ForumsWEPRAsk dat Jesus freak (with detail this time)

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159 posts

I will answer some question in this post, one is why do I believe in Jesus well because I believe is because when I ask him into my heart I will be in heaven one day. Next is aren't you afraid of being some what pursacuted (I spelled pursacuted wrong twice) over the internet and the answer is no why is because what they say doesn't matter only God's opinion matters because he created us and loves all even though some of you don't believe in him . To end this well I guess I should proof read my stuff before posting it.

  • 80 Replies
48 posts

wasn't talking to but since you do what created the world then if you don't believe in God?

Well, that would be a natural process that happened over billions of years. Basically, with enough material, as well as gravity and a long period of time, rocks and other debris collect together in large enough quantities to form planets.

Fusion in stars over the years would have formed the heavier materials such as iron, gold, carbon, and all the other materials needed to "create" a planet so to speak.

As for the very beginning of the universe where all matter originated, no one has an answer to that, humans simply cannot figure that out with current technology.
159 posts

I am just curious to know what evolutionists believe in

3,085 posts

There's no such thing as an 'evolutionist' - that's akin to being a 'gravitist' or something along those lines.

As for an outline of the theory of evolution:

626 posts

So read the orignal big bang paper and kindly tell me where they errored

i dont think the problem is with errors in the theory, but that some people just dont accept it. we didnt observe the big bang happen, so we cant know for sure if it did.
5,552 posts

I am just curious to know what evolutionists believe in

...That life evolves over time. Starting from the Origin of the universe, most widely accepted is the Big Bang theory, matter collected into stars and planetoids, and as someone already said, heavier elements were produced in stars, and as those stars died out the matter was pulled into gravitational wells, and larger planets were formed. Then things combined, producing the first forms of bacteria, single celled organisms, that excreted gases, and over time these gases made up the atmosphere, while the bacteria evolved. About 4-5billion years later, here we are. I think that this sounds much more plausible than what the bible says happened, not even 100k years ago we just all poofed here by some random whim of a supernatural being. Yeah...
2,420 posts

Why is it that most religions feel the need to have a holy book about their beliefs?

626 posts

Oh, so you don't believe in the civil war, world war 1 etc because you never witnessed it either?

humans were around to witness those.. and i never said i didnt believe the big bang (i dont really know how the universe came to be.. and im fine not knowing) nobody saw the big bang.. its just sciences best explanation
9,462 posts

evolution and the creation of the world are completely different theories

Creation isn't a theory. It has no supporting evidence.

According to the Bible,
-Has anyone seen God? (yes or no)
-Should the son be punished for what his father's sins? (yes or no)
-When the Devil was trying to tempt Jesus, where did the devil take Jesus to first? (the temple or the mountain)
-As Jesus and his followers left Jericho, how many blind men did Jesus heal? (one or two)
626 posts

the big bang hasnt been proved though... so we cant accept it as fact just yet.. its our best guess

159 posts

You know what I am just going to lock it (not really)

626 posts

It has been, mathematically, just like the Pythagorean theorem

people have also said it has been proven wrong
486 posts

I thought that this was a thread where people ask you tiger25691, but instead you are interogating others as if they have to justify their non-belief. I'm wondering if you are a troll, since you have presented a number of logical fallacies that really, should have been addressed many times around the internet already.

The bible isn't a reliable source of information, even if you claim that it is the word of god because it says so. If you wan't I can write you a fictional story and include within the writing; this book is the perfect truth. You can go ahead and believe in that then if you so wish.

You think that somehow theism and evolution is in direct opposition and that atheism equates to belief in evolution, when evolution explains the diversity of life not everything.

You think that evolutionism is some kind of cult that tries to explain the universe with evolution instead of god, when evolution explains the diversity of life, not the beggining of the universe, the formation of galaxies and solar systems or even the beggining of life. You know what you so call 'evolutionists' believe in? Evolution. The only information you can gather from a statement that suggests belief in evolution is that, the person believes in evolution.

You equivocate scientific theory to common folk theory. I can theorize that money grows on trees, but it's not a scientific theory. Scientific theory has to go through rigorous testing and fit with other scientific models. It has to take into account and be able to explain all available data and has predictive capabilities. Evolution meets all these requirements and has much evidence to back it up. Go ahead and say gravity is just a theory, because that's pretty much on the same level as saying that evolution is just a theory.

Then theres also shifting the burden of proof, you are assuming that non-belief in god must be accompanied by an alternative explanation to the universe and everything in it. In fact, you need to provide evidence that god exists to be able to rationally believe in god. Atheists need not justify their non-belief unless you show us proof that theism is correct first. It is perfectly rational to be an atheist and claim that there are things you do not know, better than claiming you know god did it when you have no evidence.

I don't really have the enthusiasm to 'debate' with a person like you but I just felt like pointing out the obvious misconceptions that you hold. Have fun continuing to use flawed logic, but remember that it doesn't make your position correct.

1,448 posts

Ooh - yay! I don't know why this is so common, but this is ALL

Galileo Gambit

And, without further ado, here is my proof of evolution:

I challenge you to refute it (not to sound arrogant, but I am seriously interested in anyone finding the fallacy)

1) There will be genetic variation within a population.
2) There is inheritance within a population, in which the offspring inherit traits from their parents.
3) There will be certain traits that benefit survival and reproduction more than other traits.
4) Over time, we can observe traits that benefit survival and reproduction to be more common than other traits, as these traits directly increase the chance that these traits will be passed on to offspring.

4,871 posts

I challenge you to refute it (not to sound arrogant, but I am seriously interested in anyone finding the fallacy)

Although you've proved that evolution could have happened and have laid out the basic argument for micro-evolution you haven't proven that all species evolved from a common ancestor. You showed that the mechanics of evolution are there but because we can not travel through time and directly observe all evolution occurring we can not completely prove it.

Don't get me wrong I support evolution as the best explanation for the variation of species but we still cannot prove it and we most likely never will; however, this by no means discounts it as an extremely strong theory.
1,448 posts

because we can not travel through time and directly observe all evolution occurring we can not completely prove it.

I feel that evolution is one of the most commonly misunderstood things by "Jesus freaks (with detail this time)," so I'm just trying to "shed light" on the subject.
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