Even if you did find a free and virus free copy of minecraft you wont be able to play online anyway. The games needs to authenticate through minecraft.net.
Even if you did find a free and virus free copy of minecraft you wont be able to play online anyway. The games needs to authenticate through minecraft.net.
Better get saving those pennies :P
You can if the server host changes a setting in the server file
Even if you were to get ahold of the game for free and were able to use multiplayer, you wouldn't be able to use any skins (since you have to do it on the site), nor would you be able to use any mods.
^ Believe me, i've been trying since 2 months to make the yogbox and the portal mod work. No use.
Even if you were to get ahold of the game for free and were able to use multiplayer, you wouldn't be able to use any skins (since you have to do it on the site), nor would you be able to use any mods.
even if you could use skins for free what is the point. it is only 20$ and for a independent creator, that 20$ helps put food on their table! sure, i don't see whats wrong with seeing if you like it first but if it turns out you do then don't be a tool, just grow a pair and buy the **** game!
Actually it puts his food on a silver platter. Mojang has sold 4.5 million copies. If we say the price is 15$, which is about what it was when it was in the beta and sold the most copies, then they've made 67.5 million dollars.
Just made my first piston door! I was attempting to make it that you couldn't see any of the pistons or redstone and that it would be flush with the outside wall, but you can see the pistons and the redstone on the inside. Oh well. I'll keep working at it...
You're going to need to use repeaters to time some pistons that will pull the inner pistons out of the way once they've taken the door.
Yay, finished my second ship on creator mode! I'd like to get Too Many Items and Zeppelin mods so I can A) Switch between Survival and Creative and B) Make my new ship fly! It'll look weird, though, as it's a huge flagship with two gun decks.
Yay, finished my second ship on creator mode! I'd like to get Too Many Items and Zeppelin mods so I can A) Switch between Survival and Creative and B) Make my new ship fly! It'll look weird, though, as it's a huge flagship with two gun decks.
There's a mod which allows flying ships, with pirates, download that