The game isn't that expensive. You can try pirating it but there is content you cant access like multiplayer, plus it is taking an indie developers cash. Pirate it then buy it later on? :P
Im not saying griefing , I mean like ... Its were you are allowed to destroy them so you have to get a group together and be smart were and how you build your buildings You also have to be smart on when you go outside for resources
Just flag and smile Microe. Flag and smile. Feeding doesn't help.
Step Ichi in my latest creation involves leveling the land and filling the seas.
Step Ni involves gathering enough sand to make a full large chest of 64 tiles of sandstone. How will I do this? It involves nothing but a shovel, a sword, a couple bags of bacon, and a pocket full of dreams.
Step San involves the hard parts--actually building the building. I gotta be careful, since sandstone doesn't revert back to sandstone when you wish to hack it down. What is the building, you ask? A SANDCASTLE! Then, I make a road that is iron slab on the outside and gravel on the inside, for the authentic look. I want my sandcastle to be.... 200x150 blocks.
Yea i just got the Mo creatures mod and recommend it 10/10!
My project right now is making a ranch with a bamboo farm and wheat farm and a nice wooden log house and stables for tames horses, I might post pictures later on. Nice job by the way!
microe i would love to see pics, i always enjoy seeing pictures of things people build in minecraft, if anyone else could put pictures up of amazing things they built that would be awesome!
At the moment I am making a watchtower/deathtrap with a tunnel connected to my main house , When I get it finished I can post a link to my youtube video