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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
452 posts

Oh my... Back to the big giant posts with Kenty and Matrix -.-.

15,595 posts

Back to the big giant posts with Kenty and Matrix

Yeah, well I didn't start it this time.
I think that I've only started one of these discussions with him once or twice, he's the one that usually comes out the woodworks then quotes my whole post then replies with a wall of text.
68 posts

@ UDude... Matrix's guide has a bit of help for this topic. However, the real key for a double jump is to trick the game into thinking you're on the ground, when, in fact, you are already in the air. Tricksy, I know...

1) Corner Double: This is perhaps the easiest form of dj available. Run against any wall 1 or 2 blocks tall by holding the directional towards the wall. Tap up while holding the directional key, so you jump and touch the corner. While in the air, jump again. It's that simple.

Now, the dj will NOT work if your little stickman has tucked his legs in the "jump" position in the air (the game has recognized your jump as a jump). However, if his legs are hanging freely ("running man&quot, then you will be able to jump again, mid-air. Touching the corner seems to be the reset for this method of double jumping.

2) Flow wall djing. Basically, flow at maximum velocity towards a wall, jump before you hit the wall (holding flow), when you hit the wall spam up (holding flow), pray (ok maybe don't go that far). That's my methodology for that one.

3) The "new" reset trick. Touching ANY corner while in midair will reset your little stickman. Pain used this fact in slip and slide, as seen in his youtube video here. This was not known to me, or the EP community-at-large, as far as I know, prior to Pain's use in SnS. All I can tell you with this one is: Flow, Aim for the corner, HOLD FLOW, hope you hit the corner, then double jump mid-air. Once again, you MUST be in "running man" to get the dj to work.

Not much help, I know, but many people play by feeling rather than thinking about all the steps... I'm one of those people. :P This is my methodology for the djs, if someone who may be more rational (*ahem* tart? faith?) would like to take this question on... Be my guest And btw, if any "j"s are missing, blame my keyboard =/ You wouldn't believe how hard it is to write "dj" with a broken key. xD

68 posts

And who says the double jumping expert club is imaginary? oO

566 posts

Oh my... Back to the big giant posts with Kenty and Matrix -.-.

Considering that internet forums are made to have discussions, I see no problems here.

They're comparable. Even I used my my account to play for a little while which I posted about on the last page.
So taking the analogy with that, yes, they are comparable.

Yes they are, AFTER you change the story. Let's not forget you used it to describe the situation from your screenshots. Make sure to properly check if your analogies actually work, before you use them to prove a point.

Simple things people can do to find out if it's a hack or not:
1) Ask experienced players about it. When I say experienced, I mean people that actually utilize it.
2) YouTube.

1) Who's to say those "experienced players" don't just claim it's hacking, just for the heck of it? If someone gave me such an answer, I wouldn't ask others until I got a different response.

Not to mention some don't tell even if asked (not accusing anyone in particular, but it happens), or just give *funny* answers instead

2) I haven't found a good video on Youtube that goes into very much detail on what the double jump IS, apart from showing it's uses, which again, could be easily attributed to hacking by someone that doesn't know. Just it being on youtube means nothing.

1) I wasn't playing horribly.
2) Asking questions is better than jumping to conclusions.

1) That wasn't my point. My point was, that people can make-up stuff on the internet all the time, which makes it somewhat hard to seperate the ones that are lying from the ones that don't. All I'm saying is they probably didn't believe you for this reason.

2) I'm curious. Did you ask them WHY they thought you were hacking (instead of giving a general explanation right away)? If so, what did you say?

That's what they told me, which means that it has to be the reason.

Or,you know, they already knew about it and called you a hacker to get a rise out of you.

Being able to flow in the beginning of the level and in the maze on the level called Maze is most likely flow hacking. Use common sense.

Being able to hug a wall and gain an additional jump by doing so is most likely hacking. Use common sense.

Look up definition of trolling. Definition is that they cause a disturbance.
I was simply playing the game.

I present this:
What I was testing was looking for newcomers/inexperienced players then see what they would say to me.

You played new players specifically to get a reaction. Hence, trolling.

Take into fact that there are a lot of experienced players on the game. In my experience with the game, there is a level 25+ in each room that I've been in.
So take into fact that they may or may not know how to perform the double jump.

You can't exactly use a level as an indicator for experience, because someone could be a lower level and still have more matches than you.

Exploiting a glitch? It's most likely a hack because of him having unlimited flow.
Take a look at the hacked version of Exit Path, it gives your player unlimited flow.

