ForumsWEPRThe Truth Behind the Meat Industry (Warning: Very Graphic Content)

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Hello everyone. What I am about to show you is what the meat industry doesn't want you to see. I stumbled upon this video yesterday, and I was shocked by its contents. I am surprised that this is going on today. Hopefully, this will come to you as a revelation. I am going to warn you, this video is very bloody and disturbing.

Take a look behind the curtain.

As you can see, this slaughter is going on every day in self-proclaimed "civilized" countries. This has definitely convinced me to try to stop consuming dairy and eggs.

  • 67 Replies
9,504 posts

But don't all animals have their own language?

If you call grunting and bodily gestures as a language. So far, only 1-4 animals of the entire biosphere is capable of producing language, and no one is positive about the other three. Language involves syntax, a system of writing, and proper speech formation, something only we humans are able to do. The fact that we have multiple languages, that we have to have years of practice to (decently) master said language, that any human that does not know said language is useless in the field, and that our young aren't born with the inherited knowledge proves that language is not instinctual.

so launguage is not "invented" by us.

Pick up an article or any book about the history of language following our evolution into Homo sapien and you will realize that we did indeed invent our language. Or you can instead read my paragraph above.
1,606 posts

perfect unison

Working together in a nice orderly manner.
People can live without fruit and vegetables. Like I said, grains and nuts too. Also, you said fresh. So if it is not fresh, you can consume it?
It has to be cooked or pasterized but all those things either take time or is full of sugar which is not good for tryin to do hw.

So according to you, it is ok to beat, toss around and kill animals, and feel nothing?

Think about the military, they describe the people as "dead eyed" becaue they've seen so many people dieing and killed so many people, that is almost the same way the workers are.
8,257 posts

I commend your patriotism, but it is the citizen's duty to question his/her government. That aside, you believe your government's farms do not participate in slaughter such as this? And then there's the part about imported goods...

I wouldn't call it patriotism, but your point is taken And concerning imported goods, it is now obligatory to declare the origin of the served meat, poultry and fish; so when I'm eating at the university's canteen, I can choose to eat only swiss beef if I want to.

Concerning the human vs animal debate here, it is normal that humans keep other animals for their own profit. It is normal that the humans slaughter other animals for their meat. But it is a shame to vent one's anger, frustration and sadism on those other animals, and also those animals deserve more than their own place to live in.

Oh, and there's a difference between language and speech imo. Language is a thing quite common among many animals; just look at whales and baleens. Speech however is something that humans developed thanks to their uncommon anatomy.

I have no idea if I hit the actual point of those small debates, but I hope I still have contributed some valid points here..
1,606 posts

Oh, and there's a difference between language and speech imo. Language is a thing quite common among many animals; just look at whales and baleens. Speech however is something that humans developed thanks to their uncommon anatomy.

Yeas launguage like Hahiha nicley stated is not just "our thing" it is shared among all animals.
9,504 posts

Oh, and there's a difference between language and speech imo. Language is a thing quite common among many animals; just look at whales and baleens. Speech however is something that humans developed thanks to their uncommon anatomy.

A full list of definitions for "language" can be found here. Only one is given to the "language" of animals besides humans, and one can argue that said "language" of animals are mere onomatopoeia.

Concerning the human vs animal debate here, it is normal that humans keep other animals for their own profit. It is normal that the humans slaughter other animals for their meat. But it is a shame to vent one's anger, frustration and sadism on those other animals, and also those animals deserve more than their own place to live in.

So you're arguing a "cleaner" slaughter for animals as well as giving them a natural environment instead of having them live in cages until they go in the grinder. I feel for you on the home area. Every animal has the natural right to have their life before going away. But slaughter is slaughter. Sure, some methods may be painless while others excruciating, but it all meets the same end. Naturally, it would be "dumb" to give mercy to your prey. You want your meat, go get it. Sure, there's nothing natural about farming. However, it is our way of obtaining food now, with hunting being at a vastly-far second.
1,606 posts

I liked the good old shoot it to eat it momentum but that was outclassed by "gimme food, me hungry". Hunting takes alot more work and people arwn't up for that.

8,257 posts

Naturally, it would be "dumb" to give mercy to your prey. You want your meat, go get it.

I get what you're saying; it is unnecessary effort. But there's more than just mercy behind it. What if I argue that an animal that has been killed as painless as possible produces higher quality meat because it is more relaxed? Or why do you think that some guys somewhere I don't remember are massaging their beef with beer everyday to make it tender?

Btw, just think of native americans; when they hunted down an animal, they would kneel down beside their prey and thank it for the meat, fur and bones. This isn't 'natural' either, yet I find it interesting.
5,552 posts

I liked the good old shoot it to eat it momentum but that was outclassed by "gimme food, me hungry". Hunting takes alot more work and people arwn't up for that.

