Hey guys, I think I might have an idea for the next update. What if notch added flaming arrows?
.....expansion packs? i did not know minecraft had "expansion packs", where do i get these? and i have been playing since JUST before beta so i think i would know about these =/
There are not expansion packs ... Its just updates once the full game comes out ...
Stay of the drugs. Minecraft only has free updates and no expansions.
I'm sorry, I thought I read that Minecraft would have expansion packs. :[
hey has anyone ever used the /give 46 command for power mining? (and can someone find out the give code for obsidion?)
I've posted already, but I'll do it again. The code for obsidian is 49. You can find all the data values for everything right here.
I figured that, but I mean if they were added to the main game itself. You'd need something to act as liquid fuel, then you'd combine that with regular arrows. I figured that they'd set all enemies on fire and deal regular arrow damage, except for skeletons, who'd only receive regular arrow damage. (Due to no flesh)
Hey guys! I have a youtube channel and maybe you could all check it out. The theme is mostly minecraft! Link Youtube | Nevorac Enjoy them and spread the word
if you guys haven't seen it yet, check "the word of notch" its his blog and he says alot about what hes doing in updates and things, he released a list of things that are in 1.6 and i have to says its ALOT of bug fixes, and some of them make me sad =( but still they worked because they were bugs, and bugs are always going to be patched eventually
sooooooo, who loves 1.6?!?!(.4) love the hatches, love the maps, love the multiplayer nether, but there are alot of bugs with the nether portals, i suggest to have only 1 on your server, but other than that im happy with the update, although im kinda sad water elevators got patched, i had fun with those....