ForumsWEPRVideo Game Health Labeling Act

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5,043 posts

I like to punch babies, kick puppies (I call it the M. Vick Kick), rob liquor stores, hijack cars, and shoot old people with guns; and it's all because I play video games.

Congressman Joe Baca has introduced a bill which will require a warning label to be placed on all video games rated T - M.

âWARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.â

First of all, we already HAVE a rating system on video games. This is mentioned in the article I linked. Not only is it redundant, but it's absolutely insulting to consumers! I could go on but the article vents my frustration better than I could.

This is what grinds my gears with politicians today. In America, politicians want to make everything they hate illegal. This is quite a difficult thing to do. By making video games illegal, you will cause many uproars. So what do politicians do? They try to think of ways to ostracize the things they hate with, for lack of a better term, indirect force. Where am I going with all of this?

Rather than making video games illegal, these politicians want to stamp a giant scarlet letter "A" on the cover of video games in hopes of warding parents away from them.

I could go on and on, but I'll end the OP right now and get some input from everyone else.
  • 39 Replies
1,606 posts

[/quote]It's the governments job to make sure people are well informed, not force ideas in their face, thats like dictatorship.[quote]
I hope the goverment didn't hear ou say that cause that's kinda what they've been doing. Like the U.S. and terorism, they've been saying to us with these patdowns and unnecasary full body scans FEAR TERRORISM AND DON'T TRAVEL CAUSE THERE WILL BE PAIN. Or at least that's what it's saying to me and I think their message is quite clear.

6,800 posts

Theres no point to it. A lot of parents won't buy T-M Rated games, and taxes will go down. And then we'll see a rise of youths convicted of stomping on Mushrooms and Turtles.

If you don't get the joke, you have no business in this thread.

9,504 posts

If you don't get the joke, you have no business in this thread.

Jump Man, right?

And Mature-rated games cannot be bought without ID anyway. Bet you this "study" was predominately made of children and teens. If they get their hands on such games, they have no one to blame but those who bought said game, which is most commonly parents.

As to the effects of such content: did they prove it yet? Were their "findings" conclusive? Were there unneeded variables in said "study" that could affect the behavior of the test subjects? Did the subjects already have a history of behavior? I find it odd that a group of aforementioned good, stable behaviors all of a sudden turned into a cruel irony of what they were playing.
1,606 posts

And Mature-rated games cannot be bought without ID anyway. Bet you this "study" was predominately made of children and teens. If they get their hands on such games, they have no one to blame but those who bought said game, which is most commonly parents.
As to the effects of such content: did they prove it yet? Were their "findings" conclusive? Were there unneeded variables in said "study" that could affect the behavior of the test subjects? Did the subjects already have a history of behavior? I find it odd that a group of aforementioned good, stable behaviors all of a sudden turned into a cruel irony of what they were playing.

I think that since this "test" was government conducted who's to say it's actualy TRUE? It could be just that they are trying to get rid of video games for whatever reason. But I don't ever think they will be able to since it'l be like the 18th admendment where it might be followed for a bit but then people might rebel. But since it's just a little warning label mosty people won't take this as a threat and they're prolly gonna keep doin these "changes"
5,552 posts

Correlation is not causation. Did it ever occur to anyone that more intrinsicly violent people LIKE to play the violent games? Hmm? This again seems to me such a stupid thing to link, as a fictional game is not going to affect how violent you are, although if you already ARE violent you might show it more. If someone thinks killing is wrong, they aren't going to go on a mass murder rampage after playing Halo and killing some people.

6,800 posts

Jump Man, right?

Yeah! How'd you know?

This debate is one sided. We need to get someone who doesn't play video games to comment on this...

Its rather pointless, but regardless of whether it happens or not, its not going to change much. Its just gonna be one more label no ones gonna read. They might as well add more pages into the instruction manual you get warning you about seizures, flashing lights, and hallucinations.
1,606 posts

Jump Man, right?
Yeah! How'd you know?
This debate is one sided. We need to get someone who doesn't play video games to comment on this...
Its rather pointless, but regardless of whether it happens or not, its not going to change much. Its just gonna be one more label no ones gonna read. They might as well add more pages into the instruction manual you get warning you about seizures, flashing lights, and hallucinations.

