Yay, finished my second ship on creator mode! I'd like to get Too Many Items and Zeppelin mods so I can A) Switch between Survival and Creative and B) Make my new ship fly! It'll look weird, though, as it's a huge flagship with two gun decks.
There's a mod which allows flying ships, with pirates, download that
Hell yeah! I just got Minecraft full, and I freakin' love it! The first world I had kinda sucked, because I was horrible, and the second one I made was full of trees, sheep, pigs, cows, ducks, etc.
So i tried out sonicether's live dynamic DSLR light shader thingy, in combination with the 256x256 photorealism texture pack, I got a good 15 seconds before minecraft ran out of memory. I couldn't figure out how to allocate more memory so I had to stop using the texture pack. Anyways, i couldn't take a full screen picture because the mods didn't seem to support it, but to get an idea of what it looked like, here's a picture of the shader and the texture pack. (these aren't my pictures, they were taken off the mod page and the texture pack page)
Those are some nice screenshots master565. I think it's one of the things that makes Minecraft so fun and popular as we know it today. It's just so customisable and with the possible inclusion of Mod Support in later updates, it can only keep getting better and better.
I couldn't figure out how to allocate more memory so I had to stop using the texture pack.
How much memory do you have on your computer master565? It may be that you need to increase the amount of RAM you have. If you're running some other things in the background while playing Minecraft it could also be taking up vital amounts of memory to run the game.
Try closing other windows in the background which you don't need or use a less demanding texture or quality setting.