ForumsWEPRDo Video Games really cause people to go kill everyone.

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789 posts

Many instances of school shootings, bombings, or killing is often pointed at video games as the cause, but is it really their fault? Just because a game allows you to kill civilians does not mean that someone will want to do it, I have recently had a discussion with a friend who saw on the news that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, was to blame for the recent Russian bombing because the game has a level where you are able to kill civilians in a Russian airport. [url=]

The video games that allowing innocent killing does not mean they support it. How a person is raised and treated growing up is why they would even consider this, which most kids have enough commen sense to know, you cannot "restart" or "respond" in life. I strongly disagree to the idea that video games are the cause of most killings today.

  • 218 Replies
4,097 posts

Most psychologists believe that watching violent television or playing violent video games can predispose a child to violence. There have been studies done in which children are shown violence, and they tend to learn the behavior through observational learning.

75 posts

well it might really influence you when you're very addicted to a game. there really are people who kill themselves cause they lose a WoW account O_0

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

They definitely influence the way the perpetrator kills his victims. But nay, in my opinion they do not -directly- compel someone to kill; in all likelihood he was already predisposed to kill. The video games at maximum are some sort of a little spark.

290 posts

can we not meet in the middle with this debate? life or death? how about torture

5,043 posts

They definitely influence the way the perpetrator kills his victims. But nay, in my opinion they do not -directly- compel someone to kill; in all likelihood he was already predisposed to kill. The video games at maximum are some sort of a little spark.

This goes for movies, books, and music too.
1,143 posts

if you drink gallons and gallons of booze you die, if you eat loads of food you get fat, but you dont ban booze and food do you??
if a child is playing tweleve hours of cod in one night everynight for a year they might go shoot someone, if a kid eats and eats and eats and their parents dont stopthem and they have a heart attack and ide no one says oh lets ban junk food they say well your an awful parent

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

if a child is playing tweleve hours of cod in one night everynight for a year they might go shoot someone,

Might is the key word.
Anyhow, shooting someone is hardly ever a random impulsive act. Attackers -especially school shooters- do not "just fly off their handle," but progress from forming an idea, to planning an attack, to gathering weapons. The video game may be a factor in one of these steps, however its not the agent.
The main point is that they don't shoot "someone", they plan to shoot a particular person or group(s). The offenders felt bullied, persecuted or injured by others prior to the attack, so they wanted to castigate these others.
If video games were the cause, the perpetrators would have killed arbitrary person and the attacks would be unpremeditated. The fact that the assaults are not random and unplanned shows that the attacker was compos mentis, ergo he is responsible for his actions; not some bloody video game.
47 posts

Anyhow, shooting someone is hardly ever a random impulsive act. Attackers -especially school shooters-
I agree with that. You really can't feel like " I wanna kill someone because i play COD." It's impossible.

The main point is that they don't shoot "someone", they plan to shoot a particular person or group(s). The offenders felt bullied, persecuted or injured by others prior to the attack, so they wanted to castigate these others.
I agree again. Video games have nothing to do with school shootings. Maybe a little bit, but the cause are either bullies, rejection (ex. romantic or group) etc.

[/quote]The fact that the assaults are not random and unplanned shows that the attacker was compos mentis, ergo he is responsible for his actions; not some bloody video game.[quote] Again, a logical point. Playing COD or Halo won't want you to actually kill someone. The media uses it video games for a punching bag. I am personally tired of the media and that crap. Anyway Goumas made some good points.
928 posts

There was once this kid who killed his parents because they hid Halo 3 from him. It's not the games that influence this behavior. Its addiction. People say that video game addiction doesn't exist, but it actually does. I went for a month without touching my Xbox360, Ps3, and any other gaming device. I was twitchy, moody, and always tired. So...yeah, the game doesn't cause the problem. Its the addiction to it, and when these games are suddenly taken from the kid He/she may go crazy.

Side affects of the loss of games for an addicted person-Twitching, mood swings, extreme appetite, irritability (Does this still go into mood swings) lack of sleep or too much sleep, and paranoia.

1,448 posts

Side affects of the loss of games for an addicted person-Twitching, mood swings, extreme appetite, irritability (Does this still go into mood swings) lack of sleep or too much sleep, and paranoia.

As with any drug, it probably has different effects on different people.
230 posts

Here's the article you were talking about, Keeton.

Interesting article.
I don't think there was something quite right in his mind.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

There was once this kid who killed his parents because they hid Halo 3 from him. It's not the games that influence this behavior. Its addiction.

It's not addiction, it was him.
I quote from the article:
About a month later, on Oct. 20, 2007, Daniel used his father's key to open the lockbox and remove the gun and the game. The boy shot his parents, killing his mother and gravely wounding his father. As his father lay wounded, Daniel tried to place the gun in his father's hand.

He tried to make it look like a murder-suicide, he was lucid, he knew that his actions were unlawful, so he tried to fool the law. He acted like any killer who didn't want to get caught. Does this sound like an addict who desperately needed a fix? Plus, he kept playing the game at his friend's house, he wasn't deprived.
Playing video games for hours is not like being addicted to crack, please let's not offend persons who have real addictions.
55 posts

It depends on the person playing it. Then also the murders or killings could be committed by people mentally ill (no offence) or people determained to kill or if they have a wrong idea it may caude them to kill. I also think that and maybe many others, it's on the screen and not in real life, and that's the first good thing I know it may cause people to be a bit violent but that has reason to make violent video games banned.

Sorry if that was not similar to the subject.

1,143 posts

yeah i totally agree, those were not the actions aof an addict, addiction to video gaming basically just means your bored and hav enothing else to do, this kid clearly was wrong in the head this wasnt just some mad random act by him it was pre meditated at leats by a few hours

3 posts

No u crazy people i play geneforce

semi violent
but i dont kill people?!?
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