Sorry, can't find a single one on my game. I keep refreshing, and no server listed. I'm sure there's some, though, they just hate me enough to keep me on single-player.
Sorry, can't find a single one on my game. I keep refreshing, and no server listed. I'm sure there's some, though, they just hate me enough to keep me on single-player.
Lol you have to get a servers IP to see it on the list there are tons just use google...
Minecraft is truly a spectacular game. I try to play it in short sessions though, as all the head bobbing and frequent camera movement usually make me nauseated. Anybody have any good seeds they would like to share? All the seeds I used to play are gone now that Notch changed the level generators. Haven't found any interesting ones yet, and am getting bored writing down/testing seeds.
How much memory do you have on your computer master565? It may be that you need to increase the amount of RAM you have. If you're running some other things in the background while playing Minecraft it could also be taking up vital amounts of memory to run the game
On the computer i was playing, 8GB. The problem is that minecraft only uses up to a certain amount of that, and the methods to allocate more memory to it weren't working for me.
You can get it with a new world, and jens says: 'wants to add jungle animals later, but they will not be included in today's snapshot' Updated! Ladders regained their collision box, and vines are climbable when they have a solid block behind them Added jungle biome (requires a new world) with new tree and leaf types Updated language files Dispensers will place mobs instead of releasing the spawner egg Zombies have new path-finding AI Wolves have new AI and can be bred (when tame)
Ladders regained their collision box, and vines are climbable when they have a solid block behind them Added jungle biome (requires a new world) with new tree and leaf types Updated language files Dispensers will place mobs instead of releasing the spawner egg Zombies have new path-finding AI Wolves have new AI and can be bred (when tame)
Thanks! I was waiting for the wolf breeding function, + Internet for you!