It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.
I never thought I'd ever use this, but as Marx says, "Religion is the opiate of the masses". Or rather, that's probably not the exact sentence, but that's the general idea.
While I'm here, I thought I'd share this link, it gives a good insight into many of the areas which people are often less than informed about relating to Atheism.
"What is atheism? In the most literal possible terms: belief in no gods."
Would be more accurate to say lack belief in any gods. The rest isn't too bad.
I'd be TERRIBLY fascinated by psychological evidence/studies on that subject.
I think finding a non-biased study would be extremely difficult for that. It's pretty well proven though in general, most parents raise their kids to be the religion they are, and most kids accept that. A few kids say no and change religions, or become an atheist/agnostic, and a few people believe in the religion later on in life, but for the most part, people stay as how they were raised.
I'd be TERRIBLY fascinated by psychological evidence/studies on that subject.
Why would it be otherwise than everyone been born as Atheists? If one is not exposed to the corruption of religion, or at least isn't exposed to it as being 'completely and unquestionably true', then one will not grow up religious.
I'd be TERRIBLY fascinated by psychological evidence/studies on that subject.
I don't know if you have actually ever had a small child near you once, but if you did, you may have noticed that they ask questions to everyone, about everything, and need other people to tell them what things are and how they work. I have yet to see a new-born baby doing the cross symbol after some good after-birth shouting.
.. gosh, only thinking about it already creeps me out..
I'd be TERRIBLY fascinated by psychological evidence/studies on that subject.
Atheism is most broadly defined as a lack of belief in any deities. This even includes religions such as Jainism, some Buddhist sects, and some Asian religions centered around ancestor worship.
The idea of deities is NOT apriori knowledge inherent in any animal. It must be introduced to an individual by another.
Babies are not born with the ideas surrounding the existence of deities ingrained in them, therefore they are, by definition, atheists.
Does one really need to find out if there was ever a scientific study conducted to conclusively show what is already easily understood with a rudimentary understanding of the subject?
Well it's fine if a baby is born athiest. But if he/she converts later in life why does it matter how they were born. And besides i wouldn't call it corrupt. sure there some bad apples but out of the 2.1 billion christians all of them are corrupt? I personally think that christianity has made me a good person. I care about others and i wouldn't kill because of the ten commandments, so i think it can be a good thing.
Prove it. And don't say it's common sense; that seems to be a foolish answer here.
Ask one. If you receive no response, that means they don't have a belief system, which means they don't believe in god, which means they are atheists. If they answer a name of a religion, then you are right.
Ask one. If you receive no response, that means they don't have a belief system, which means they don't believe in god, which means they are atheists. If they answer a name of a religion, then you are right.
Since using your common since is so foolish.
I believe that t such an early age, they are unfortunately incapable of speech.
I believe that t such an early age, they are unfortunately incapable of speech.
So they didn't answer? Well I guess that makes them an atheist. Unless, I suppose, they answer something like "YEaah!" in which they must be a Bruce Lee worship per, unless of course for some reason you turn the common since back before someone gets damaged.