That doesn't necessarily mean a similar glitch couldn't exist. Even though there's supposedly a "time hack", it doesn't mean someone is hacking every time the clock glitches out.

Read Livingfear's post.
He said that he does the kudos hack on the game.
On the player finishing in 00.00 seconds, you're just going to have to take my word for it since I can't prove it.

I'll grant you those, but that still doesn't mean you can't call the flow thing hacking without.......*jumping to conclusions*

See what I did there?

Funny how you're arguing with me about having to prove a hacker, but when people posted about it pages back you said nothing. Good job proving that you have a vendetta against me.

Difference being, that the others don't go around calling other players "uncivilised" and "unintelligent" for jumping to conclusions and then go around and do the very same thing. It's really not my fault that I'm the only one that calls you out on such things.

And in that regard, who says my argument was specific to you? If someone calls others ignorant and then displays that same ignorance, then yes my argument is directed at them too.

I'm sure I don't need to point out, that was jumping to conclusions too.

Oh and sorry, but I don't hold grudges over the internet. Ad hominem is really not my thing.

Yeah, well I didn't start it this time.
I think that I've only started one of these discussions with him once or twice, he's the one that usually comes out the woodworks then quotes my whole post then replies with a wall of text.

Posting ANYTHING on the internet and not expecting a response is kind of silly. Especially in a thread that's titled "General Exit Path Discussion". Unlike most of the people here, I actually expect people to call me out on mistakes I make or to explain their opinion.

And since I can't exactly quote *nothing*, someone has to have started the discussion.

Besides, your fault for adding fuel into the fire.

Let's get ready to RRRUUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!! *ding, ding* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap

Fun Fact: That phrase is actually trademarked o____0

NEW DISCUSSION ALREADY!!! Can we go, for the record, an in-depth look into how to double jump? I can kind-of do it, but only on 1 high blocks, which isnt really a double jump. Can you double jump up large walls? What keys do you press, and in what order? Can you double jump on all blocks? Please help. I want to be initiated into the imaginary double-jumping expert club.

I'm really not a double-jump-scientist but I'll try and explain some things I know.

-Double Jumping up large walls DOES work, but from my experience you can only do a single double jump on the same wall. However, it is possible to double jump several times (not sure how it works exactly though).

-The timing kinda differs between each shortcut, but most of them require a decent amount of flow. You just need to press the jump button at the right time.

-Since the game only really has one block for walls and floor, yes you should technically be able to double jump every block.

Here's an easy trick to try. On Lunge, while the timer counts down hold down your flow button. Keep it pressed when the race starts and you should be able to do the double jump nearly every time.

This was not known to me, or the EP community-at-large, as far as I know, prior to Pain's use in SnS.

Actually I believe this isn't anything *new* per se, but instead the thing that allows the double jumping in the first place. Because when you touch that corner, the game thinks you are standing ON the block, making a double jump possible.

So really, you guys found out what triggers it in the first place

And you really are more of an expert than I am xP

And who says the double jumping expert club is imaginary? oO

:O Can I join?
15,595 posts

Yes they are, AFTER you change the story. Let's not forget you used it to describe the situation from your screenshots. Make sure to properly check if your analogies actually work, before you use them to prove a point.

I answered your questions, that isn't changing the story. The analogy does work. I added more to it since you keep asking about it. My sole intention with my post a few pages back was to prove that people call others hackers without asking questions, they jump to conclusions about something rather than asking a simple question first. People aren't all good, there might be people out there that will lie and say that it is a hack.
But it's best to do some research on the matter before even talking about it.
Like clicking on community to check for a few threads on Exit Path, but I doubt that they'll do that since they are guests and they most likely don't have AG accounts. Nonetheless, it's better to ask questions around the game rather than calling everyone that's faster than you a hacker.
It isn't just the people that do the double jumps that get labeled a hacker, it's the people that are faster than you as well. See that level 41 in my image, he got called a hacker and he can't even perform the double jump.
1) Who's to say those "experienced players" don't just claim it's hacking, just for the heck of it? If someone gave me such an answer, I wouldn't ask others until I got a different response.

From my experience on Exit Path, the experienced players that utilize the double jump don't do that.
2) I haven't found a good video on Youtube that goes into very much detail on what the double jump IS, apart from showing it's uses, which again, could be easily attributed to hacking by someone that doesn't know. Just it being on youtube means nothing.

