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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
103 posts

I just got on for a few minutes to test something, and to practice maps. What I was testing was looking for newcomers/inexperienced players then see what they would say to me. [...] Instead of asking a simple 'how'd you do that?', they just jump straight to conclusions and call me a hacker. Even a level 41 called me a hacker. This has to be the main reason why I don't use the chat box on Exit Path, most of the people on there are quite ignorant.

Cool story bro... you always make interesting and cool posts.... -.-
1,612 posts

I don't see what's strange with it. For someone playing the game for the first times it's pretty impossible to figure out a 12:00 marathon run, they don't know about double jumps and about lag making them run slower. Sure they are jumping to conclusions, but you are doing it as well calling them ignorant.

566 posts

I don't see what's strange with it. For someone playing the game for the first times it's pretty impossible to figure out a 12:00 marathon run, they don't know about double jumps and about lag making them run slower. Sure they are jumping to conclusions, but you are doing it as well calling them ignorant.


Now on a slightly different note, I had a random idea that could maybe solve a few issues with the match/win system, while still giving you a sense of progress.

Instead of having your whole stats displayed, I had the idea of instead display a number which is the difference between your wins and your losses (kinda like a thumbs-up system).

For instance: Every player starts the game at 0. Once you win a race you get +1 added to this counter. If you lose, 1 is subtracted from this counter.

SO basically, if I win 1000 races and lose 750 of them, my final number would be 250.

That way, you wouldn't have people obsessing over your "win-record" since nobody will be able to see your total match count anyway.

And you'd still have a "measure" of your own progress, because a value of 0 will be the same as a 50%. So players can set high values as a goal to work towards.
15,595 posts

I don't see what's strange with it. For someone playing the game for the first times it's pretty impossible to figure out a 12:00 marathon run, they don't know about double jumps and about lag making them run slower. Sure they are jumping to conclusions, but you are doing it as well calling them ignorant.

Out in real life, you see someone bench press five hundred pounds, you see that for the first time in your life, you say they are taking steroids. What you're obviously not understanding is, asking a simple question of 'how'd you do that?' is better than jumping to conclusions. And those people aren't that new to the game, obviously, since they aren't level ones. For them to just straight out call someone a hacker repeatedly is stupid. I wasn't jumping to a conclusion in calling them ignorant, and you obviously didn't read my whole post, because a level 41 called me a hacker as well.

Read post.
15,595 posts

Oh, and you don't know the definition of ignorant, from how your post was made. Here it is:
lacking in knowledge or training
lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact
They are lacking in knowledge of the game, and jumping straight to the conclusion they did proved it. It's a fact that the double jump isn't a hack.

5,340 posts

wow... almost a year passed (i think) since that game was released and the amount of people who still dont know the double jump keeps surprising me...

15,595 posts

That could be the reason that they do not know it. Just tell them to read the guide on the forum.

After about getting called a hacker ten times I post a link to it, but they don't believe me, they continue to call me a hacker then I either leave to find someone worth racing, or just ignore it.
15,595 posts

Did you explain how to do it?

It depends on how the people act. I can't necessarily type it out for them if they are going to spam the chat with 'hacker'. If they don't do that, then I try to explain it to them, then redirect them to my guide. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't.
68 posts

hmm... What is amazing to me is that these people really take the time to be so nasty about us being good at the game. Also, it's amazing that Matrix takes the time to show us all screenies of something we already know.
However, one of the ways I often lose races is by trying to teach shortcuts to newbies who have a good attitude. I have found a few over the months who are actually quite good players now. =D This is how I learned - see people do crazy stuff, then ask "How did you do that?" Also, this is another reason why the mute button and an out-of-game chat (like Ghost Chat) is very nice to have. Plus, on Xat, there are owners and mods who can rid the chat of any ignorant... people.

P.S. And, if I saw someone bench press 500 lbs in real life, I would probably immediately think "well done." Then... "God, Matrix needs better analogies."

68 posts

@UDude, those are my favorites =) Tricks are kinda mah thing. I dont like to race unless I have a really good run going. If I screw up, I (usually) stop, go back, and mess around.

566 posts

Out in real life, you see someone bench press five hundred pounds, you see that for the first time in your life, you say they are taking steroids.

Your analogy is not particularly accurate because it doesn't take the individual player levels into account.

It would be more accurate if the person doing the bench pressing is of a much more smaller build than you and does a lot more bench presses. In that case, it wouldn't be a stretch to call foul play.

What you're obviously not understanding is, asking a simple question of 'how'd you do that?' is better than jumping to conclusions.

It's a matter of game design. If a player is taught something while playing the game, he is unlikely to try things that'd contradict with what he learned. Since Double Jumping is not actually a part of the game, someone obviously doesn't learn to use it in Uniplayer. And since the timing is pretty tough, it's hard to discover by accident , although it is possible - I first randomly found it on Uni and later used it in Multi after I saw others do it (really a matter of putting 1+1 together ;P).

By playing through Uniplayer extensively, not double jumping at all, and then discovering it on Uniplayer, a player that learned "you can only do a single jump" can only arrive on the premise that "this guy is cheating", because it contradicts with his learning. Of course, what counts as cheating is kinda subjective, but hacking is the easiest way to do that nowadays. To others, even exploiting game glitches is a cheat because it gives an unfair advantage.

And those people aren't that new to the game, obviously, since they aren't level ones.

Define "new to the game". From those pictures, everyone that wasn't the Grandmaster was fairly new to the game.

For them to just straight out call someone a hacker repeatedly is stupid.

You have no idea if they didn't have any other reason to call you a hacker. Which is why you are ignorant, as per your own definition.

