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hey everyone, I haven't seen any topics about this wonderful game so I thought I would make one.

  • 2,284 Replies
5,845 posts

actually my brother is working on a 25 by 25 glass pyramid whilst i work on my 55 by 55 sandstone pyramid which will have an upside down one on top of it, same size

oh and that's a good point skater kid, 30 bucks is too expensive, but yet people who like it are too poor for anything else, but yet 10 bucks isn't cheep at all
now watch as he doesn't reply because he's dug his hole so deep

~manly man

4,104 posts

Gmod is 10 bucks, Minecraft is 30

This is hilarious because in order to play Gmod, you need to have another source engine game. This can add a minimum of nothing on due to TF2 being free, BUT in order to play Gmod properly, you have to own CS:S (you will be missing most textures otherwise), which costs 20$.

Do the math.
4 posts

Bad news: if you're an avid Herobrine hunter, the 1.3.1 update said this:

- Removed Herobrine


it was never in the game,this was just mojang showing its sense of humor
1,824 posts

Ouch. That guy's post is deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaadd. I must say, his points are all invalid. Minecraft is not just for the poor, my good friend who is very high up in the social scaled plays it, it's not just for fanboys considering I like Skyrim and Terraria as well, and it's not just for retards because a retard could not understand architectural points and the many blocks. Argue, will ye?
I assure you, I am not poor, I am not a fanboy, and I am not retarded, yet I am building a Mage's castle.

2 posts

Wel i loved that game (Utopian Mining) make it 3D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

343 posts

were all minecraft nerds

1,100 posts

Everybody loves minecraft!

Recently, 1.3 has been released, eh? That's something to notice about minecraft: it updates frequently.

I just arrived at this thread, but I'd like to ask you some stuff:

1 - What's your favourite game mode?

My answer would be Survival, in hard mode. In a world with a fair amount of ores and mobs - even though I despise creepers ~brrr~.

2 - What're your favourite biomes?

I personally like "Plains", "Taiga" and "Desert". With the new 1.3 update, I'll probably enjoy "Jungle" more, due to Cocoa pods and the temples, but so far I avoid it: it has little building space.

3 - Do you use any interesting texture packs?

I have some, but I'd like suggestions. I have some I found on the Minecraft Wiki and some made on Painterly (sorry if this categorizes as publicity; I don't mean to advertise anything)

4 - Favourite building material?

I tend to choose my house's material based on the availability of it or the texture pack I'm using. But I like to use stone bricks, stone or sandstone. I avoid using clay bricks.

1,285 posts

but i don't see you flaming in the CoD sticky.

Challenge accepted.
1,285 posts

Fine, I took the time to give good reasons. This is how the game is at the 1.0 update:
- Minecraft's retro graphics are lazily done, kept programmer art rather than hiring a good artist and giving minecraft it's own style. Provides various examples of games with retro graphics like minecraft that look better.
- Sound is average, nothing bad.
- Good, simple controls
- Combat is extremely simple, easy, and boring. No attack animations from enemies, weak pathfinding (example trying to walk through walls to get to you) Only thing you can do is crit, sprint, or regularly attack.
- NPC villagers are completely useless. Do not respond to attacks, do not respond to you taking down their house, do not respond to nearby mobs, do not respond to anything. He asks why are they even in the game if we can't do anything with them?
- Notch promised many features but failed to deliver.
- Put of adding a modding API so Notch could make more money, updates in the last few months were just stolen mods. Wolves, pistons, etc.
- Provides example of game-breaking glitch (diamond block duping).
- Not many minerals, easy to get diamond within an hour of playing.
- Abrupt and ugly biome transitions.
- Strongholds are boring and barren, treasure chests contain items that are much more easily obtained on your own or useless items. He provides an example with cocoa beans, which make cookies but there useless because you can just use other food items.
- Poison foods don't make sense, you can still heal even if they are &quotoisonous". No reason to have poisonous foods if they heal you anyway.
- Final boss is only difficult because of it's high health and it's regenerating health towers. Tedious rather than challenging.
- Doesn't see the appeal in multiplayer, far more entertaining multiplayer games.
- Game loses appeal quickly.
- Any website that gives MC 10/10 should not be trusted, because there are obvious problems.
- Notch makes poll asking if people would come to minecon if it was $90, everyone says no and he ups the price to $140. Wat?
- People only want to play scrolls because notch made it, game is not original at all.
- Supports Yogscast criticizing Notch, from his twitter claims.
- Mojang team are hypocrites, also curse in front of children vs yogscast.
- Could have been great game, special and unique gear, NPCs you can communicate with, all sorts of directions mc could have gone. Instead it went in multiple directions in a step or two, never really committing.
- All notch's games based on previously existing games, did very little to innovate games. Yet he won an award for it.
- Notes that minecraft is 1.0, RELEASE VERSION.
- Overall, can't recommend minecraft to anyone for $30, $15, not even for $6.99 on the app store. Not even for free.

566 posts

Fine, I took the time to give good reasons.

If you don't even have an opinion and need to plagiarize someone elses, make sure it's not the first thing I find on google. That and make sure it doesn't use criticism that is from a 9 month old version.
1,824 posts

You give us reasons to dislike Minecraft from 1.0? When pistons were new? Are you a complete invalid or something? Sheogorath and Ri'saad spit on you!

5,043 posts

If you don't even have an opinion and need to plagiarize someone elses, make sure it's not the first thing I find on google. That and make sure it doesn't use criticism that is from a 9 month old version.

All my cookies are belong to you.

Why is it so important for you to convince everyone who plays Minecraft that it's a bad game?

Here's how a debate should go:

Person A: Minecraft is a horrible game. The graphics are terrible!
Person B: The graphics don't bother me.

Person B said the graphics don't bother them, there is no possible rebuttal.

Just accept that people enjoy a game you dislike. I remember playing Morrowind, and I HATED IT. I couldn't understand how anyone could play something with such horrible character animation. But, the graphics didn't stop other people from enjoying the game. Now, I can't possibly imagine how they can put up with the graphics, but reality is real. They put up with the graphics, despite how impossible it is for me to fathom such tolerance.

There's a world outside your own, and even though you can create your own justifications, your justifications are not universal. They can be debated, and often they should be debated when it come to ethics or philosophy, but we're talking about a video game. We're talking about one's own personal enjoyment.
5,845 posts

NPC villagers are no longer useless, you can trade with them, the graphics are bad on purpose and from what from people who actually play it on PC if the is that if it had better graphics than the
frames per second would be so low it's practically unplayable.

don't copy something that someone else said about something that's bad without even bothering to check if any of it is true in the least bit

oh and i can (and will) report you to a moderator for plagiarism

~manly man

5,043 posts

oh and i can (and will) report you to a moderator for plagiarism

Oh, right. Also, plagiarism.

Don't plagiarize.
1,285 posts

I'm not plagiarizing, all i'm doing is explaining my opinion. God. I did not copy and paste that, I do not have that in my history. You have no proof that I plagurized. no proof.

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