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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

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  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

I am 98% sure people said things to FaithPath like people are to Crysis2Rocks now.

Considering most of the people calling Crysis2Rocks a hacker now are friends with Faithpath, I doubt it. That's how it works; they praise Faithpath for a wonderful score and say he's the best at EP, but when someone beats his score they get upset and make absurd claims of hacking.
You can only say he has hacked if you have proof.

Yeah, since they made the claim of it they have to prove it, otherwise it doesn't hold any water in a discussion. It's like me saying the PS3 is the best console in the world; if I can't prove it, it doesn't matter.
Why do people care so much about a high-score on a flash game anyways?

I think most of us would care a little if twenty scores of 00:00 were published. But taking Cyrsis2Rocks's score like this is redundant.

If you really think Crysis2Rocks did hack, post it on GetSatisfaction so they administration can investigate it, or just drop it since you don't have proof of him hacking.
103 posts

[/quote]I am 98% sure people said things to FaithPath like people are to Crysis2Rocks now. So, could people calm down with the claims of hacking. You can only say he has hacked if you have proof.[quote]

indeed I got. And guess what, Matrix who is mimicing the "Good Guy" here was the one accusing me to hack back then. He didn't say most likely, he just claimed it wasnt legit. First after getting a 2:37, and kept on claiming for pages! Until a well known player called Ghostofzero vouched for me. And that was even under different circumstances. Where the score, and most of the leaderboard was progressing over time.

Anyways. Its just my opinion, considering the circumstances and how it got scored, that the time is most likely not legit. I cant proofe it, thats why he has the benefit of the doubt and I am not fully calling it a hack. You two can't proofe that his time is legit, so its also just an opinion. PPL are allowed to have opinions in here? Alright lets see what happens. Because Trixie has the tendencie to not accept others opinion and quote there posts into pieces......

103 posts

He didn't say most likely, he just claimed it wasnt legit. First after getting a 2:37, and kept on claiming for pages!

Ohh well browsing back, you didn't say it directly so I am taking it back. Must been false in my memory. You have been persistent with saying its impossible, but not saying its a cheat/hack. So nvm and sorry
15,595 posts

indeed I got.

Nope, from what I saw when you got the highscore was constant praise on your profile and even other places. So don't try to say a lot of experienced players called you a hacker, because they didn't.
Matrix who is mimicing the "Good Guy" here was the one accusing me to hack back then.

Digging up the past for this argument isn't helping you one bit. Sure I called you a hacker back then, but that was when the best score was 2:50. You seriously think people won't question someone getting twenty seconds lower than that on EP1 uniplayer? And I don't see how I'm mimicking anything. I'm just pointing out that you have to prove that his score is hacked if you want to say something like that. I'm also trying to get through that there are better people out there than you. It seems like it's hard for you to believe that. Just because someone gets a better score than you doesn't necessarily mean it's a hack. I even read a comment of yours on another persons profile page and you said it was hacked, so don't try to say "most likely" in this discussion rather than "claimed".
He didn't say most likely, he just claimed it wasnt legit. First after getting a 2:37, and kept on claiming for pages! Until a well known player called Ghostofzero vouched for me.

Show me proof of this. I vaguely remember the incident, but from what I remember I said you most likely cheated on uniplayer. But really, bringing up the past because you're angry or whatever isn't helping you in this discussion. The current discussion is about Crysis2Rocks score, if you didn't realize that.
Where the score, and most of the leaderboard was progressing over time.

Not really, the highscore at that time was 2:50.
considering the circumstances and how it got scored, that the time is most likely not legit.

What circumstances? And "how" did it get scored? Is it really that difficult for you to believe someone got a lower time than you in a legitimate way?
You two can't proofe that his time is legit

We can't prove it, but we didn't make the claim that he did hack, so the burden of proof is on you for claiming he hacked uniplayer. If you want to use the proof argument, learn how to hold a proper discussion first. Also, it doesn't look like you can prove your time, so that is most likely a hack as well, with using your logic, that is.
PPL are allowed to have opinions in here?

