Many instances of school shootings, bombings, or killing is often pointed at video games as the cause, but is it really their fault? Just because a game allows you to kill civilians does not mean that someone will want to do it, I have recently had a discussion with a friend who saw on the news that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, was to blame for the recent Russian bombing because the game has a level where you are able to kill civilians in a Russian airport. [url=]
The video games that allowing innocent killing does not mean they support it. How a person is raised and treated growing up is why they would even consider this, which most kids have enough commen sense to know, you cannot "restart" or "respond" in life. I strongly disagree to the idea that video games are the cause of most killings today.
Cite your source. Conjecture does not equal facts. If I say religion makes people more likely to **** children, doesn't make it true unless I got the data to prove it.
If you actually read!!! The scource is ME from seeing it with MY eyes. Ok. Here's my scource: Phsycomonkey (Jp) Happy!!
I would say that video games don't cause me to be violent, the little kids that play them do. The ones that sound like Bieber and scream into their mics "YOU MAD BRO!?" make me want to burn their house down.
Is there too much violence in video games and other media that we have become desensitized to it? Yes. Does the media (news) sensationalize the links between violent entertainment and actual violence? Yes, of course, they are in the business of entertainment themselves. They will do what they can to bend the truth so that they'll get higher ratings than the other station or more readers than the other paper. They rely on this to keep afloat because what advertiser will pay to be on the station with 100 viewers? If they do, they won't be paying very much.
Now I'm not saying that it doesn't make people more violent, it would be silly for me to completely throw out that possibility. What I am saying is that the media has a way of finding easy answers that usually are only linked to a few causes. i.e.- "Violence in video games leads murder in real life." Come on, of course that isn't the ONLY reason. If you do a search on Google, you'll find plenty of studies (some legitimate, some clearly biased) and debates that are pretty much split down the middle on this topic (fficial&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np#sclient=psy&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=GFM&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&channel=np&q=link+between+violence+and+video+games&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&bx=1&fp=b1bbcd55c89b2c4bhttp://">Here's a link to a search I did) I personally think that someone already has to have something a bit unhinged about them in order to actually act on a violent thought or feeling, especially if that involves murder or torture. Now of course that leads to more questions. Did the video game or some other outside factor lead them to become unhinged? Or were they already like that from the start? Or is it a combination of both?
I don't have the resources or education to do this kind of research, but I think it's worth mentioning that in law (in the U.S., with which I have a little more knowledge than Psychology) it is VERY difficult to blame some outside source for a crime that you committed. Is that right? I don't know. But it is a common practice.
To reduce the violence, gun control is the answer.
I personally agree with this statement, for people in the United States anyway, can't speak for other countries. It seems that guns are easily accessible to people who are not educated enough about them. There are PLENTY of people here who do know how to use and respect a gun for the tool that it is, unfortunately, there are also many more who think it's a way to settle disputes or whatever the heck is going through their heads. Everyone does always mention Canada though. They don't have nearly as much gun related violence as we do, and yet they have guns too AND the same video games. I can only assume it's a problem with the people.
I think the reason there is less in Canada is because more people use their guns for recreational uses there whereas here we just get a gun to look gangster.
The people who hunt usually aren't the one's that need to be educated about guns, they already know. I just think people should be able to prove their competence with a gun and show that they are respectful of it and what it can do. Classes for people who can't show this should be mandatory.
I don't know much about that, but yeah, I'm all for more education! Why do people who hunt have to go through that, but a random guy on the street just has to get a background check? How the HECK does that make sense?
In a normal case video game or other media doesn't have a big influence on a adult. that said children are more vulnerable to influence from medias, it is true, since kids are developping and adapting the things they see in the environment are "from"" them. so if a kid is constantly in encounter with violence may that be in real life or a game, he will be violent. Now, some kids and ADULTS (too) are more influenced, when others are less. But in my opinion moderation is the key! play 4-5 hours a week (well spread all over the week not 5 hours in 1 day) it's like every thing in life. Too much air poisons(a little exagerated i know) in conclusion, too great exposure to violence DOES really cause people to be violent or even "go kill everyone" as it's said
Sorry if I repeat stuff, didn't want to read, like, 50 post.
I don't think games would cause a perfectly Sane person to strap a bomb to themselves. Now, if a child with no severe mental problems were to play violent games early on in life and contineue to play them, I'd say they would probley have less value for human life.
My first game was when i was seven I got a shiny new PS2 and Pac Man Fever. I didnt get my first "real" violent game until 2003's Jak II, and by then i understood the differences between reality and virtuality.
the biggest piece in the puzzle of why people do things in video games traces back to the parents. If a child cannot understand that what happens in a game is there for his enjoyment and if s/he tries to make it relevant to real life they will ultimately fail then a parent should withold the game in question until the child is mentally capable. These murderous tendencies is utter balderdash.
Remember the Beatles? Four Limey's with the worst haircuts of all time? They were accused of influencing Charles Manson to go about what he did with their song "helter skelter". I dont even like that song very much, no idea why Charlie would base his entire grand scheme about it.
What I'm trying to get across is that humans are scared of new things and hate change, so everytime something new becomes popular the people in charge who want to keep things like they were "in the days of old" try to squash it like a bug. Rock 'n roll went through teh same phase, and now look at it, an accepted part of mainstream america. Video games do not cause violence, stupid people who can't understand that the Psycho on teh cover of Borderlands isnt trying to tell teh gamer to shoot himself, he's just pretending to shoot himself with his fingers cuz he's a Psycho and Psycho's do psycho sh*t