ForumsWEPRDo Video Games really cause people to go kill everyone.

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789 posts

Many instances of school shootings, bombings, or killing is often pointed at video games as the cause, but is it really their fault? Just because a game allows you to kill civilians does not mean that someone will want to do it, I have recently had a discussion with a friend who saw on the news that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, was to blame for the recent Russian bombing because the game has a level where you are able to kill civilians in a Russian airport. [url=]

The video games that allowing innocent killing does not mean they support it. How a person is raised and treated growing up is why they would even consider this, which most kids have enough commen sense to know, you cannot "restart" or "respond" in life. I strongly disagree to the idea that video games are the cause of most killings today.

  • 218 Replies
9,504 posts

It's possible that it's not video games in general that compliments violence, but the imitation of. Humans, especially children, have a good tendency to imitate the cool things in life. Like me when I was younger. DragonballZ was just in its American prime, you see, and that's what I would always play like when I had free time. Would imitation affect the morality of a child's mind? I'm not sure.

By the way I'm going broader with this thread than just "kill everyone"--just violence in general.

39 posts

The only video game that I believe that cause the most violence in people's mind is GTA. Ever since GTA 1 or 2 came out, people have been doing what they played in GTA, but in real life.

Have you ever noticed that when the time when GTA was "invented," the scale of people robbing/in jail had a rising upwards! (Means that in that time when GTA came out, people are in jail a lot more)

4,871 posts

Have you ever noticed that when the time when GTA was "invented," the scale of people robbing/in jail had a rising upwards! (Means that in that time when GTA came out, people are in jail a lot more)

As elite said

Correlation =/= Causation

Wolf (the Gray Mage variety) has often said that violent video games actually reduced the chance on him committing the actions in real life, they gave his anger an outlet.
9,504 posts

The only video game that I believe that cause the most violence in people's mind is GTA. Ever since GTA 1 or 2 came out, people have been doing what they played in GTA, but in real life.

Because the media and news mediums pay attention to the very few incidents that were in the extreme, but not the general circumstances.

Have you ever noticed that when the time when GTA was "invented," the scale of people robbing/in jail had a rising upwards! (Means that in that time when GTA came out, people are in jail a lot more)

Actually, I've noticed differently. What's this? The years when GTA came out have sharply lowered results? It cannot be!
4,871 posts

Actually, I've noticed differently. What's this? The years when GTA came out have sharply lowered results? It cannot be!

I hate to be the devils advocate here but correlation=/=causation still applies here. Still, you proved his statement wrong although it's hard to say that GTA had that massive of an impact on crime rates when they've been declining for decades.
9,504 posts

Oh look samy finally reached 4K!

I hate to be the devils advocate here but correlation=/=causation still applies here. Still, you proved his statement wrong although it's hard to say that GTA had that massive of an impact on crime rates when they've been declining for decades.

Oh I totally understand that. My point is that the results are declining during some of the games that were deemed more controversial than DOOM and Duke Nukem. Whether you're proving for or against this topic, there are many, many variables that can affect statistics. When you use "dangerous" evidence against the other side, however, you sort of win. Except not sorta.

Violent video games don't seem to have any impact on rate of crime or on spree killings.

And neither did Rock n' Roll or comic books. Yay~
4,871 posts

My point is that the results are declining during some of the games that were deemed more controversial than DOOM and Duke Nukem.

And that Mass Effect had no correlation to the amount of humans having sex with Asari.; which, oddly enough, stayed constant at 0.

Take that Fox.
789 posts

I have another question/statement thing. They may or may not influence or cause killings, but what influence DO they have on, such as sex, stealing, or running away, ect...

1,621 posts

not really theres been times where people did try to copy stuff of a videogame that caused propert damage or someone hurt but i never seen any one go kill everyone after playing a game..i mean the only time videogames have ever given me ideas is when i see a epic move and i use it when i get mad at someone

2,027 posts

Back in school, when we were reading about the ancient Greeks, and their mythology, literature and plays (theatre), we realized that many of these stories, whether about Gods or just fictional stories, were very controversial and quite sick. Lots of ****, incest, murder, etc.

Anyways, our teacher gave us a possible explanation for why they contained all this crazy stuff. I forgot the word for it, but there's a theory saying something along the lines of that, if you see violent or otherwise unethical plays, then that'll allow you to sort of, in a way, vent your frustration and thus reduce the urge to commit those acts yourself. As I said, I forgot the word for it, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about, please let me know so I can find an article about it that can explain this, since I tend to just confuse people more.

Besides, you think that today's video games causes us to be violent? The Romans had coliseums where you could watch men fight to the death. I think that'd mess up your head a lot more than watching someone die in a video game.

789 posts

I think they influence drugs, sex, and stealing. Seen people do it cause it is "cool" and Niko Bellic did it or crap like that

4,871 posts

I think they influence drugs, sex, and stealing. Seen people do it cause it is "cool" and Niko Bellic did it or crap like that

I think you need a source.

Drugs and sex have an unusually high negative connotation in America meaning most game devs do not include them and that they really aren't as bad as our Conservative country makes them appear. Also stealing is fairly rare in videogames (not counting breaking open vases for rupees).
789 posts

Drugs and sex have an unusually high negative connotation in America meaning most game devs do not include them and that they really aren't as bad as our Conservative country makes them appear. Also stealing is fairly rare in videogames (not counting breaking open vases for rupees).

Oh yes, I agree. The thing is I didn't know if the idiots who do this crap in my area are alone or if this is true across the world.
2,027 posts

Humans, especially children, have a good tendency to imitate the cool things in life. Like me when I was younger. DragonballZ was just in its American prime, you see, and that's what I would always play like when I had free time. Would imitation affect the morality of a child's mind? I'm not sure.

Well, for example, when I was younger, about ten, I played a lot of Diablo II. Sure, me and my friends might've ran around, swinging sticks at imaginary monsters, but never once did I get the idea to start beating up my friends. You'd have to already be a psychopath before you played the game to even consider doing something like that.

Which is why I think this makes perfect sense:
No, studies only show they increase those tendencies in already aggressive people.
789 posts

It's different with different people obviously, but I beleive that people with bad anger management will sometimes think riduculous thoughts if angry at a game because they keep dying or whatever. (If you can't be a good sport or hold your temper down and suck at a game... Don't play it)

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