So your personal view is that if anyone gets a better score than you on uniplayer and you've never raced them it's automatically a hack. I completely understand.
Because Trixie has the tendencie to not accept others opinion and quote there posts into pieces.

Try reading the posts next time, eh? I understand the difference between opinion and fact, which is why I entered this discussion. You even asked for other thoughts when you first posted. And quoting them how I do makes them neater and more understandable to people. If you have a problem with discussions, I advise you to leave, or try choosing better wording next time.

Here's some stuff you wrote:
But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated
^ That's not an opinion; you stated it as a fact.

This name never ran into me.
^ From this I gathered that just because you never heard his name it's automatically a hack.

Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue.
^ Oh, look, you posted "imo" in there. But wait, people can post highscores like that, so I corrected you right there.

Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on.
^ Oh, so just because he didn't submit other scores before his 2:25 score it must be a hack.

And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever.
Oh, so because he isn't arrogant and gloats about his score it must be a hack.

other thoughts?
Oh, look, you even asked for others thoughts on the matter.
15,595 posts

Show me proof of this. I vaguely remember the incident, but from what I remember I said you most likely cheated on uniplayer.

This part of the post doesn't belong in there since you cleared that up.
103 posts

Digging up the past for this argument isn't helping you one bit. Sure I called you a hacker back then, but that was when the best score was 2:50. You seriously think people won't question someone getting twenty seconds lower than that on EP1 uniplayer?

To compare it to facts: The submitted times from me has been 2:42,2:39,2:37,2:33. Submitting them from week to week as they occured. The next best time was 2:43 from Ghostofzero. So there was a 10sec difference when your doubts about it beeing legit occured. And it was over time. So a lot less extreme as you try to make it look like. Also followed times by zero was something in the 2:50's by pain i think or so.

And again you need to read it as a whole:
[/quote]But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated :/
I mean there is no proofe, thats why he still claims one percent, but a week before he submitted I was back playing ep1 online occassional. This name never ran into me. Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue. Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on. And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever.
Unfortunately the ladder can be hacked with random scores, e.g.: [quote]
So it gets obvious that there is the benefit of the doubt in the 1%. Those are some thoughts that make me suspicious.

Final add: here we go quoting until ripping sentences outta context. Is your attention span so short that you cant argue in paragraphs? Or understand someones paragraph in a whole? Sorry but it really looks like that...
15,595 posts

And again you need to read it as a whole

It doesn't make a difference and doesn't refute anything I posted on page 255. Re-read my post on this page several times until you can comprehend it if you're having troubles with understanding what I posted and responded to. Also, imagine all of that I posted into one single paragraph responding to your paragraph; it would be difficult to understand what I was addressing, so there's your explanation as to why I quoted certain things.
here we go quoting until ripping sentences outta context. Is your attention span so short that you cant argue in paragraphs? Or understand someones paragraph in a whole? Sorry but it really looks like that

Explain how any of the things I responded to where taken out of context. I took those things out and quoted sentences because I wanted to address those certain points. Quoting a large paragraph and responding with an even larger paragraph doesn't make much sense, now does it? People would get confused as to what I'm addressing and it wouldn't make sense, hence the quoting of sentences and addressing them. Perhaps you should re-read this discussion over, because obviously you didn't understand what I addressed. And if you like reading things as a whole paragraph rather than having someone address certain points, then open something like notepad and copy/paste all of that into notepad so it's in a single paragraph and read it, since you can only understand things written like that.
103 posts

Explain how any of the things I responded to where taken out of context. I took those things out and quoted sentences because I wanted to address those certain points. Quoting a large paragraph and responding with an even larger paragraph doesn't make much sense, now does it? People would get confused as to what I'm addressing and it wouldn't make sense, hence the quoting of sentences and addressing them. Perhaps you should re-read this discussion over, because obviously you didn't understand what I addressed. And if you like reading things as a whole paragraph rather than having someone address certain points, then open something like notepad and copy/paste all of that into notepad so it's in a single paragraph and read it, since you can only understand things written like that.

