ForumsNews and FeedbackClan Suggestions

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30 posts

So I know that this may be over used but maybe we could have a clan system in the AGv3 system? Basically this idea is that you could make you own clan and have your own name in which you could have separate events withing the clan.
Even newer ranks for people in a clan such as:

Clan Leader
Clan Advisor
Clan Member
Clan Organizer
Clan Associate
So on and so forth.

Clan Leader:
Basically runs the clan and can "kick" people out of a clan or "ban" them from a clan. So no they're not Mods or Admins but they just keep the clan under control.

Clan Advisor:
Basically helps with enforcing the rules of the clan and the site to newbies. Also can Advise a member of the clan to go to someone else if needed.

Clan Member:
Just a normal member nothing really special about them. They can be "kicked" or "banned" from a clan. Will really make up the majority of the clan.

Clan Organizer:
This is where some of the fun would come in. They could suggest fun ideas for the clan to do. Such as playing a muliplayer game with just your clan members. They would normally set up the event and do alot of the organizing for the game. Such as a tournament for the clan.

Clan Associate:
Just about anyone who is Associated with the clan but not really in the clan. Even if they're in another clan. When your an Associate I would just suggest that you put which clans they're associated with on their profile.

Now I was think that close to the persons name when they're on the forums you could put which clan they're in. Also somewhere on their profile.

Now I was think that for a clan they could have a bit of their own forum. Not as intricate as our just on community and maybe a few different categories but not as many as the main one. So that they can make their own activites without cluttering up the forums.

Also I was think maybe clan compettions at random times, but this would not be necessary.

  • 322 Replies
83 posts

-Rivalries: Things can get very tense between clans, and it could lead to use of harsh words, and perhaps some people leaving armorgames

If they had rivals, wouldn't it be fun to have some sort of competition between the two of them, and that would hopefully relieve some tension and also at the same time give the clan members an enjoyable experience.

No idea what the competition/challenge could entail, but just a thought, maybe the clan leaders could come up with themselves.
15 posts

Not my favorite idea for AG3.. I see clans and "gaming communities" on Xbox live enough. I see enough people go around thinking that being in a specific clan makes them better than EVERYONE else, and makes things less enjoyable for people who simply just don't care. There are a handful of multiplayer games, but in all honesty, there isnt enough to give a clan much to do..

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Not my favorite idea for AG3.. I see clans and "gaming communities" on Xbox live enough. I see enough people go around thinking that being in a specific clan makes them better than EVERYONE else, and makes things less enjoyable for people who simply just don't care. There are a handful of multiplayer games, but in all honesty, there isnt enough to give a clan much to do..

Exactly my gripe. I've played numerous multiplayer games throughout my years, but it all seems to foster clamping up amongst non-clan members, vaunting one's ''superiority'' when one belongs to the top clans, rivalry which might lead to ugly incidents.
15 posts

The same thing goes for really any type of grouping system. If you can put people together in groups, there will always be some type of "rivalry" to appear. If you were to call it a clan, it would act like an internet gang to increase to a ridiculous number of members and the goal is to run all of the other competition out.

I do see a benefit in community gaming: Groups of people who play the same games and enjoy the same things having a good time, but isn't that what the friends list is for?

15 posts

Yeah, communities could be really helpful. Link them to games so people with similar interests can connect over something on the site. But yeah, clans and groups for set games could definitely lead to problems. It might be cool to try something similar but with restrictions to prevent rivalries. Not sure what though.

15 posts

Yeah, communities could be really helpful. Link them to games so people with similar interests can connect over something on the site. But yeah, clans and groups for set games could definitely lead to problems. It might be cool to try something similar but with restrictions to prevent rivalries.

Yeah thats basically what I said. I know this, in a way, links this thread to another, and I realize it may lead to problems, but I feel the best way to accomplish a gaming community without getting into clans is have game chats. I have seen some "higher ups" say that this wont happen, but I dont see why that is a problem. It gives people on the same game a chance to communicate with each other and form enjoyable groups. (These are connected, right?)
83 posts

Wow, you guys have converted me, really convincing arguement.

25 posts

there should be clan points the clans can get for playing games an doing the same things you do for armor points and a leaderboard for the most clan points and a game that armor games creates so that people can socialize withe other clans and challenge them to games like vortex wars or shell shock lie and other multiplayer games

25 posts

*shell shock live

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

a game that armor games creates so that people can socialize withe other clans and challenge them to games like vortex wars or shell shock lie and other multiplayer games

Mentioned and torn apart already.

Also, a game for a game? I don't get the point of this.
25 posts

i mean like a clan socialization area or some sort of thing like that

33 posts

Well, that sounded very interesting! I would like clans in AG3! Is there going to be a limit of how many members are there in a clan? Or is an infinite type of a clan? Which would sound better: CLAN or a GUILD. I know that "guilds" are used very often in many games and sites, but you know, Armorgames sounds like a KINGDOM. Why not rename it as a 'guild' rather than a 'clan'? But either way, AG3 should be more fun!!

13,657 posts

Nothing, presumably?
As far as I know, this will in no way be like the guilds of an MMO. It will be a place where people of similar interests can unite, and if they start demanding stuff of off you, you probably ought to leave anyway.

9,504 posts

Sounds like a good idea but wat if your busy doing something and ur clan wants u for something then wat?

...except your undying allegiance to their ever-growing empire! Really, it's only a matter of time before the advertising of clans goes in full swing and every clan leader turns into a recruiting Nazi. And then everyone shares their likes and dislikes while buddy-buddy statuses rise! I think the highest of it all would be from the ASCii art clans like the Bun--...I hate this idea.
13,657 posts

But Frank, you forget!
It will be mod paradise. Considering there most likely will be rules that needs to be agreed to before making a clan, we will have no need to warn people before banning them, their ban message can be as simple as "broke Clan protocol" and their threads will be the most awesome target practice for deletes or sarcastic remarks!
And they will all have brought it upon themselves.
Not to mention the users that will get higher rank in the clan and assume it also works like that outside of the forums.
And inclan trouble.
This is a crap idea.

Showing 166-180 of 322