Anyways, you can see all the pieces of the 'refresher' - it just consists of the wire at one end, a redstone torch on top of a block, a wire on top of a block to a torch on the side of the block, and then a wire at the other end. Simple and effective.
It's also possible to build a faster one out of pistons, though if you need room, repeaters are always the best. Or if you're looking the least gate delay and size, you can download that insta-redstone mod.
Which does not fit: BlueXephos, EthoSlab, Coestar, dewtroid, Chocolate. Chocolate is not a minecraft LPer. Which does not fit: BlueXephos, EthoSlab, Coestar, dewtroid, Chocolate, trolls. I don't like trolls.
I just got Minecraft It's day 5 (in game) and my house is looking descent (for being in the middle of a lake). Got a wheat farm behind my house + a dock behind that (the lake is huge). My first night was a disaster. (as usual) It was spent in a half built house (thank god it was just far enough from shore to avoid the attention of creatures). I plan on building a watchtower above and basement for storage leading to a huge underground tree farm and my mineshaft that's underwater (i'm soon gonna close the massive leak in the shaft).
Nice Idea! My house is in the middle of a Ocean and Swamp Biome, though i call it a Fort 8-) I might do the basement thing in my house, but i don't have enough space, and there's almost anything in every corner.
And i ended Quest World, there were no humans in it. Here's the ending, i went to the top to get a more clear view, when it started, i got covered in a corner, i screen-shotted it, but i kept pressing the key, so it got over written D: Anyway, here:
For my opinion minecraft is one of the best games of ever, less of super mario bros. or zeldaracle of season or other games, but the idea is fantastic and the realization is very good. It's a full games that allows many possibilities for fun. Luckily in this period Notch are doing many developed that are improving very well the game.
Also, my serverdude/playmate went afk in the corner of our den. I went outside to play around with the monsters, then fled from a creeper around the corner of the house...