No its just that I can discuss a topic in its whole, a quality you obviously lack. I see your motivation. Its easier to dismiss a single phrase and its content, then an idea and thoughts, that get formulated in one or more sentences. The whole idea that merges out of the single phrases.

This for example is ridiculous single phrasing till it looses context:
Here's some stuff you wrote:
But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated
^ That's not an opinion; you stated it as a fact.

This name never ran into me.
^ From this I gathered that just because you never heard his name it's automatically a hack.

Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue.
^ Oh, look, you posted "imo" in there. But wait, people can post highscores like that, so I corrected you right there.

Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on.
^ Oh, so just because he didn't submit other scores before his 2:25 score it must be a hack.

And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever.
Oh, so because he isn't arrogant and gloats about his score it must be a hack.

other thoughts?

compared to:
But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated :/
I mean there is no proofe, thats why he still claims one percent, but a week before he submitted I was back playing ep1 online occassional. This name never ran into me. Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue. Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on. And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever.
Unfortunately the ladder can be hacked with random scores, e.g.:
15,595 posts

No its just that I can discuss a topic in its whole

If I posted all of that as one large paragraph it wouldn't make sense.
Its easier to dismiss a single phrase and its content, then an idea and thoughts, that get formulated in one or more sentences. The whole idea that merges out of the single phrases.

Guess you didn't re-read the post on page 255. That's understandable considering you're lacking several things. But still if I must explain this again: Separating the points doesn't affect the paragraph. I separated them so they would make more sense, rather than posting a giant paragraph that wouldn't make sense. If you can't comprehend that, then I don't know what to tell you.
This for example is ridiculous single phrasing till it looses context:

Explain how it loses context (second time I've asked that and you've yet to explain, either you're trolling or you have no idea what you're talking about). Separating those sentences allows it to make more sense, rather than posting a whole paragraph with those sentences in it.

This is getting off-topic because you're angry over how I format my posts, so let's move on:

You wouldn't like being called a hacker, now would you? So quit labeling others as such without proof of them hacking, or even anything showing how they hacked. If you can't accept that someone is better than you, too bad; there are better people out there, accept it, quit with the immature thoughts that you are the best at the game and accept that someone is better than you at uniplayer. From your recent posts, it sure does look like you can't accept defeat. Now, if you really think he hacked, post it on GetSatisfaction. Complaining about it in here isn't going to do anything, it's not like the administrators read through this whole thread to see what we've said, so it's either be productive and do something about it, or just be silent since you're making absurd claims about hacking. Senselessly arguing about it without anything to back up your argument isn't going to get you anywhere, and obviously you're not going to give up the argument because of your inflated ego; I've posted several things to point out he most likely didn't hack, you've yet to post anything to prove he hacked, so actually do something productive and post a thread on GetSatisfaction so they can investigate it, because obviously arguing with me isn't going to fix anything, now is it?
103 posts

Guess you didn't re-read the post on page 255. That's understandable considering you're lacking several things. But still if I must explain this again: Separating the points doesn't affect the paragraph. I separated them so they would make more sense, rather than posting a giant paragraph that wouldn't make sense. If you can't comprehend that, then I don't know what to tell you.

That makes no sense ;D. An analytic statement is always less then an synthetic statement. You just cant handle a discussion of combined thoughts.

Let me just merge things I have posted over the pages as quotes, hopefully youll get it then:
But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated :/
I mean there is no proofe, thats why he still claims one percent, but a week before he submitted I was back playing ep1 online occassional. This name never ran into me. Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue. Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on. And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever.
The reasons why I said that it is MOST LIKELY not legit has been stated under it
I did not call him that because I know that 2:25 is possible, and because there is no proofe to it yet.
And of course I don't think that everybody close to me is a hack
Anyways. Its just my opinion, considering the circumstances and how it got scored, that the time is most likely not legit. I cant proofe it, thats why he has the benefit of the doubt and I am not fully calling it a hack. You two can't proofe that his time is legit, so its also just an opinion. PPL are allowed to have opinions in here? Alright lets see what happens.