Sorry to break it to you but.... where are we gonna find someone who dosen't play video games on a game site? Maybe if somene gets their parent to comment on dis but that's very unlikely.

Its rather pointless, but regardless of whether it happens or not, its not going to change much. Its just gonna be one more label no ones gonna read. They might as well add more pages into the instruction manual you get warning you about seizures, flashing lights, and hallucinations.

I actualy used to read that cause it was right next to the cpu requirements so my eyes would drift.
156 posts

Yeah it would be a good idea, if it wasn't bull****. FBI reports show crime has been in a downturn for about 60 years, to give this meaning, video games were invented, not yet perfected, they sucked for about 20 years, but invented a little over 60 years ago

6,800 posts


I was being sarcastic...

1,448 posts

This post has been removed because exposure to it has been linked with aggressive and unruly behavior.

5,043 posts

I created a new forum game. I would love for everyone here to join in!

5,061 posts

For a project I did back in 7th grade, I had to research this, the 2000 FBI violent youth crime report actually shows a decrease in crime, coincidentally that's around the same time that the first GTA games were published.

68 posts

Makes me think whatever happened to Jack Thompson, a man who tried to pull something similar like this but got caught being a complete hypocrite and was ridiculed by the entire nation. The same stiff heads that are trying to put labels on games were the same ones that were arguing with the supreme court about putting restrictions on video games and their "violent" content. Just a bunch of bias religious morons that believe solving problems means you have to take away our general freedoms which makes the problems worse.

123 posts

ok that is just crap...thats what the ratings are for...seriously, are they trying to screw over this already dying ecnomoy? man, at this rate in my opnion america is going to screw itself completely, just for the sake of the ppl all divided trying to right what they believe is wrong and this a great example of this not thought out ideal...oh boy, viedo games that are violent are part fo life as with violent tv shows

1,434 posts

Rather than making video games illegal, these politicians want to stamp a giant scarlet letter "A" on the cover of video games in hopes of warding parents away from them
Love the reference, and it is unfortunately very true.

Alright.. lets shed some insight on this issue from your Friendly Neighborhood Sadist.

I am a hardcore VG player. I mainly play the 360 but i dabble in high-quality Wii and PS3 games. I have also recently started my PC library. I am an Achievement Hunter, and i play games until there's friggin 12 rings around it. My list of games down the stack is as follows;

Street Figher IV
Mirror's Edge
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Red Dead Redemption
Mafia II
Toy Story 3
Mass Effect 2 (unopened)
Halo: Reach
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Dead Rising 2
Fallout: New Vegas
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Alan Wake
Kinect Adventures!
The Saboteur
Guitar Hero 5
Halo Wars
Overlord II
Left 4 Dead
Rock Band 2
LEGO Batman
Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts 'n Bolts
Far Cry 2
Rock Band
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Rainbow Six Vegas
Big Bumpin
Viva Pinata
Dead Rising

Mostly M games. I am a wrestler and always maintain my cool even after a match i know i should not have lost (cuz refs are dooshbags)
and I am a mostly collected person. Teh theory behind the Violent games = violent children is the audience.

Children's minds are like sponges (See; Meet the Fockers) they take in and repeat EVERYTHING. If you show them a violent game and let them play it, of course they'll imitate it, and talk as such, because THEY DONT KNOW BETTER. Besides that, the Columbine shootings were caused by boys who played Doom, or Wolfenstien.

I'm not sure which one, but the reports are blaming the game for influencing the boys. Wolfenstien has you fighting Nazi's, so its a pretty pro-nationalism game, and Doom is set in teh future, and I'm pretty sure those kids at Columbine weren't ugly enough to look like aliens. the truth is the two used a map editor to recreate the school and strategize their positions and planning.

This new warning system is pretty unecessary, just because videogames are now bigger than movies (the traditional form of visual electronic entertainment) the populace feels it has to bash us and make every progressive step forward teh hardest step ever. Remember the Mass Effect incident? She said the game was based around the scene and how the sex scene was "unavoidable"? you miss one conversation with that blue chick and she's not putting out for ****!

I heard this a long time ago on this forum, "Twenty years from now, some guys are going to be running the country who spent years 14-25 playing GTA", and it always fills me with confidence for this great nation.
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