Videos don't explain it well, but Serville's video explains it a bit, he adds a description to each video.
2) I'm curious. Did you ask them WHY they thought you were hacking (instead of giving a general explanation right away)? If so, what did you say?

It's difficult asking them why they thought that when they repeatedly spam the chat with 'hacker'.
When they aren't doing that, then I ask. I usually get a response saying 'because of how fast you finish each level and that you skip parts of the map'. Then I explain it to them, link to the guide, sometimes they believe me, other times they don't.
Or,you know, they already knew about it and called you a hacker to get a rise out of you.

Rise as in response? Not sure what you're trying to say.
Being able to hug a wall and gain an additional jump by doing so is most likely hacking. Use common sense.

Can't hug a wall on Exit Path, unless you use the stick glitch. But that's not what this discussion is for, we are talking about racing, not tricks.
You played new players specifically to get a reaction. Hence, trolling.

I never talked in chat up until they started calling me a hacker. I was just playing the game for two reasons. One, to practice because I haven't played in a while, two, to observe the game, which means to see if I would get talked to. I wasn't going out there solely for a reaction, they started it. I wasn't trolling.
You can't exactly use a level as an indicator for experience, because someone could be a lower level and still have more matches than you.

I was comparing matches. With matches comes experience, if you have a lot of matches then you've played the game quite a lot, thus the experience.
That doesn't necessarily mean a similar glitch couldn't exist. Even though there's supposedly a "time hack", it doesn't mean someone is hacking every time the clock glitches out.

Glitch =/= hacking.
I'll grant you those, but that still doesn't mean you can't call the flow thing hacking without.......*jumping to conclusions*

The game has been out a while. A lot of people have played this game, some more than others. If there was supposedly a glitch that allowed unlimited flow in the game, then I'd think that it would be found out by now. Someone would've posted about it. Being able to use flow by tampering with the game is hacking. Being able to double jump isn't hacking, it was found out in the game, which makes it a glitch.
Difference being, that the others don't go around calling other players "uncivilised" and "unintelligent" for jumping to conclusions and then go around and do the very same thing. It's really not my fault that I'm the only one that calls you out on such things.

I never called the hackers of the game uncivilized nor unintelligent. Your argument is invalid.
who says my argument was specific to you?

You're quoting everything I post in this discussion. We are having this discussion, nobody else has entered it. You are asking me questions.
So that brings me to believe that this argument is for me.
I'm sure I don't need to point out, that was jumping to conclusions too.

It's not jumping to conclusions, it's true. I post about a hacker that had nothing to do with this discussion of being called one, then you come out and argue about it.
While your buddies at Ghosts chat call people hackers pages back and you say nothing. Which brings me to my point. You're welcome.
Oh and sorry, but I don't hold grudges over the internet

Doesn't look that way to me.
Posting ANYTHING on the internet and not expecting a response is kind of silly. Especially in a thread that's titled "General Exit Path Discussion". Unlike most of the people here, I actually expect people to call me out on mistakes I make or to explain their opinion.

I don't expect an argument to arise every time I post something. However, in the flash games sub-forum, you seem to stalk my posts. It wasn't a mistake, I've explained it to you several times.
You can share your opinion on the matter, yes, but you can't force your opinion onto someone else.
It isn't going to work.
Besides, your fault for adding fuel into the fire.

Being quoted, then the other person posting a wall of text, I feel obliged to reply so that they can better understand my intention.

Now then, time to go back to my movie.
can we stop the walls of text about moral discussions and talk about what the forum is ABOUT: EXIT PATH

If one of use doesn't reply to the other, then it has ended.
This is a thread for Exit Path, not a forum. And we are discussing Exit Path with these large posts.
What are your opinions on full-body flair in EP2?

I don't care for them, since I don't use the flairs. So I'm neutral on the matter.
68 posts

@UDude... No, No worries, No, and It sounds cool unless it lags. xP

Flow is crucial to EP. Period. You can only really do well if you can control flow properly. There are tricks to this, as well... running and changing direction just before a wall will allow you to save flow (sorta kicking the wall, right when you change direction). Doing this between two walls allows you to fill your flow-bar. Tapping flow for short periods of time (rather than holding it down until it's all gone) allows you to increase velocity but reserve some flow. There are a number of techniques which make EP an increasingly complex game, but they are also very very simple. This is the aspect that I love about EP most -- simplicity breeds complexity! Oh, and the collaboration and creativity.

68 posts

SORRY for the dp, but matrix and i posted at about the same time...