I break it down for you, so you might get it:
-99% or mostly =/= "He's a hacker!"
-Ther is no proofe for hack or not = I am not able to say he did, ur not able to say he didn't; hence i don't claim that he did
-not beeing able to proofe anything = no post on getsatisfaction; i noticed it thank you; you can stop advising it now
-don't think everybody close to me is hack = I can accept good scores, having no problem with them
-stated often thats an opinion, not a fact

Let me add some things. You don't know me well so its no problem. I am not angry about the past, and I already forgave you for the mistaken. Never was resentful about others and never gonna be. So its no problem as said.
People that got to know me closer hopefully experienced that I have no ego issues. I am happy for ppl doing well, and doing better [great time on ep2 darwin, maybe someday i get close ], and I can deal with defeats very well. Check my profile, you will see a statement that still lasts for me: That zero is my #1. I don't think I am the best. Never did, never said. Your accusing me of thoughts I never had and never formulated with saying:

If you can't accept that someone is better than you, too bad; there are better people out there, accept it, quit with the immature thoughts that you are the best at the game and accept that someone is better than you at uniplayer. From your recent posts, it sure does look like you can't accept defeat
Senselessly arguing about it without anything to back up your argument isn't going to get you anywhere, and obviously you're not going to give up the argument because of your inflated ego;
15,595 posts

That makes no sense

Meh, you've resorted to trolling at this point. No use in re-explaining it.
You just cant handle a discussion of combined thoughts.

Combined thoughts? Separating them doesn't divide them, just makes it clearer and better to understand for others. You think we're the only ones that read this? Well, you're wrong. People aren't going to understand our discussion if we just post large bodies of text with lacks of quotes or explanations, so it's better to read and comprehend through separating them and addressing them separately, rather than continuing to type and type about a paragraph.

Let's see if this makes much sense at all:
But its like 99% hacked and/or cheated :/
I mean there is no proofe, thats why he still claims one percent, but a week before he submitted I was back playing ep1 online occassional. This name never ran into me. Also imo nobody shoots such a highscore out of the blue. Everybody started getting and submitting 3:00 then 2:40s and so on. And what also doesn't fit, his account is not active anywhere, bragging about it, whatever. other thoughts?

Why are you so sure of this? I'm sure it's possible for someone aside from you to achieve first place. His score is just 2 seconds faster, so why the thought he hacked? I've ran the uniplayer course so many times on EP1; I know there are spots where I could've improved my time and such to get a score in the 2:30s, but it was very difficult for me and tedious after failing so many times. That doesn't automatically mean that when someone gets a score in that time range it's a hack. Some people are better at the game and can complete it much quicker. You can't disprove it either. It's like people saying you hacked the leaderboards with your 2:27 time without any proof; it holds no ground. The time isn't something ridiculous like 2 minutes or under, so it is possible. There are people that stick with uniplayer. I even did it for a few weeks; I would just play uniplayer, no multiplayer for that time frame. What do you mean out of the blue? That person could've just been training that whole time without submitting their previous scores. I'm sure others have done it, I've even done it. I remember when I hit 3:16, I hit 3:14 and 3:10 soon after, but I didn't submit them; there was no real point in submitting those because it wouldn't improve my spot on the leaderboards, so I waited until I got something like 3:05 or 3:00. Doesn't mean it isn't legitimate. Many EP players weren't active in commenting nor posting for a few months. Also, as for the bragging, some people aren't arrogant and dislike gloating. I don't see how that means his time isn't real just because of that; not everyone is going to gloat about getting a new time. Yeah, but that doesn't refute his time. It isn't anything ridiculous like you posted (the 00:25 time). On his time? Unless someone can prove that his time is fake, is isn't. It looks like a legitimate score. Since the previous record is 2:27, I'm sure someone could smooth the routes to get 2 seconds lower than that. Also, I'm sure you would dislike people calling you a hacker without proof, so why are you calling Crysis2Rocks one? What you said in your post can apply to yourself. Where's the proof that your time is legitimate? Since I can't disprove it and it seems possible, it must be a legitimate time. So why can't you accept that someone else got 2 seconds lower than yours?

