ForumsWEPRdisprovig evelotion with zach and friends

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95 posts

here we disprove evelotion(i think i misspelld it) an evelotioninist can come and defen himself so here we go.and you know wat i can disprove it with one fact. the odds of pepole evolving is somthig like 1 in 10 to the 1000 power oh and scientist only consiter an event with the posibilaty of 1 in 10 to the 50 power wich means it cant happen

  • 156 Replies
2,420 posts

I have a hard time telling if OP is trolling you all hardcore or if he really is this...dumb.

I thought he was trolling at first until he actually started defending his statement.
9,821 posts

OP has probably never read origin of species.

Scientific theories are driven by scientific development and improvement; the theory of evolution is no exception. The theory of evolution has evolved (teehee) beyond what's in the text. I know fairly well what evolution is, and I've only read excerpts of the Origin of Species.

I would wager OP only knows of evolution though some fundementalist nutjub.

Well, his use of "just a theory" and "The Earth is 6000 years old so there's not enough time" arguments definitely suggests so.
9,821 posts

Well now I'm getting a vibe from something similar to ChristianPatriot...Alt remembers him.

ChristianPatriot and Aussinizi were much, much better at this.
9,462 posts

Helpful guide for arguing for Creationism and against evolution. (from a script I was working on for a Youtube video, not sure when or if I will get around to it.)

1. Don't hurt your credibility, know what your talking about.
When arguing creation over evolution argue points evolution actually makes. When you try to discredit evolution by saying things like it doesn't adequately explain how the universe or life began, your only making yourself look like you have no idea what your talking about. Hurting your opposition.
While creation does make a blanket statement covering both the Big Bang and abiogenesis, arguing against these points isn't arguing against evolution. Nor does it give validity to creation over evolution since you didn't make points that are covered by evolution.

2. Don't treat evolution as just being a belief.
Evolutionism is an archaic inaccurate term, often used to try and make the theory of evolution seem as if it's entirely based on belief with no supporting evidence. Not only does using this term hurt your credibility it also makes you look ignorant of what a scientific theory is and what the process is leading to one. Saying "evolution is just a theory" does this as well. Above all never combine them in the same sentence like this "evolutionism is only a theory" If you do you make yourself look like you belong in the back of the short bus.

3. Don't just discredit, offer evidence.
While it's all fine and dandy that you try and discredit the theory of evolution if you want creationism to stand in it's place you have to provide evidence for it's validity. Even if you do manage to disprove evolution beyond a shadow of a doubt you sill haven't elevated creation to being the valid explanation. Yet again this is offering evidence for creation rather then evolution, not evidence for creation rather then the Big Bang or abiogenesis. So even if you do manage to insert creation over these you still haven't touched the theory of evolution.

When you say evolution is false and creation is correct you are saying change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next doesn't happen, these things are done by a creator and not allele frequency change over generations. To offer evidence you have to show an example of this happening.
If you can do this you not only manage to discredit evolution but elevated creation in it's place.

8,256 posts

Geez... I go for a night's sleep and everything I find next morning is "crap, crap, crap".

Look, idiot, if there was a god and no evolution, we'd have f*cking anastomosis at the heart to prevent heart attacks, and men wouldn't have such a stupid loop at the spermatic duct, which would instead lead directly in the urethra. We would be fully built to walk on two legs and not be such cripple that have back aches all the time. Our photosensitive cells in the retina would be showing towards the incoming light and not facing away from it, which constraints us to have a blind spot where the nerve cells have to go through the retina. Our immunity system would be perfect and not react against harmless stuff, like pollen, nuts or my own f*cking sweat.

9,462 posts

Our immunity system would be perfect and not react against harmless stuff, like pollen, nuts or my own f*cking sweat.

For that matter if we lived in a world created by a perfect all loving being we wouldn't need an immune system.
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