The game has been out a while. A lot of people have played this game, some more than others. If there was supposedly a glitch that allowed unlimited flow in the game, then I'd think that it would be found out by now. Someone would've posted about it. Being able to use flow by tampering with the game is hacking. Being able to double jump isn't hacking, it was found out in the game, which makes it a glitch.

Well, that just ain't true... See Dragon144's elevator trick in maze. This was found out quite recently.
15,595 posts

I wonder if anyone besides Kenty and I are reading each-others posts. I bet that everyone else is just waiting until the discussion is over, or are just waiting for the discussion to change.

Well, that just ain't true... See Dragon144's elevator trick in maze. This was found out quite recently.

I find three months to be while. And my post wasn't geared towards tricks/glitches that have been already found out. What my post was meant to get through to people: Many glitches have been found out, if there was a unlimited flow glitch(highly unlikely), then I'm sure someone would've found out about it. If you tamper with the game in anyway, use a program, another site, ect.. then it's hacking the game. Guess you read it wrong.
15,595 posts

Ha, that's the hacked version of the game. Quite fun to play and it's good to practice on to see the routes.

566 posts

I answered your questions, that isn't changing the story. The analogy does work.

If you add more things to the analogy because I asked something, then yes, that is changing the story. The fact that I found a problem with it shows that it wasn't *perfect* like you claimed earlier.

But it's best to do some research on the matter before even talking about it.
Like clicking on community to check for a few threads on Exit Path, but I doubt that they'll do that since they are guests and they most likely don't have AG accounts. Nonetheless, it's better to ask questions around the game rather than calling everyone that's faster than you a hacker.
It isn't just the people that do the double jumps that get labeled a hacker, it's the people that are faster than you as well. See that level 41 in my image, he got called a hacker and he can't even perform the double jump.

Which is why it's not a good idea to overgeneralise things.Hell, I've had someone accuse me of cheating even though he KNEW how to double jump himself. However, saying *most* people act this way simply isn't true, since most of the players are actually quiet.

From my experience on Exit Path, the experienced players that utilize the double jump don't do that.

My experience tells me otherwise, so this becomes a moot point for the both of us.

Videos don't explain it well, but Serville's video explains it a bit, he adds a description to each video.

I checked those and he never goes into much detail, apart from "use dj for this level". Having said that, I found a comment of his *somewhat* explaining it, but still not enough for a complete newbie to pick up.

Rise as in response? Not sure what you're trying to say.

"to get a rise out of someone" as in "to get a reaction from someone"

Can't hug a wall on Exit Path, unless you use the stick glitch. But that's not what this discussion is for, we are talking about racing, not tricks.

That wasn't the point. If you really want to pointlessly argue semantics, you may change it to "Gaining an additional jump is most likely hacking. Use common sense." to make my point even more obvious.

I never talked in chat up until they started calling me a hacker. I was just playing the game for two reasons. One, to practice because I haven't played in a while, two, to observe the game, which means to see if I would get talked to. I wasn't going out there solely for a reaction, they started it. I wasn't trolling.

This isn't what you said the first time.

I just got on for a few minutes to test something, and to practice maps. What I was testing was looking for newcomers/inexperienced players then see what they would say to me.

Hmmmmmm,it seems you DID play to get a reaction,because otherwise that post wouldn't exist. You even took pictures as evidence and everything.

There's really no point in denying it, since you flat out said yourself that you intended to get reactions.

I was comparing matches. With matches comes experience, if you have a lot of matches then you've played the game quite a lot, thus the experience.

And I already said that 184 matches (which is the highest non-grandmaster) isn't a lot. Ergo, not experienced.

Glitch =/= hacking.

That was my point. So thanks for repeating it.
You still haven't given me a reason why the *flow hack* couldn't be a really obscure glitch.

The game has been out a while. A lot of people have played this game, some more than others. If there was supposedly a glitch that allowed unlimited flow in the game, then I'd think that it would be found out by now. Someone would've posted about it. Being able to use flow by tampering with the game is hacking. Being able to double jump isn't hacking, it was found out in the game, which makes it a glitch.

That's what you think. Since new routes and tricks are still being found, there's absolutely no way to know for sure. It wouldn't even need to be a glitch for *unlimited* flow. One that starts you with a full bar(or the amount you had last race) could easily have the same effect.

I never called the hackers of the game uncivilized nor unintelligent. Your argument is invalid.

I never said that. I DID say you used that to describe people that "jumped to conclusions" i.e that *dared* call you a hacker.

