ForumsWEPRThe Truth Behind the Meat Industry (Warning: Very Graphic Content)

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5,365 posts

Hello everyone. What I am about to show you is what the meat industry doesn't want you to see. I stumbled upon this video yesterday, and I was shocked by its contents. I am surprised that this is going on today. Hopefully, this will come to you as a revelation. I am going to warn you, this video is very bloody and disturbing.

Take a look behind the curtain.

As you can see, this slaughter is going on every day in self-proclaimed "civilized" countries. This has definitely convinced me to try to stop consuming dairy and eggs.

  • 67 Replies
4,005 posts

I have seen no proof for that whatsoever.

The human teeth are the strongest indicator that we have evolved to require an omnivorous diet. We have specially designed teeth for cutting, tearing, and grinding, which indicates that our bodies have evolved to be omnivorous.

Also our gastric system is capable of, and wonderful at, breaking down both animal and plant matter. This is due to specialized bacteria as well as fluid production in our digestive system.

Our bodies also need large intakes of proteins as well as fatty acids which are find primarily (and in the case of fatty acids) only in meat products.

Any more proof you need?
5,365 posts

@MRWalker82 Teeth are no proof whatsoever. Fruits and vegetables come in many varieties. The teeth are well-fitted for plant matter.

Just because the gastric system can do something, that doesn't mean that it is required.

For the proteins and fatty acids, show me one that is vital and can't be found in plants. I've been a vegetarian for almost 14 years now, and I'm still kicking.

5,552 posts

@MRWalker82 Teeth are no proof whatsoever. Fruits and vegetables come in many varieties. The teeth are well-fitted for plant matter.
Just because the gastric system can do something, that doesn't mean that it is required.
For the proteins and fatty acids, show me one that is vital and can't be found in plants. I've been a vegetarian for almost 14 years now, and I'm still kicking.

Simply put, without a source of protiens, you die. The most common source of protiens is meat. So obviously, somewhere in your diet you ARE getting the necessary protiens, whether from vitamin supplements or other foods that have protiens.
5,365 posts

Simply put, without a source of protiens, you die. The most common source of protiens is meat. So obviously, somewhere in your diet you ARE getting the necessary protiens, whether from vitamin supplements or other foods that have protiens.


Sorry, bad coughing back there.
1,255 posts


Try to be a tad bit more mature. MrWalker brings up a very valid point. If our gastric sytem and our teeth are both designed to be omnivorous, then we must either have a very good reason for not eating both (like the video) or else evolution must be wrong. Your entire beef with his thinking is that you don't want people to have to admit a reliance on proteins found in animal flesh. (see the pun back there)

If animals are a quickly reproducing, good tasting, and wholesome food source, there is really no outward reason that we shouldn't consume meat. We should try to bypass farms that use methods like those shown in the video, certainly, but bypassing meat entirely not only destroys the economy, it can be dangerous to your health. I know many vegans who have almost died because they didn't get the right amounts of proteins from the nuts and beans that they ate.

If it works for you, do it but don't make a big argument about people prefering meat over vegetables and fruits. Meat eating is so prevolent in society today, that arguing for everyone to stop eating animals because of one video, or even several is quite simply impossible.
4,005 posts


Yes, without considering dairy then legumes ARE a good source of protein. However you have to eat a lot. And I mean A LOT to reach the 125-150g of protein per day to help your muscles perform at their peak. Your average serving of peanut butter, 2 tbsp, only has about 8g of protein. So, to get your daily protein you'd need 37 tbsp, or 1 1/2 standard 28oz jar of peanut butter PER DAY. Or you can eat 12 oz of beef.

Also many legumes, like peanuts, are very high in fat, more so than many meats, especially fish. The same servings needed to get your protein from peanut butter would also give you ~296g of fat. That is just an insane amount of fat, and is drastically unhealthy. You would be getting roughly 10% of that amount of fat, and all of your daily protein needs, from 1 12oz steak.
4,206 posts

I saw food inc and many more movies of that kind and yea, it's pretty sad how capitalism is hitting does animals in the face. I think that the food industries should kill with the less pain and kill only if needed. 63% of the food never gets to someone's stomach. What a waste of animal lives.

reality is that 95% dont.

Wrong answer. At least 90% do.
4,206 posts

I know consider my self a vegitarian.

That didn't take much. You know, if you really wanna help the animals, by animal products that only come from free animals. If you still buy cheese and other milk products from big cheap corporations, your are still encouraging animal slaughter.
493 posts

gyaaahh... that was a shock. ive seen stuff like that but nevr have i seen chicks being grinded alive and pigs being hurt that bad. it makes me want to stop eating meat.

189 posts

For me the video froze after the guy started explaining about how workers get the pigs to move.

4,220 posts

it makes me want to stop eating meat.

You do realize that was the ENTIRE intention of the video?

The people who make those kinds of videos are not journalists, USDA, FDA, or anything else reliable. They are the kind of people who think their way is the high way, and are willing to shock you into it.

Activists, no more. A waste of time.
2,420 posts

I kind of want a hamburger after watching this.

Anyway, I don't think this is true. Almost all the people I saw were brown people, which leads my to believe that this is not in the US.

Plus, the FDA and PETA have regulations against this, if it did happen in the US. I've seen the other PETA videos, but and in every video comment, there are people asking why PETA does nothing about this.

Either PETA has absolutely no regulations, or this is not happening in the US. PETA does have regulations against this so it is obviously not happening in the US.

I would also like to say that this would probably be worse under Libertarianism.

4,220 posts

Either PETA has absolutely no regulations, or this is not happening in the US. PETA does have regulations against this so it is obviously not happening in the US.

PETA is a lobbyist and activist group. They are not an arm of the government, and as such do not, and cannot, impose regulation.

I would also like to say that this would probably be worse under Libertarianism.

Do we really need to get into this?
3,025 posts

Ur making us sound like Hitler's chosen, "superior to everyone else with self-awarness and morality" and he turned out to be wrong.

No, not really.
First, I do not believe he is entirely accurate with "self-awareness" in the first place.

Here is an example.

Through this incredibly large, entertaining and informative video (to me) you can see that really our self awareness is at a minimal for our brain.

Plus, morality wasn't exactly mentioned on Hitlers list, he was an incredibly psychological dictator, surely, but morality definitely does not show because it's obvious to anyone that what he done was wrong.

- H
2,420 posts

PETA is a lobbyist and activist group. They are not an arm of the government, and as such do not, and cannot, impose regulation.

****. I mean the FDA or whatever.

Do we really need to get into this?

I would gladly do it in another thread.
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