ForumsWEPRPresident Barack Obama

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Why does everyone blame Obama for the country being the way it is? He actually has only two obligations, to declare war and to veto or affirm bills passed by Congress. Even then, Congress can overrule both.

It seems that people want one man to solve their problems alone, as if it is a temporary dictatorship. Congress is made up of 535 people. Those people are people that citizens voted for. Even if they did not vote for Obama, they still probably voted for a member of Congress that won.

Obama really can't do much other than to plead to Congress to address the topics he wants Congress address in his State of the Union address. Besides, if Obama is doing any thing unconstitutional, Congress can't impeach him. The Supreme Court can only deem his actions unconstitutional, and then impeach him. He can be impeached from office, but not removed from office unless he did something horrendous.

So, why do people want to impeach Obama, force his image on the reason the country's status is like this, and blame him for not being able to be bipartisan with the increasingly leftist Republicans?

  • 93 Replies
5,043 posts

Exactly. You're the only person to understand the point of this thread. Both Obama and Bush had really should not be blamed for the mess, but rather Congress.

Actually, he was still finding a way to blame Bush. But the important thing here is that you are incorrect.

I believe the President proposes it and Congress votes on it. You're also wrong. I am stating that Obama should not be blamed for anything.

The president has much more power than what you're giving him credit. More on that later.

Let me clarify the point of this thread. This thread is to ask why people blame Obama and Bush when he really had nothing to do with it.

If the President played such a small role in government, then it really wouldn't of much importance to listen to what he has to say before electing him then wouldn't it?

Just take a look at Wikipedia. As you can see, the president plays a much bigger role than what you're leading on.
5,043 posts

Stop blaming Obama for signing a bill that Congress proposed.

If Obama signs a bill, we can blame him. End of story.
2,420 posts

If Obama signs a bill, we can blame him. End of story.

Yeah, but who proposed that bill? 535 others, but you never hear people blaming each and every one of them who voted on it.
1,714 posts

Actually, he was still finding a way to blame Bush. But the important thing here is that you are incorrect.

Actually I was pointing out the Bush is a moron, not blaming him. And Kevin4762 is the correct one, it is congress that has caused the problems.
66 posts

The president has much more power than what you're giving him credit

yes, i was oversimplifying something to make a point

Yeah, but who proposed that bill? 535 others, but you never hear people blaming each and every one of them who voted on it.

very good point, however as the highest member of his party (and the country) the perception to many is that he is in total control over what is law.

2,420 posts

The president has much more power than what you're giving him credit. More on that later.

Prove it.

Let me clarify the point of this thread. This thread is to ask why people blame Obama and Bush when he really had nothing to do with it.

[quote]If the President played such a small role in government, then it really wouldn't of much importance to listen to what he has to say before electing him then wouldn't it?

It actually does. Those are the things he wants Congress to perform.

Just take a look at Wikipedia. As you can see, the president plays a much bigger role than what you're leading on.

Because the United States is a presidential system, the president fulfills the roles of head of state and head of government. As a head of state, the President of the United States represents the nation at home and abroad. In this capacity the President has the power to receive other foreign heads of state, such as the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Chancellor of Germany in official ceremonies. As head of state, the President has the power to offer diplomatic recognition of other states. This is most commonly done through an exchange of ambassadors between the two countries. At times, diplomatic recognition can be controversial. President Harry Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948 to much popular outcry, and President George W. Bush extended recognition to Kosovo in 2008 despite the questionable legal status of the nation. Many of the duties as head of state are ceremonial and convey no real power. The President will exercise real political power as the head of government.

He's a diplomat.

The president is also responsible for preparing the Budget of the United States, although the Congress must approve it.

CONGRESS approves it.

Article I, Section 1 of the US Constitution specifically reserves all federal legislative authority to Congress, not the president.

Article I, Clause 1 specifically grants all federal legislative authority to the United States Congress:

"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

President doesn't make laws. He can hire and fire bureaucrats in agencies and departments. Agencies and departments can make rules and regulations concerning ONLY their area of governing. The president is a diplomat towards other nations.

The executive branch has very little power compared to the legislative branch.
2,420 posts

Concerning Congress, it is too get rid of the two-party system, and replace with a system where no single party can hold the majority. Each party would have to work together and compromise to hold the majority in Congress.

Special interest groups and lobbyists represent the minority of the population, and this country is based on what the majority of the people want. Lobbyists and special interest groups should not be able to hold any influence on what lawmakers do. I dare anyone to tell me that lobbyists have not EVER wrote an entire bill and give it to a legislator to propose. Why would a legislator ever need to actually write a bill when he has lobbyists who do it for him and in turn give him voters for the next election?

Congress is corrupt, too partisan, and inefficient.

You all are blaming the wrong person, using a single person as a scapegoat when the real cause are the 535 people who really do the dirty work.

383 posts

I blame him for inaction more than anything. I voted for him but he's done very little. I am displeased.

2,420 posts

I blame him for inaction more than anything. I voted for him but he's done very little. I am displeased.

What do you expect him to do?
172 posts

What can he do, most of what he began his term with in the Healthcare bill just got repealed.

2,420 posts

What can he do, most of what he began his term with in the Healthcare bill just got repealed.

Well, he really couldn't do anything to begin with. The democratic Congress voted in favour of it but when the GOP took hold of Congress, they voted it down. If no one party held the majority in Congress and if they were SOOOO partisan, then things would be a lot better.
172 posts

Yeah weren't a bunch of Republicans sworn in a few weeks ago. I'm not big on politics.

2,420 posts

Yeah weren't a bunch of Republicans sworn in a few weeks ago. I'm not big on politics.

Yes. The Senate has switched to Republican and the House stayed Democratic. They Republican have the majority in the Senate but the House is pretty much equal in the House.
6,800 posts

Yes. The Senate has switched to Republican and the House stayed Democratic. They Republican have the majority in the Senate but the House is pretty much equal in the House.

Nope. No one has the *majority* in the Senate. Dems have the largest number, followed by the Republicans, followed by the independents. No one, though, holds the majority. I think its somewere around 49-46-5.

In the House, the Republicans hold the clear majority. I think its something around 230(ish)-190(ish).

Numbers are off, but it just looks like you got your Senate and House switched up.
2,226 posts

Personally, I don't think we can blame the recession on any one person, but passing a Bill giving free health care to everyone when we're already $14,000,000,000,000 in debt probably doesn't help Barrack out a whole lot. Before all this happened, it was Bush's fault, and before that was Clinton, and so on and so fourth. I think that the greed and selfishness...probably a little bit of gluttony as well started this. I'm starting to get a little off topic so I'll just end there.

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