ive been playing minecraft and i started playing just in singleplayer survival and now that i play in multiplayer i gotta say its waay better, it gets even more addictive and people are mostly friendly, anyways, a great game if you get a chance you should try it
Ok guys, I have a bit of a project going. I'm using TooManyItems, because otherwise it would be impossible. :3 So I'm carving a house into the side of a hill. The doorway is a portal lined with lapis lazuli blocks. Once you pass through, the ceiling is made of glowstone, the walls are made of gold blocks, and the floors are made of diamond blocks. I have lapis lazuli columns that'll have signs for directions. I'm really expanding it at the moment. Wish me luck!
[quote]check out this code! /give 46 it gives something quite cool...
Wow.. your stupid just go on minecraft wiki and search for data values there you go all the codes[/quote]
Hey hey hey, no need to get all aggressive! D: Anyway, yeah, all the data values are right here.
Anyway guys, I've got a little preview of my super-mansion for you! Not much, but I've got the outside working so far. The minerals are sorted by rarity, by the way.
.....expansion packs? i did not know minecraft had "expansion packs", where do i get these? and i have been playing since JUST before beta so i think i would know about these =/