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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
2 posts

But, apparently, every time you still do. There's no need for it, is it? Just chill people.

15,595 posts

every time you still do.

I don't know what you're trying to say with this. Every time I get called a Hacker? Every time we have a discussion?
There's no need for it, is it? Just chill people.

What is this blasphemy?! We are chill!1111!!!!! Just kidding.
But seriously, we are calm here. There's no one calling each-other names or anything of the such. It's just that Kenty and I usually have these long discussions. > >
33 posts

>I don't like coming online to have to respond to a wall of text.

>>But, apparently, every time you still do. There's no need for it, is it? Just chill people.

That's what he meant =3

This is an interesting discussion.

15,595 posts

Oh. Well, when someone quotes me on a thread, then argues with me about a post that was never meant to have a discussion, I feel obliged to reply so that the other person better understands.

15,595 posts

I was skimming through the pages re-reading things and I saw this, and I'd like to respond to it since I didn't see it earlier.

Cool story bro... you always make interesting and cool posts.... -.-

Yep, all my posts here have had something to do with Exit Path, if you don't like it, then ignore them.
My posts obviously bring discussion since so many people responded to it, but only one has been responding back to the discussion, and that is Kenty, while the others haven't responded.
Feel free to bring a new topic to the thread for more discussion.
15,595 posts

I'm currently on Exit Path. White/yellow, I don't have many matches, but I've only lost a few. So, if anyone wants to play, the time is now.
I'll be on Exit Path for about an hour, I guess, I have nothing else to do right now.
I was playing in a room, and I found a flow hacker. The person would go very fast at the beginning of each level, then finish faster than what's possible. I checked the time, and it wasn't a time glitch. The player is all pink and is using the purse flair.
I played them for a few matches, then on Marathon the person died and quit the match to preserve their perfect record.
Their record at the time was 39-39.
I remember Faith, or somebody else mentioning a flow hacker a few dozen pages back or so. Has anybody else found and played this person? It's a tad interesting, I've only played two other hackers before. The first one that I played was the guy who could give out large amounts of kudos to everybody in the room. The other one was an all gray player that would finish each map when it started, the time for the player finishing was 00.00.

Well, back to EP now, I guess. I'll be searching for good players. I hope some are online.

103 posts

Cool story bro... you always make interesting and cool posts.... -.-

Yep, all my posts here have had something to do with Exit Path, if you don't like it, then ignore them.
My posts obviously bring discussion since so many people responded to it, but only one has been responding back to the discussion, and that is Kenty, while the others haven't responded.
Feel free to bring a new topic to the thread for more discussion.

your sarcasmdetector needs some maintenance seriously.

And I actually gave up to argue with you. As your just repetitive and unable to change viewpoints. There are much more fun ways to waste time
15,595 posts

your sarcasmdetector needs some maintenance seriously.

And I actually gave up to argue with you. As your just repetitive and unable to change viewpoints. There are much more fun ways to waste time

I knew you are being sarcastic with that post, all the periods, then smiley at the end gave it away, derp.
I understand the other viewpoints that others make within discussions, but to me, they are wrong because of the things that I've pointed out in my post on this page. Lose an argument, then dismiss it as trolling, or any other thing that the other person comes up with is what usually happens. And you just proved that to me, good job.
2 posts

@John do you think you could add in something like a portal gun flair?

566 posts

*crawls out the woodworks*

^^^^^ TL;DR Grandmaster slap-fight!

Good thing I brought the gloves.

it's a perfect analogy for the situation.

0/5, try harder.

Nope. You just said yourself the players in that room were experienced players, yet your analogy assumes this is the first time they saw the double jump, which you have zero idea if this is true.

On my account I still get called a hacker, so it's accurate.
That level 41 that called me a hacker was also called a hacker, even though he didn't do as good.

I said "it wouldn't be a stretch" meaning yes, it still happens but a lot less because when people see a very high count(and 500 isn't *very* high) they'll easier make the connection that you are experienced. Back on my Ghost account, whenever I played, I got accused veeeery rarely. Most of the time, people praised my racing skill.

They labeled me a hacker because they saw me doing the double jump and finishing levels quickly.

You mean they saw a low-level character doing something seemingly impossible to win matches? Riiiiiight.

And before you do, just because you said you are a grandmaster, that doesn't mean people have to believe you because

1) Loads of sucky players claim this
2) You still used something that is not part of the general mechanics

There's their reason for it.

> Implying only this reason exists, therefor you are right.

A civilized individual would ask questions, but these immature children or adults on Exit Path just go out and call hacker at everyone that finishes quickly.
The definition describes them, not me.

So now everyone that just goes out and calls someone a hacker is not civilized and immature?

Remember this post?

I remember Faith, or somebody else mentioning a flow hacker a few dozen pages back or so.

somebody else mentioning a flow hacker a few dozen pages back

a flow hacker

Yes I do, they talked about it on the chat.

I'm actually a pink flamingo from the netherlands. Praise me as your feathered god.

Also, people are capable of trolling you know(kinda like what you were doing with this *experiment*).

'How'd that player do that?', then I'm sure that someone would inform them.

Yep. And depending on who you ask, you'd even get someone explaining to them that it's a hack. See how that works?

'New player', I started the discussion, so I use my definition of the word, which is a level 1-5 on the game that couldn't possibly have much experience/matches on the game.

Ohhh so you define the words exactly so they only fit with your argument?