I think it's a little more than this. Let's just take 75% of New York, they want some meat. Okay, go hunting...Oh wait...

In reality, we cannot support our population with Hunter/gather methods, so unless you also want to advocate a massive reduction in population, there's no way that we could support ourselves without controlled sources of food.

Don't get me wrong, I think that it would be a simple matter to kill the animals far more humanely than those shown in the video, but I also HIGHLY doubt that that is common practice. That movie is quite obviously a scare and horror tactic, and there's no way that's accepted as the common practice.
9,504 posts

I get what you're saying; it is unnecessary effort. But there's more than just mercy behind it. What if I argue that an animal that has been killed as painless as possible produces higher quality meat because it is more relaxed?

I believe this works in relation to whether the animal is in a safe, natural environment, compared to being in a cage all day. They were researching that, but I'm not sure if anything held water. Good point though. About this though. When we slaughter animals, we don't take half an hour to do so. It takes 3 seconds at the most, whether it be from gunpoint or with a knife. I would be surprised if 3 seconds really would alter the meat. Days of stress, possibly.

Btw, just think of native americans; when they hunted down an animal, they would kneel down beside their prey and thank it for the meat, fur and bones. This isn't 'natural' either, yet I find it interesting.

Nothing but unnecessary superstition.
4,005 posts

I am not trying to convince people to stop consuming animal products; I am just trying to expose common practice that I believe to be barbaric.

It's not common practice, it's rare and it's illegal in most countries. This video is a compilation of a few places which are committing (imo immoral) and illegal acts in the name of profit. Please don't try to pass this off as the 'norm' because it isn't.

Yes, we are in fact animals. However, we are gifted with self-awareness and morality. Therefore, I think we should behave in a way so as to obtain our food without death, which is very possible.

Possible? Sure. But it isn't very healthy. Our bodies are designed to require both plant and animal products to function at our best.

1. We humans created morality. On a natural scale, there is no such thing as morality. Any hungry animal will do as it pleases with its prey, because it is survival of the fittest.

Not true at all. We have seen 'morality' in hundreds of species, from lowly insects all the way up to water buffalo, big cats, and other social animals. Morality is a byproduct of society, regardless of which animal society is being viewed.

2. You truly believe other animals aren't given self-awareness? Are their brains just sitting there not giving any electrical impulses? Are they incapable of thinking?

Self-awareness is a function of the frontal lobe which is highly evolved in humans. Most animals don't even have this portion of the brain, and the few that do have a very miniscule lobe which would indicate a lack of, or drastic decrease (compared to our capacity) self-aware thought and reasoning functions.

In fact, we are superior to other animals.

No, sorry. We think we are, that's it. Sure, we have more highly evolved thought functions which allow us to create and utilize tools, but that's about it. That doesn't make us superior, only different. Take away our tools and we are food for almost all of the animal kingdom.

A little tidbit of info here, language isn't part of our animal instincts. It is something that only the most intelligent of species are able to invent.

Really? Every social animal has language, and it's necessary for cooperation and success. Let me ask, why are facial expressions, sounds (like laughter, crying, etc.) and nonverbal communication the same in all cultures, races, and spoken language groups? Because they are instinctual and inherent traits in our species. Sure, we developed our spoken words and a system to classify them, but that alone is not language.
785 posts

Whats the point of castrating piglets and cutting off there tails?

5,365 posts

Whats the point of castrating piglets and cutting off there tails?

Well, the castration might be to control reproduction, but I see no reason whatsoever for severing their tails.
1,255 posts

Well, the castration might be to control reproduction, but I see no reason whatsoever for severing their tails.

So that feces can flow more freely and they don't have to bend down.

Anyways, I thought that while enlightening, the ending was very poor and not at all a good wrap up of the movie.

It was so that people would want to eat more vegetables and not so much meat. I live near beef and dairy farms, so this is even more unbelieveable for me. At pretty much any time of the day, I can look out side and see nearly three hundred head of cattle, and they are in no way that cramed together. Not that that doesn't happen. I would never be so puerile as to believe that. However, MrWalker is right. It isn't the norm. It may happen, but not on the scale that they are assuming.
27 posts

OMG THAT WAS DISTURBING!! I couldn't finish it i stopped after i saw the throw the piglets on the ground. Now I know why some people are vegetarian.

*Side Note*
Hay Mom what's for dinner?

5,365 posts

So that feces can flow more freely and they don't have to bend down.

Ew. =/

Anyways, I thought that while enlightening, the ending was very poor and not at all a good wrap up of the movie.

I have to agree with you there. I decided to use it because it was the most graphic one I could find.

Our bodies are designed to require both plant and animal products to function at our best.

I have seen no proof for that whatsoever.
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