Nope. I like them. I use them as tactical grenades vs other mobs. All you have to do is get close enough so they start their fuse, whack them, and then go backwards and you've got a free grenade. The only time they're bad is when they spawn inside your house for no reason at all and you turn the corner and it's right there.
megal.. minecraft does get boring after: 1.u get inv edit and get yourself infinite stuff 2.u lose all your stuff from creepers and can't be bothered to use inv edit 3.u're a no-life and played on it too long(natural long-term boredom) here's my suggestions: 1.get rid of inv edit 2.well.... not much u can do 'bout the creepers other then change settings to peaceful 3.find another game 4)???? why is there a 4? oh wait sorry.... 4. download some mods/youtube/make a brand new world with bunnies in it?
megal.. minecraft does get boring after: 1.u get inv edit and get yourself infinite stuff 2.u lose all your stuff from creepers and can't be bothered to use inv edit 3.u're a no-life and played on it too long(natural long-term boredom) here's my suggestions: 1.get rid of inv edit 2.well.... not much u can do 'bout the creepers other then change settings to peaceful 3.find another game 4)???? why is there a 4? oh wait sorry.... 4. download some mods/youtube/make a brand new world with bunnies in it?
I can't see my post no longer! And... i downloaded 15 TEXTURE PACKS an hour ago, guess i can play for a while
master565 is right. minecraft is not only about survival but to create things. i once made a huge castle with a friend. it took us over 24 hours to finish. (not streak)
Well, i guess i owe alot to my 8-year-old sis, i went to a new cave, with the mind of finding a stronghold(there are just 3 in 1 world XP) i got to a pool of lava and water, which were seperated, suddenly, my brother told me to bring the cordless phone for him, and my sis was seeing me play, i came back within 10 seconds, but i saw her smiling, i knew she did something, i saw the screen to realize... DIAMONDS! i got so happy i started thanking her, but she said "No big deal... i just moved the cursor and pressed W for a second... your welcome " i could have died though XP but thank god i came early, i covered the pool and started mining the diamonds, and got 6 of them! I thanked her again, she smiled, said "your welcome" and left.
Here's something i did for Christmas (I don't celebrate it though, it seemed nice) The inside of my house(i hope this works) The outside The texture pack is Jolimas.