Yeah, from putting what I responded to your post in one paragraph; it doesn't make sense. Addressing the points one at a time makes much more sense for people.
-99% or mostly =/= "He's a hacker!"

It's the same as labeling him a hacker. It's like me saying my laptop is 99% good, so it's good, the good outweighs the bad. So you did imply he's a hacker.
-Ther is no proofe for hack or not = I am not able to say he did, ur not able to say he didn't; hence i don't claim that he did

Okay, this can apply to yourself and many others. There's a 99% percent chance you hacked EP uniplayer and many others as well, just because I said so. I guess I should complain in this thread and tell people it's my opinion because I think they hacked.
-not beeing able to proofe anything = no post on getsatisfaction; i noticed it thank you; you can stop advising it now

So? Many others that post hacked highscores can't prove that those are hacked, but the administrators investigate it, and most are removed. If you want something done, post it, otherwise quit being angry and complaining about someone being better than you at a flash game. From you labeling him a hacker and what you've posted it shows dissatisfaction, which equals complaining about it. It's either do something or drop it. The administrators have the tools to investigate it and if they see it's a hack, they'll remove it, if they see it's legitimate, it stays.
-don't think everybody close to me is hack = I can accept good scores, having no problem with them

You're being hypocritical since you think it's 99% chance he hacked and complaining about it within this thread.
I don't think I am the best. Never did, never said

From complaining about a score two seconds better than yours it seems like you can't handle someone being better and it leads me to believe you think you're the best at the game. If you didn't want people to think that, then you should've just said nothing and moved on, rather than posting there's a 99% chance he hacked the game and persisted about it.
103 posts

-99% or mostly =/= "He's a hacker!"

It's the same as labeling him a hacker. It's like me saying my laptop is 99% good, so it's good, the good outweighs the bad. So you did imply he's a hacker.

No its not labeling him that. Its leaving him the chance of beeing legit and stating it. Now I said it like 3 times i guess >.<
You stay realisation resistent for over 3 times then too maybe. It gets repetetive. Just reminds me why I stopped the argue's with you in the past. Your stating something, stay resistent whatever some1 says, quote everything into peaces to add some statements that arent true or never said. Like the last post I have said this:
People that got to know me closer hopefully experienced that I have no ego issues. I am happy for ppl doing well, and doing better [great time on ep2 darwin, maybe someday i get close ], and I can deal with defeats very well. Check my profile, you will see a statement that still lasts for me: That zero is my #1. I don't think I am the best. Never did, never said.

you directly anser this:
I don't think I am the best. Never did, never said

From complaining about a score two seconds better than yours it seems like you can't handle someone being better and it leads me to believe you think you're the best at the game. If you didn't want people to think that, then you should've just said nothing and moved on, rather than posting there's a 99% chance he hacked the game and persisted about it.

Your looping yourself. Failing to see others opinions. And I get sick of the looping so don't expect any further "repetitions" of me to you especially
15,595 posts

No its not labeling him that. Its leaving him the chance of beeing legit and stating it.

It is labeling him. Take DNA tests for example; on almost all DNA tests between siblings most are 99.9% they are related, which means they are related, but there is still that little percentile that they are not related, however, since it's 99.9% they are labeled as siblings/related. The same applies to you saying he 99% hacked his score.
Like the last post I have said this:

I didn't keep saying you think you were the best there, I WAS EXPLAINING WHY I THOUGHT IT BEFORE.
Failing to see others opinions.

The opinion that you think he's a hacker? You stated several things about that as facts, so they aren't opinions. I advise you to look up the definitions of opinion and fact.
40 posts

I agree with Faithpath. Also, I'd recommend not responding to trix because he loves to quote things and generally write a paragraph for each line of text.

I played for a few hours yesterday, and I think that EP2 has some potential, especially private rooms. I have multiple computers, so I had one account host and not move, and played on my desktop, and it worked out fine. We discovered some new shortcuts, but haven't found a good use for overflow yet that warrants its use.

15,595 posts

Gotta love 'dem fanboys and hypocrites.

haven't found a good use for overflow yet that warrants its use.

On stages that don't have a lot of deathtraps nor turns.
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