is a fake ghost). He believed that he was a ghost even though he was never tested and that apparently he had become the new leader of the ghosts because apparently Raz had left. However, this was VERY un-true, he got upset, trolled the old ghost chat, then tried to create a new ghost clan for the fake ghosts, claiming

"I am the former leader of the ghosts who was unfairly tricked out fo leadership. Now join me in my fight to re-gain my rightful position as the leader of teh Ghost clan."

GhostOfDonkey was never a REAL ghost to begin with. He was NEVER tested, he was NEVER leader, and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, he or she is a total liar or was tricked by GhostOfDonkey.

Now the ghosts are somewhat quiet and not many go on too much now, but they still have the best players in the game in my opinion since they have players like Matrix, Zero, etc.

5,340 posts

ahh ok. now i know exactly what happened. i actually thought he was a troll from the very begining just for fun XD

10 posts

I was friends with raz before he even started the ghost thing, back when he was Ubergir. Raz started the whole ghost clan, if anyone tells you it was donkey they're wrong. Donkey was NEVER a real ghost just a troll and liked to THINK he was in charge. He's banned permantly from what I remember, so we won't be seeing him again. Does that clear anything up?

566 posts

*comes out the woodworks to further educate the masses*

I'll get back to the generation thing once I think about it a little more, but I'd say the first actual "generation" officially started back when the ghost clan was made (which is nearing its one year anniversary ). I suppose you could call serville and company as "Early Gen 1" or even "Generation 0" if you really want something cliche ;P

But the best way to categorise would be this: Pick out one player that best describes said generation (we can go by public opinion of the "best" or something) and then go from there.

On to the main point, which is my retelling of the ghost clan, as accurately as possible, to maybe clear up a few things.

To start from the beginning, I first made this account near the end of June last year, the only reason being Exit Path. What initially drew me to EP was that you can play the game very easily without much hassle (playing as a guest), but after a while, I wanted to be recognised by other players (which I'm not sure I've accomplished outside this clan xD). So of course, I made my Main Account. It was during this time that I met a lot of awesome people (I think I met Blue before I joined the clan, though I'm not 100% sure on that), like Raz with his Ubergir account.

A few weeks after I made the account, I played in my very first full room of grandmasters (none using guest accounts). And while it's true I've been in a few completely awesome rooms (mainly the one people call the "legendary lobby" o-0), it was this one room that'll always be my favourite one, mostly because I think this is the one room that started it all.

It was as follows:

Me (obviously right? ;P)
UberGir AKA GhostOfRazgriz
zgamer2 AKA Zultimategamer2000
artemishunt0 AKA GhostOfFalcon
fourcylinder AKA GhostOfNibelheim

It was without a doubt the one room that I felt was the most fun, although I think it crashed after a load of matches.

Now onto the GhostClan itself:

If I remember correctly, and contrary to popular belief, it wasn't actually Raz's idea to start up an Exit Path clan. And no it wasn't Donkey's either <_<

I think the one that actually wanted to make a clan, and ultimately proposed the idea to him, was skullandbones656, which makes him and Raz the founding members (though if Raz reads this, feel free to correct me here xP).

Now I can already hear everyone thinking: "skullandbones656? Who's THAT?". Well he might have gone through several name changes, but skullandbones656 is,believe it or not, BBK. But back to the story:

Fast forward a few weeks, the day is August 4th. It was on this day that I first met Raz on his newly made Ghost account and also started to notice other Ghost accounts (there were 5 at that point in time), so I started to do some "research" if you will and by looking up those accounts, I first learned of GhostClan. Ironically, a short while after that(like 1-2 hours max), I got recruited while I was having a few matches with Four.

If anyone wonders, the one that recruited the both of us was, again, skullandbones656, which officially makes me Ghost Number 6 (and technically Four is number 7, though he made his actual account a day later). Before me, the other 5 Ghosts were as follows:


And that's basically the "good old days" xP
Players like Matrix, Metal and Coffee joined like a month after that time (which I'd personally classify as Generation 2, right when the game was at the height of its popularity). Zero joined just a few hours after I did. An interesting side note: From Generation 1, there's exactly 3 people that are still somewhat active(on chat that is), those being the 3 Main Owners. ;D

As for the Donkey thing, he was a troll. Nothing more and nothing less. He never actually wanted to be a ghost and he never wanted to actually become the leader. I'd say everyone that believes that was getting trolled pretty good. As a matter of fact, he was always joking how everyone "turned Donkey into a legend". As for where he went, my best guess is that he just started using a different name. It's entirely possible that he used to regularly come to the chat as someone else, abandoning the Donkey name.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's it for my little retelling. If I think of more, I'll probably add it ('tis pretty late so my concentration isn't the best either xP). If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

29 posts

there's exactly 3 people that are still somewhat active(on chat that is), those being the 3 Main Owners. ;D

Raz is back?
15,595 posts

First Generation
Serville64, Madasahatter, Shadowjk, Silvan, Zultimategamer2000, UberGir, and BigBangKamehameha.

Second Generation
KentyBK, GhostOfZero, ArtemisHunt0, FourCylinder, GhostOfAChance, GhostOfCreed, thebluerabbit, PrimaFlow, and Fissera.

Third Generation
MrCoffee, Matrix, GhostOfMetal, Malkoir, GrayStorm, TroppO, CoolRacer, NoobSlayer3000, Lithe, and Faithpath.

Fourth Generation
GhostOfChunky, BlackDynamite, GhostOfChopper, AnbuHank, BobSands, TNTAcid, Delysid, Legz, FlyingNinza, Eyon, IWillWaitForYou, 1000Words, SecondPlace, XRoyalX, Excitement1000, MusicMan102, and Darwin.

Fifth Generation
Nevin, CeroOscuras, thestuntman, RayOfLight, FeeNoMinal, LunaticBrat, Hotfire, Rawwr123, G33kOfArmorGames, Epicness, KrissKhan, Pedro97, Plaer, Whatsisface, Wezzeldurf, and GhostOfPain.

Sixth Generation
HulkLogan, Gaboloth, Vovan1, and ClaudioDeusEst.

Seventh Generation

Eighth Generation

The generations above are based on when you started playing and your experience. The experience part being if you were recognized as a great player among the general populous. I compiled the list from those two factors, and from what I remember and have read.
NOTE: If you think I forgot people and/or misplaced people, feel free to post their names here and which generation they belong in.

156 posts

Looks good matrix.

349 posts

no zero raz isnt back :\\ hes too busy playing on his fancy Xbox360 xD
and i see im in the 5th gen i think i would be in an ealier one but after i made my account for EP i stopped playing for quite some time..and in the past 7-9 months ive become alot more active

272 posts

i dont know much about exit path, i do know it rocks!!!!!

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