Here's s'more quotes:
A civilized individual would ask questions, but these immature children or adults on Exit Path just go out and call hacker at everyone that finishes quickly.

>Implying they are not civilized and immature.

For them to just straight out call someone a hacker repeatedly is stupid.

>Calling their actions stupid.

You're quoting everything I post in this discussion. We are having this discussion, nobody else has entered it. You are asking me questions.
So that brings me to believe that this argument is for me.

Naturally, it goes to follow that my criticism applies to everyone with a similar stance.

It's not jumping to conclusions, it's true. I post about a hacker that had nothing to do with this discussion of being called one, then you come out and argue about it.
While your buddies at Ghosts chat call people hackers pages back and you say nothing. Which brings me to my point. You're welcome.

I'd dig up that definition of ignorance but I'm sure you still know it. I've argued with you for a while now. This hacking thing was just part of the whole thing. If you haven't noticed, I usually reply to every post I feel like responding to as a large text wall. I just took the liberty of adressing the issues I had with that post.

Also, feel free to post some actual examples and I'd gladly comment on those.

Doesn't look that way to me.

DO tell why I'd *hate* you. If someone made those exact posts, you can be **** sure I would've adressed them if I noticed them. But I'm not going to search through 156 pages to find stuff.

Don't be so arrogant to believe I hate or stalk you just because I point out the flaws in your logic. I'd do the same to everyone else.

However, in the flash games sub-forum, you seem to stalk my posts.


Let's try this again.
The reason I only post on the flash games forum is because

a) Other boards overanylize things I don't care for or are generally uninteresting
b) Other boards are pointless and/or spam
c) Other boards are filled with fanboys (you know the one)

Seeing that Exit Path is the only reason I'm staying on this site and most other peeps frequent this place, it only makes sense I'd be generally easier to find on this board.

As for you, I generally quote you because your posts have the most substance to them (regardless of whether I agree or not) and I know you'll actually respond.

THERE's your reason. Not some make-believe hate story.

You can share your opinion on the matter, yes, but you can't force your opinion onto someone else.
It isn't going to work.

Correcting and finding flaws in your reasoning is not forcing my opinion on you. When I share my opinion, I'm usually make sure that it is easily recognised as such.

But sure, I'll play this game: Name one instance where I *forced my opinion* on you. And no correcting you isn't such an instance, unless you can show it was opinion and not something else.

And funny you should mention that since I found this little thing on that thread you posted:

That's what most newcomers to the game say. It isn't cheating. It's something that the more experienced players of the game have found and can be used to make your times faster.

(It's on page 2 btw)
Right here

Not only does that make you come of as arrogant, it's also forcing your opinion on someone.

I could make another post this size about how the double jump can be considered cheating and that it shouldn't be discounted as such *because experienced people use it*, but I'll refrain from doing so right now. If anyone -really- wants me to, I can elaborate.

Being quoted, then the other person posting a wall of text, I feel obliged to reply so that they can better understand my intention.

That's what I said, your fault.

So, can we stop the walls of text about moral discussions and talk about what the forum is ABOUT: EXIT PATH.

Oh I'd LOVE to, but there isn't any topic that has any sort of depth to it. If you supply one that isn't summed up in a one-word response, then yes, I'd make a comment.

And no, "your favourite colour" or "what do you think about hacking" is not a discussion, as much as it is giving your opinion. The hacking thing HAS potential(since it IS part of my argument right now), if you provide something to actually *debate* about it.

What are your opinions on full-body flair in EP2?

Meh. Has potential I suppose, but it ultimately depends.

I wonder if anyone besides Kenty and I are reading each-others posts. I bet that everyone else is just waiting until the discussion is over, or are just waiting for the discussion to change.

Do I care? Like I said, give me something to actually talk about, and I shall do so. Besides, it's their own fault since I reply to them in there ;P

Not like reading is a bad thing >_>

I find three months to be while. And my post wasn't geared towards tricks/glitches that have been already found out.

Two months and a week, to be a little picky. Considering the game is almost out for a year now, that really isn't a lot of time, especially since people already thought they knew everything half a year ago. Finding new things is not impossible, even with the game being out for a while now.
15,595 posts

If you add more things to the analogy because I asked something, then yes, that is changing the story. The fact that I found a problem with it shows that it wasn't *perfect* like you claimed earlier.

Oh look, now who's being picky with words. Of course nothing is perfect. But it was a good analogy, and adding to the story isn't really changing it. I was answering the questions that you had about the situation.
If you didn't want me to add more to it, then you shouldn't have asked questions.
Hmmmmmm,it seems you DID play to get a reaction,because otherwise that post wouldn't exist. You even took pictures as evidence and everything.

