ForumsWEPRVideo Game Health Labeling Act

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I like to punch babies, kick puppies (I call it the M. Vick Kick), rob liquor stores, hijack cars, and shoot old people with guns; and it's all because I play video games.

Congressman Joe Baca has introduced a bill which will require a warning label to be placed on all video games rated T - M.

âWARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.â

First of all, we already HAVE a rating system on video games. This is mentioned in the article I linked. Not only is it redundant, but it's absolutely insulting to consumers! I could go on but the article vents my frustration better than I could.

This is what grinds my gears with politicians today. In America, politicians want to make everything they hate illegal. This is quite a difficult thing to do. By making video games illegal, you will cause many uproars. So what do politicians do? They try to think of ways to ostracize the things they hate with, for lack of a better term, indirect force. Where am I going with all of this?

Rather than making video games illegal, these politicians want to stamp a giant scarlet letter "A" on the cover of video games in hopes of warding parents away from them.

I could go on and on, but I'll end the OP right now and get some input from everyone else.
  • 39 Replies
95 posts

thats stupid.they dont have any prof. correct me if im wrong.

109 posts

I actually know for a fact that they don't have reliable proof. I did a full research paper (10+ pages) about the affects of video games on the mind. Want to know what the most prevalent studies said? They all said that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior. Want to know why they weren't reliable? They all based their claims on statistical data of whether a violent person had ever once come in contact with violent video games.

No test will ever be accurate for this. What parents in their right minds would risk their kids becoming these "deranged psychotic murderers" they've heard for the purpose of science?

The one study I found the least fault with showed that violent video games did lead to negative thoughts, but again, that can't be easily gauged. There was one really good study on how death with a story affects the mind as opposed to other forms of death in video games. Death with a story had more &quotositive" outcomes than other forms.

The issue here isn't whether games cause violence. It's whether News Media should be forced to shut up unless they have definitive proof of the outrageous claims they spout out of their mouths.

1,562 posts

It doesn't help that most of the video game research is completely flawed.

9,439 posts

They should put on guns, "Proper use may cause serious injury!"

They should put on cigarettes, "May make you smell like a burnt potato."

They should put on alcohol, "May get you arrested."

846 posts

So our glorious politicians are attempting to pass another stupid, pointless, redundant, and poorly thought out act?
You know at this point I'm just so fed up with it that I want to punch them, I want to find the person who thought of this and just say, "You sir, are an idiot" then punch him in the face.
CA SB 798 and this? I'm tired of hearing about bills and acts and crap that try and damage industries that are just being used as scapegoats. Gaming, Airsoft, two of my favorite hobbies and ignorant politicians are still trying to destroy them both?

I know they won't succeed with the Video game industry at least, but I'm just so fed up with politicians. Hopefully this act was dismissed, since the OP was on Jan 31

/rant end
Sorry, just had to say it
And this thread it slightly necroed, I'm not sure if the act is even still around.

1,761 posts

My game store hasnt had any change in games, so i am not sure if im out of juristicion, or if its not still around.

Anyways, this was 3 months or so of necro.

I enjoy dismembering people on fallout 3, or massacureing towns folk on Oblivion. They seem to think, that i will grow up, learn dark magic, buy an elvish sword, and charge into a town in the country and "slay" them all. Or maybe i will break into a goverment base with a gatling laser, T-45d power armor, a super mutant, and a dog, and kill them all, loot their bodies, and then call in for my rouge millitary friends to bring a giant robot to laser the remnamnts. Seriusly, most of the games arnt even able to inspire you to do something possible, because barely any games are about massacureing your local city, or sneaking guns into school. Look at my scarsm there, i play 2 violent video games, and they cant effect my life. Sure they may take up time, but they arnt causeing me to murder my brother.

23,530 posts

Any pile of stunted growth unaware that entertainment is just that and nothing more, deserves to doom themselves to some dank cell, somewhere, for having been so stupid!! Movies, books, T.V., music - They're all just entertainment, not guidebooks for daming yourself!

1,434 posts

Actually, there's a recent study that shows that people who play video games are liable to cause LESS violence or crime. The logic? They spend their time playing video games and not outside committing crimes...


this also ties in to why people without kids pay taxes for education, kids who are getting educated aren't out and about causing trouble, and grow up to learn not to be out and about causing trouble. (mostly)


370 posts

That is one of the most idiotic bills I have ever heard of. I have yet to find evidence that violent video games lead to violent behavior. Congress assumes all people are stupid. That people of all ages do not know the difference between reality and fictitious games. I think Penn and Teller did a show about this actually. Yes, they had a little kid on there no older than ten. He played what most people would call "extremely violent" first person shooters. They took this kid out to a shooting range with a REALLY big gun. I don't remember what it was.And, they shot it off. (Of course this was with the parents consent for they think this is a crock too.) And the kid went away crying because he was so scared! So, yeah he plays violent games but, that dosn't means he's going to go on a rampage and massacre people. Also, if video games caused violent behavior how much trouble would we be in really. There would be more trouble than there is now. Crime rates would be at least triple what they are. Also, I would be sadistically murdering as many innocent bystanders as possible. The games they consider harmful actually keep me from going on a monstrous rampage and beating the living daylights out of real people. Stress relieving at its finest.

I actually know for a fact that they don't have reliable proof. I did a full research paper (10+ pages) about the affects of video games on the mind. Want to know what the most prevalent studies said? They all said that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior. Want to know why they weren't reliable? They all based their claims on statistical data of whether a violent person had ever once come in contact with violent video games.

I did a research paper on this as well. For my final in my AP English course and found the same thing. I didn't find one study that didn't start with a violent person. They never started with violent games. It wasn't if a violent game came in contact with a normal person. It was always if a violent person came in contact with a violent game. Well, of course if a person has a violent past they are going to still be violent. Isn't that common sense. By the way Linktopast, did you find any relevant studies? I looked for two weeks and didn't find any that weren't bias.
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