Let's do a little math:

If we assume, that a match takes an average of 30 seconds to complete. You could do 120 matches in that time. If you factor in stuff like the down-time between races or having to look for a new room, you wouldn't need a genius to figure out that these people haven't played more than 3 hours(worth of game time) at the very max.

That's not experienced.At all.

These players were in the level range of 15-25.


But most of the time when I post here he comes out the woodworks with these long posts.

I wouldn't even bother saying anything, if there weren't so many things wrong with it.

I don't like coming online to have to respond to a wall of text.

It's my secret plan to destroy your sanity, in order to take over the world!

Wait,did I say that out loud? >_>

I remember Faith, or somebody else mentioning a flow hacker a few dozen pages back or so. Has anybody else found and played this person?

Now DO tell how you know that guy is a hacker and isn't just exploiting a glitch nobody knows about?

It's almost like you're......ignorant about it. So take your own advice.

I've only played two other hackers before.

Prove that they hacked or risk me calling you a hypocrite on this one.

But this very serious disucssion is annoying me.

Internet.Serious business.

Just be quiet and follow the rules and talk about Exit Path

And I didn't? Just because I like to have more in-depth posts doesn't mean I didn't talk about the game.

Besides the last "discussions" you guys had before my post were:

- What's your favourite/least favourite level?
- What's your colours?
- Did you mess around with others before?

Ohhhhhhhh never heard those before. But to answer your questions:

-Dark-Gray/Red-ish secondary
-Yes. It was boring.

Just chill people.

I am. And I will continue to keep this up, as long as we are on, you know, The General Exit Path *Discussion*. So....excuse me for discussing things? ;P

*crawls back into the woodworks*
2 posts

I understand being called a hacker is annoying, especially for someone of your talent and experience, but try having people demand you have sex with them or assume that because you are a female online you should date them.

5,340 posts

you are not the only one who had that problem.... and im a boy.....????

68 posts

The woodworks are getting rather deserted thesedays, what with all the crawling old-timers are doing.

And... lolblue xP

And... @Barbie, I know a few female EP players who describe the EP in-game chat as a place for teenage boys to learn to be chauvinists. But, well... ain't that what most teenage boys do, anyway? But really... mute button rules! Hopefully private rooms will fix some of that problem!

Also... has anyone realized yet that the new double jump technique exploited by GhostOfPain on Slip and Slide is ringing in a new era of EP madness!? I have achieved three trick spots previously thought impossible, just by using this technique... Screenies to come...

15,595 posts

Nope. You just said yourself the players in that room were experienced players, yet your analogy assumes this is the first time they saw the double jump, which you have zero idea if this is true.

They're comparable. Even I used my my account to play for a little while which I posted about on the last page.
So taking the analogy with that, yes, they are comparable.
And depending on who you ask, you'd even get someone explaining to them that it's a hack. See how that works?

Simple things people can do to find out if it's a hack or not:
1) Ask experienced players about it. When I say experienced, I mean people that actually utilize it.
2) YouTube.
And before you do, just because you said you are a grandmaster, that doesn't mean people have to believe you because

1) Loads of sucky players claim this
2) You still used something that is not part of the general mechanics

1) I wasn't playing horribly.
2) Asking questions is better than jumping to conclusions.
Implying only this reason exists, therefor you are right.

That's what they told me, which means that it has to be the reason.
Remember this post?

Being able to flow in the beginning of the level and in the maze on the level called Maze is most likely flow hacking. Use common sense.
Also, people are capable of trolling you know(kinda like what you were doing with this *experiment*).

Look up definition of trolling. Definition is that they cause a disturbance.
I was simply playing the game.
If we assume, that a match takes an average of 30 seconds to complete. You could do 120 matches in that time. If you factor in stuff like the down-time between races or having to look for a new room, you wouldn't need a genius to figure out that these people haven't played more than 3 hours(worth of game time) at the very max.

That's not experienced.At all.

Take into fact that there are a lot of experienced players on the game. In my experience with the game, there is a level 25+ in each room that I've been in.
So take into fact that they may or may not know how to perform the double jump.
Ohhh so you define the words exactly so they only fit with your argument?

I use the definition that I've always used for the word.

I'd take levels 15-25 to be pretty experienced.
Since, ya know, they've played a whole lot of matches on the game.
Now DO tell how you know that guy is a hacker and isn't just exploiting a glitch nobody knows about?

Exploiting a glitch? It's most likely a hack because of him having unlimited flow.
Take a look at the hacked version of Exit Path, it gives your player unlimited flow.
It's almost like, you have a vendetta against me. Since you are solely arguing about a person that may or may not be a hacker. But several pages back you said nothing when others mentioned it.
Prove that they hacked or risk me calling you a hypocrite on this one.

Read Livingfear's post.
He said that he does the kudos hack on the game.
On the player finishing in 00.00 seconds, you're just going to have to take my word for it since I can't prove it.
Funny how you're arguing with me about having to prove a hacker, but when people posted about it pages back you said nothing. Good job proving that you have a vendetta against me.
I understand being called a hacker is annoying, especially for someone of your talent and experience, but try having people demand you have sex with them or assume that because you are a female online you should date them.

Men have this problem on the game as well.
15,595 posts

Oh, and with Livingfear's post, he stated that he does a time hack as well. Which means that those people that are guests and finishing so quickly could very well be him. Or the other people found out how to do the hacks. There's your proof.

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