I've seen several people on the game that win by double jumping and then claim they hacked the game as a means to troll. If you met such a person when starting to play the game, it isn't a stretch to assume the double jumping itself is a hack (epecially since it isn't part of normal game mechanics).

because a level 41 called me a hacker as well.

He only accused you of hacking when he was convinced by others that you are. It's your own fault for not properly explaining yourself earlier.

Oh, and you don't know the definition of ignorant, from how your post was made. Here it is:
lacking in knowledge or training
lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact
They are lacking in knowledge of the game, and jumping straight to the conclusion they did proved it. It's a fact that the double jump isn't a hack.

Again, you have no idea if they had other reasons or not. And it's only a fact to YOU. A new player cannot know without playing and dying themselves.

Just to add, here's a list of things that didn't help your case:

1) Your level

You had by far the lowest level in that room, which means you appeared like a new player to them. Yet you got times that seem impossible, except to the best of players.

The delete-progress button is semi-hidden on the main menu, so it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they didn't know you could do that.

2) The Double Jumping

As I explained, not part of the game mechanics. Since you appeared as a newb (and not like a veteran player with a match count to back it up) AND used a skill that isn't part of the mechanics(which gave you very good times) , it only makes sense people would get the suspicion you were hacking.

I guarantee you, if you raced using a normal high-match account, the number of people proclaiming you to be a hacker will be lower.

Not to mention the amount of "ignorant" people is much lower compared to the people just leave because you are too good for them(or the nice people that ask for help ;P).
344 posts

^^^^^ TL;DR Grandmaster slap-fight!

452 posts

I could only double-jump against a wall
Well... That's how you double jump... If I think I know what you mean.
5,340 posts

lol? the last time i checked he IS talking about ep XD. anyway i understand both tart and matrix, but i think you should explain to the plyers how to double jump. i always do that and of course they will try to see if im telling the truth. eventually they will learn it and who knows. maybe they might be one of the really good players

15,595 posts

If they don't listen, its their loss.

Yes, it is. However, I generally like helping out the newcomers on Exit Path so that other people don't have to be called a hacker. I used to go around Exit Path helping a lot of people on the game.
And as you can see from the posts in my guide, the people that listen and do have accounts were grateful.
An unrelated question, but have any of you played a game where everyone stops and messes around at the start/finish? I have and it's really fun.

I used to do that often, but after finding all the secret spots, I gave up on it.
Also, it's amazing that Matrix takes the time to show us all screenies of something we already know.

It takes two minutes to take them, crop, save, upload. That doesn't much time, and it was for proof that people do it.
And, if I saw someone bench press 500 lbs in real life, I would probably immediately think "well done." Then... "God, Matrix needs better analogies."

You're obviously not an ignorant person, and about the second part, it's a perfect analogy for the situation.

0/5, try harder.
Your analogy is not particularly accurate because it doesn't take the individual player levels into account.

It would be more accurate if the person doing the bench pressing is of a much more smaller build than you and does a lot more bench presses. In that case, it wouldn't be a stretch to call foul play.

On my account I still get called a hacker, so it's accurate.
That level 41 that called me a hacker was also called a hacker, even though he didn't do as good.
Define "new to the game". From those pictures, everyone that wasn't the Grandmaster was fairly new to the game.

When I use 'new to the game' I mean level 1-5. I think that these people have enough experience/matches played to play against someone that has done the double jump.
You have no idea if they didn't have any other reason to call you a hacker. Which is why you are ignorant, as per your own definition.

They labeled me a hacker because they saw me doing the double jump and finishing levels quickly.
There's their reason for it. A civilized individual would ask questions, but these immature children or adults on Exit Path just go out and call hacker at everyone that finishes quickly.
The definition describes them, not me.
you have no idea if they had other reasons or not.

Yes I do, they talked about it on the chat.
And it's only a fact to YOU. A new player cannot know without playing and dying themselves.

It's a fact within the game, of course they don't know it, but they could ask around. 'How'd that player do that?', then I'm sure that someone would inform them.
'New player', I started the discussion, so I use my definition of the word, which is a level 1-5 on the game that couldn't possibly have much experience/matches on the game.
You had by far the lowest level in that room, which means you appeared like a new player to them. Yet you got times that seem impossible, except to the best of players.

I informed them I was a GrandMaster, but I wasn't logged in.
it only makes sense people would get the suspicion you were hacking.

I hold suspicions all the time, but I don't go out and jump to conclusions at every given moment. I try to prove my suspicions, and asking questions first about the matter.
No, not everyone is like me, obviously. But they should do the right thing here and ask a simple question.
I guarantee you, if you raced using a normal high-match account, the number of people proclaiming you to be a hacker will be lower.

It doesn't, before I started my schoolwork today, I played on my account and I got called a hacker even more on my account.
Since it was a very high win ratio and that I finished each match just as fast, everyone in the room called me a hacker. These players were in the level range of 15-25.
^^^^^ TL;DR Grandmaster slap-fight!

This made me laugh, good job, John.
Wow that's in-depth. But this very serious disucssion is annoying me. Just be quiet and follow the rules and talk about Exit Path, not your own moral considerations.

We are talking about Exit Path. But most of the time when I post here he comes out the woodworks with these long posts.
KentyBK is right, he is talking about PREJUDICES, and every single word of it was right. People judge before they even know what they are talking about...

I'm not sure who you are, but seeing that you only have two posts in the forums, and you've had your account for quite some time. I must suspect that the people at Ghosts chat told you to come here and take a side. 0/5, try harder.

I don't like coming online to have to respond to a wall of text.
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