here we disprove evelotion(i think i misspelld it) an evelotioninist can come and defen himself so here we go.and you know wat i can disprove it with one fact. the odds of pepole evolving is somthig like 1 in 10 to the 1000 power oh and scientist only consiter an event with the posibilaty of 1 in 10 to the 50 power wich means it cant happen
know, but your huge burning hatred on evolution and your idiotic "arguments" made me believe that you do believe in a god. And you said Jesus Christ before, even if it was just a expression.
[quote]Zach, please learn to type english,... and take a biology class.
I and Zach are in the same class and in 5th. God some people here are on crack. And besides Zach sucks at spelling and he admits it... so dont drive this farther than it needs to go
I and Zach are in the same class and in 5th. God some people here are on crack. And besides Zach sucks at spelling and he admits it... so dont drive this farther than it needs to go
You are in 5th? Well, it's been a while, but I'm impressed - I didn't think that 5th graders were that interested in stuff like this...but I could be wrong.
I aint a troll. Im giving facts. And Im giving facts to disprove evolution
I wouldn't use the term "rove" and "disprove" so liberally. I would suggest for you to understand what I mean by reading up on logic a bit - you won't take a class that's related to this most likely not until high school, but you should read through Wikipedia to get an idea.
About your arguments - despite what they think, they don't "rove" anything. They are fallacious arguments.
just throwing this out here: evolution is considered fact just as much as gravity is... we've observed evolution in microbes, we've seen speciation in these microbes and it would work for larger organisms as well... and the model of evolution we have now hasnt been contradicted...
okay, a couple things I would like to point out here.
1: Most Christian scientists believe that the Big Bang happened.
2: The Big Bang, is in no way directly connected to evolution.
3: Idiot22, you are very aptly named.
4: How are you in fifth grade and supposedly 13 years old?
5: Triple posts are very bad in the forums. If you must post three times in a row, it is considered good form to put a slight appology at the top of the second and third post.
I and Zach
6: Not only are your spelling skills abysmal, your grammer is horrid as well.
7: This pic is the perfect one for what you and zach have been doing.
5: Triple posts are very bad in the forums. If you must post three times in a row, it is considered good form to put a slight appology at the top of the second and third post.
I personally disagree with this (as I am doing it right now :P), but when triple posting, you are obligated to add significantly to the discussion.
I personally disagree with this (as I am doing it right now :P), but when triple posting, you are obligated to add significantly to the discussion.
Okay, very true. If you don't appologize or at least seem a little sorry, add to the discussion a bit. If you don't, meh, you seem like a kinda spammy person. Sometimes. There are instances where it is okay, but in general, lay off the triple posts.
Hominid evolution has been studied.. and determined to be true. Humans today are very much different than humans in the past (homo erectus and Neanderthals) Even over the past 200 years we've observed changes in homo sapiens, we've gotten much taller for one, and our brain size has increased quite a bit
Just one thing. I got this off the first page...
How does this prove evolution? It proves that our diets are better than they were 200 years ago, and that since they are better, we now have more musculature and brain capacity, but it in no way proves evolution at all.
Nothing is certain in this world. Evolution, creationism, the big bang, gravity. Now, I want to watch the arguments pour in. The people who will quote me are: Einfach (of course), NonameC68 (if he is on), MageGrayWolf, valkery (maybe), and that zach guy who is illiterate. I'm not calling you trolls, but I know you guys will try to prove me wrong.