I will answer some question in this post, one is why do I believe in Jesus well because I believe is because when I ask him into my heart I will be in heaven one day. Next is aren't you afraid of being some what pursacuted (I spelled pursacuted wrong twice) over the internet and the answer is no why is because what they say doesn't matter only God's opinion matters because he created us and loves all even though some of you don't believe in him . To end this well I guess I should proof read my stuff before posting it.
What if you find a Cat opening a Can of tuna steaks with a can opener.
It's all a what if and know one will find out - My opinion.
Fact: My neighbor died on the operating table for a couple of minutes before being resuscitated a few months back. He said he found nothing when he passed, no 'light' or a 'god/devil' live world. All he remembers is complete blackness, when he came back though he felt frozen, cold, lonely, all emotion gone, he felt like 'death' as the saying would go.
Make use of that, seeming others claim to of seen the light when they die for a moment while under the knife.
What if you are wrong? What if, when you die, you find Allah, Vishnu, or Zeus in heaven?
And I could pose the same query to you. What if you are wrong and it is Vishnu or Zeus or Hades who are the real deities? According to the doctrine surrounding them then you would be punished for not following their rules. This query is really a simplified version of Pascal's Wager, which has already been logically torn to shreds by many much more versed in logic than myself, so no need to go into details.
Also, getting answers from the Bible has already been demonstrated numerous times to be fallacious and unreliable. That's equivalent to saying one gets their answers from the Qur'an, the Vedic texts, Dianetics, or The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I am not wrong because i get my answer from the Bible
Here is my problem. First, you believe you are not wrong, and I have a feeling that any evidence against the bible will not convince you of anything (although I could be wrong). Second, You assume the bible is true, but how do you know so?
Within the bible, scholars have found thousands of contradictions, which would mean that the validity of the bible is in question and thus no one should trust anything in the bible without outside evidence.