So, I have a question... So, I decided to make a new, superflat, creative mode, world. But when I spawned, It spawned me in a snowy forest. I flew up just above the trees, and started flying forward. I passed a small desert, some rolling plains, and then another snowy forest. As I kept flying I saw an abrupt hault in the forest. I stopped flying and walked to the place where everything stopped appearing. Then as I looked down, I was really on a giant cliff- Going in a perfectly straight down drop. I flew one way down the massive wall, and there was a corner, I followed another wall-And then found a corner, and reapeting this process twice more, I ended up in the same spot I was in before. It was a giant cube, sitting on top of a superflat world. With normal biomes, caves just stopping at the edge, and water and lava flowing from it. So my question is: Has anyone had this happen before? And if so, what is it?
Creative Mode is awesome how you have unlimited resources, and you can fly. They need to make an update for the Xbox version that allows you to use wheat to make animals follow you, and be able to breed animals.
How I spend my time in peaceful Survival, no cheats.
Ironically, I feel very limited with cheats or Creative mode and only use it for modelling. I can never come up with an idea while in Creative mode. The very idea of limits frees creativity. I actually find it fun building space/block efficient dirt staircases/scaffolding to get to places where it would've been easier to fly.
@Gantic That building is kind of bland because you have used the same material near enough throughout I normally do this but am trying to mix it up a little it just takes time to experiment with different combinations but trust me it will be worth it after you mix it up a little.
@Gantic That building is kind of bland because you have used the same material near enough throughout I normally do this but am trying to mix it up a little it just takes time to experiment with different combinations but trust me it will be worth it after you mix it up a little.
Yeah, it is. It's really hard to look at during the daytime because everything is almost the same shade of gray. It looked better with grass than smooth stone, but it's what I chose to work with. I haven't harvested enough of other nonflammable blocks to do much else yet. Just have lots of colorful wool and wood that would burn up a minute after I put it down.
I go through phases where I become obsessed and play it every day, and then for a month I don't want to even touch it. Right now, I don't want anything to do with it.
for real, though this is an amazing game. it is so simple as far as how it is designed but the things to do and possibilities of creations are endless. this game is truly one of the most addicting and well thought out games i have ever played.