Rather than making video games illegal, these politicians want to stamp a giant scarlet letter "A" on the cover of video games in hopes of warding parents away from them
Love the reference, and it is unfortunately very true.
Alright.. lets shed some insight on this issue from your Friendly Neighborhood Sadist.
I am a hardcore VG player. I mainly play the 360 but i dabble in high-quality Wii and PS3 games. I have also recently started my PC library. I am an Achievement Hunter, and i play games until there's friggin 12 rings around it. My list of games down the stack is as follows;
Street Figher IV
Mirror's Edge
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Red Dead Redemption
Mafia II
Toy Story 3
Mass Effect 2 (unopened)
Halo: Reach
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Dead Rising 2
Fallout: New Vegas
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Alan Wake
Kinect Adventures!
The Saboteur
Guitar Hero 5
Halo Wars
Overlord II
Left 4 Dead
Rock Band 2
LEGO Batman
Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts 'n Bolts
Far Cry 2
Rock Band
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Rainbow Six Vegas
Big Bumpin
Viva Pinata
Dead Rising
Mostly M games. I am a wrestler and always maintain my cool even after a match i know i should not have lost (cuz refs are dooshbags)
and I am a mostly collected person. Teh theory behind the Violent games = violent children is the audience.
Children's minds are like sponges (See; Meet the Fockers) they take in and repeat EVERYTHING. If you show them a violent game and let them play it, of course they'll imitate it, and talk as such, because
THEY DONT KNOW BETTER. Besides that, the Columbine shootings were caused by boys who played Doom, or Wolfenstien.
I'm not sure which one, but the reports are blaming the game for influencing the boys. Wolfenstien has you fighting Nazi's, so its a pretty pro-nationalism game, and Doom is set in teh future, and I'm pretty sure those kids at Columbine weren't ugly enough to look like aliens. the truth is the two used a map editor to recreate the school and strategize their positions and planning.
This new warning system is pretty unecessary, just because videogames are now bigger than movies (the traditional form of visual electronic entertainment) the populace feels it has to bash us and make every progressive step forward teh hardest step ever. Remember the Mass Effect incident? She said the game was based around the scene and how the sex scene was "unavoidable"? you miss one conversation with that blue chick and she's not putting out for ****!
I heard this a long time ago on this forum, "Twenty years from now, some guys are going to be running the country who spent years 14-25 playing GTA", and it always fills me with confidence for this great nation.