There's really no point in denying it, since you flat out said yourself that you intended to get reactions.

I just got on for a few minutes to test something, and to practice maps. What I was testing was looking for newcomers/inexperienced players then see what they would say to me.
I didn't say anything in the chat rooms while I was playing, unless they asked me something. The main reason why I was on Exit Path was to practice, the looking to see if people would label me as a hacker was a test. Looks like it was a success too.
But that isn't trolling, since I didn't do anything to make them say those things to me. I was simply playing the game, racing, which is what the game was made for.
And I already said that 184 matches (which is the highest non-grandmaster) isn't a lot. Ergo, not experienced.

Playing all those matches takes time, which means that they are experienced.
That was my point.

Here's what you said:
That doesn't necessarily mean a similar glitch couldn't exist. Even though there's supposedly a "time hack", it doesn't mean someone is hacking every time the clock glitches out.
Time hack is the 00.00 thing. I've seen it several times. I've never seen the clock end up at 00.00 on any match that didn't include a hacker in the room.
That's what you think. Since new routes and tricks are still being found, there's absolutely no way to know for sure. It wouldn't even need to be a glitch for *unlimited* flow. One that starts you with a full bar(or the amount you had last race) could easily have the same effect.

If you played the levels that I played with the person, then you'd think otherwise. The player was using flow throughout the whole level, and I know the person wasn't tapping flow because the player would hit blocks/walls and still go very fast. And using that full bar at the beginning of the race doesn't matter.
I mentioned that the player was also able to flow through the whole maze.
That wasn't the point.

Use better words, then.
This isn't what you said the first time.

This has to be the main reason why I don't use the chat box on Exit Path, most of the people on there are quite ignorant
I should've posted that I don't use it often.
Implying they are not civilized and immature.

From how they act in chat, they aren't.
Cursing at another player for finishing quickly is not civilized nor mature.
Calling their actions stupid.

ZOMG NOOB HAXOR!!1111, (insert curse words here), (copy and pastes hacker a million times in chat box every match)
That's stupid.
This hacking thing was just part of the whole thing.

It had nothing to do with the start of the discussion.
The start of the discussion was me posting about people calling me a hacker, then the posting about an actual hacker on the game was seperate.
DO tell why I'd *hate* you. If someone made those exact posts, you can be **** sure I would've adressed them if I noticed them.

Ghosts chat, and all the arguments we've had.
And it isn't likely they made the EXACT SAME post, but they are similar.
Scroll down.
Oh look.

As for you, I generally quote you because your posts have the most substance to them (regardless of whether I agree or not) and I know you'll actually respond.
Correcting and finding flaws in your reasoning is not forcing my opinion on you. When I share my opinion, I'm usually make sure that it is easily recognised as such.

But sure, I'll play this game: Name one instance where I *forced my opinion* on you. And no correcting you isn't such an instance, unless you can show it was opinion and not something else.

to explain their opinion.
^ Quoted from you a page back.
(It's on page 2 btw)
Right here

Not only does that make you come of as arrogant, it's also forcing your opinion on someone.

It isn't forcing my opinion on another individual, and I wasn't being arrogant. I was posting about something that I notice in the game while I play.
Like I said, give me something to actually talk about, and I shall do so.

I can't, since I'm only here to defend myself.
Finding new things is not impossible, even with the game being out for a while now.

New things such as?
15,595 posts

to explain their opinion.
^ Quoted from you a page back.

To add to this, from how you're posting, it does seem like you're forcing your opinion on the matter onto me. Our opinions aren't the same within this discussion, which is why this discussion has lasted so long.
452 posts

I've never seen the clock end up at 00.00 on any match that didn't include a hacker in the room.
Hmm, I think it was a glitch because one time on descending, someone got 00:00 but another person also got something like 00:30, so I think the time reseted or something somehow.
33 posts

"I understand being called a hacker is annoying, especially for someone of your talent and experience, but try having people demand you have sex with them or assume that because you are a female online you should date them."

This is very true. Man up and hold back the (not so manly?) tears when that level 5 poster refuses to give you kudos and calls you a hacker, it's not much.

If any girls under 12 play the game (even 13-14ish) they can be traumatized fairly easily by creeps over the internet.

I usually end up muting half the room each match, and find it a relief to be with GMs who are typically somewhat polite.

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