What do people have against socialism? People socializating in society. Based on what I've read, Libertarian beliefs are that the government should only concern itself with war and law. The rest, is up to the free market.
Education is private, only more expensive, healthcare is private, only more expensive, parks will be private and limited, roads will be private, and pretty much everything not related to war or law is private and expensive. And to top it off, people have to pay it for themselves.
Why would anybody want that? I'm not saying, tax the rich and give to the poor, but have high taxes at the same rate. Everybody has a 40% tax if your income is over $25 000. It seems like a lot, but, in my world where the water, electricity, television, healthcare, education, parks, college roads, lighting, and a few others things are government funded, you really only have to pay for your car, home, and family.
Give the government your money, let them decide how to spend it, and you just reap the rewards. If you earn $50 000 a year, then you keep $30 000 and only have to pay for your home, your car, and your family's food.
A car costs about $12 000, and that lasts a good eight years. An annual mortgage for a home that costs $200 000 on a twenty year timeline is $10 000 to twenty thousand. Then, food costs about $1 000 in one year. So in one year, you spend $23 000 on those things. The other $7 000 is to splurge on your self like furniture and non-essentials.
The average cost for education for the full thirteen years may cost up to $80 000. University may cost up to $140 000. $220 000 for your child to receive a decent education if you send him to a private school. Yes, student loans and all that, but that is the price for the education.
Healthcare varies so there isn't really a good estimate, but there is insurance. In one year, you end up paying approximately $5 000 to health insurance companies.
Then, the utilities, such as water, lighting, electricity, may run up to $6 000. TV, including other nonessentials, cost about $2 000.
Since the government takes a much smaller profit from you than a business, you can afford to pay those taxes. You get what you would be paying anyway from the government. Instead of being a lone fish in the water, you are assisted by the other $320 million people in this country.
I don't understand the argument that high taxes means heavy chains. Either way you, pay for the services offered, just to a different person, a nice person. Yes, the government is corrupt at times, but businesses are even more corrupt. They want to make a profit, not run a society. The government is there to RUN a society. To rule the people.
I know none of my ideas will ever be implemented, not in a billion years, but I still would like to share them. They are not perfect, but I just cannot seem to find that Libertarianism is better.