ForumsNews and FeedbackClan Suggestions

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So I know that this may be over used but maybe we could have a clan system in the AGv3 system? Basically this idea is that you could make you own clan and have your own name in which you could have separate events withing the clan.
Even newer ranks for people in a clan such as:

Clan Leader
Clan Advisor
Clan Member
Clan Organizer
Clan Associate
So on and so forth.

Clan Leader:
Basically runs the clan and can "kick" people out of a clan or "ban" them from a clan. So no they're not Mods or Admins but they just keep the clan under control.

Clan Advisor:
Basically helps with enforcing the rules of the clan and the site to newbies. Also can Advise a member of the clan to go to someone else if needed.

Clan Member:
Just a normal member nothing really special about them. They can be "kicked" or "banned" from a clan. Will really make up the majority of the clan.

Clan Organizer:
This is where some of the fun would come in. They could suggest fun ideas for the clan to do. Such as playing a muliplayer game with just your clan members. They would normally set up the event and do alot of the organizing for the game. Such as a tournament for the clan.

Clan Associate:
Just about anyone who is Associated with the clan but not really in the clan. Even if they're in another clan. When your an Associate I would just suggest that you put which clans they're associated with on their profile.

Now I was think that close to the persons name when they're on the forums you could put which clan they're in. Also somewhere on their profile.

Now I was think that for a clan they could have a bit of their own forum. Not as intricate as our just on community and maybe a few different categories but not as many as the main one. So that they can make their own activites without cluttering up the forums.

Also I was think maybe clan compettions at random times, but this would not be necessary.

  • 322 Replies
9,504 posts

Imaginary? I was going for "manually triggered" :P

You simply have to invite another clan to a contest, select a game to play, and the winning clan gets the announcement posted on their page! In between that, however, is the technical part. It's the function where the AGi recognizes the scores the members gained and then decides which clan wins from there. Every game is different, of course, so the conditions for winning have to be different. One may involve the standard "highest score wins", another may have the lowest time to beat a level, or one involving the fewest deaths in a game. How it is set up is up to the developers if they want something like this as a feature, but if so, it would be awesome to have it really in-depth.

4,206 posts

Awesome idea Freakenstein.

The clan leader(s) would be the only person to be able to invite an other clan to do a "clan battle". But I think there should be also art contests for clans to win. Of course all the contests that actually count for a real clan battle would have to be checked and approved by a mod/admin before.

There should be clan armor points (CAP) or clan points (CP) or a point system for the clans.

Every win would give like...10 points
Loses 2 points
Draw (if possible) 5 points

Then a ranking system. Like clan lvl 1,2,3,4,5,6... And the higher you get, the more clans you can recruit and there would be a little symbol beside your name or clan name to say what rank your clan is.

A win/lose ratio. Shows how many wins and loses a clan got.

Achievements. Clan related achievements.

How many art and flash game wins/loses

4,206 posts

the more clans you can recruit

The more "members" you can recruit.

But that brings me an idea. How about, when a clan gets really high rank, could recruit clan to work under it's wing? It would be like a little nation.
73 posts

Dissenting opinion. I don't like clans at all. The regimentation, the relentless pressure to be active, the tribalism, aaargh. If I wanted to be in a clan then I would be playing MMORPGs not Flash games. If clans are going to be a feature of AG3 then please let them be optional.

2,891 posts

Hey guys, quick note: these are GREAT ideas, keep them coming. I'm grabbing quotes out of message bits as I go here, so in no particular order, here are some responses:

If clans are going to be a feature of AG3 then please let them be optional.

Absolutely, you can choose not to be in any groups of any kind if that's your desire. We'll probably also give you a privacy setting to ignore any group invitations that you get sent.

Maybe also there could be a thing like a clan page. Maybe in this "clan wall"

Yes, that's the idea, we'd have a url like "" or something...

Clan Request? This is like in facebook when you send a friend request. The request is instantly sent to the Leader or co-leader's home page and can either be accepted or ignored.

Yes, exactly. I suppose we could make groups of various invitation levels, like:
- totally open, anyone can join as they want
- request to join, anyone can send a message to the group asking to join
- invite only, general users cannot request to join, only the leaders of the group can issue invitations to join

When you create you clan though you will have a bow of who get what power. So you could scroll down to members and check off comments. Scroll to co-leader and check off boot member, boost members ect. This allows full customizing for your clans ranks

Yeah, I picture something similar to the AG3 privacy settings, where you have a rank, and a list of checkboxes for what that rank is allowed to do.

I'm thinking of a way how leaders of different factions can manually challenge each other to a gaming tournament.

I like the tournament idea, but there are limitations to what we can build into the site from a programming standpoint. Some of that stuff might require users to use a third-party tournament organizer or something to get started.

You simply have to invite another clan to a contest, select a game to play, and the winning clan gets the announcement posted on their page! In between that, however, is the technical part. It's the function where the AGi recognizes the scores the members gained and then decides which clan wins from there. Every game is different, of course, so the conditions for winning have to be different.

In the future, perhaps. I think the devs here will like the idea. The only problem would be a way to filter users who could potentially be in both groups (unless the two groups were invite only or something)... or have a way to show users who were in both groups, or just disqualify the user's scores when tabulating everything...

giving the members the option to "report unfair kick", bringing up a textbox of some sort and filling the box with reasons why they think they were unfairly removed.

Nah, if you get kicked, you get kicked. If you want to appeal, you can request to join again, etc. We'd probably have to set up a 'block' function so users can be blocked from joining a group after getting kicked.

"ban" a member from a clan for a certain amount of time without actually kicking him.

Can't see a real practical use for this. I could see having a "banned user" rank, who doesn't get to do anything like post group status messages or something, and the leader can just reassign the user to that rank or something.

and the guild members could submit their art.(As long as it is clean) A flash gaming guild could host different flash gaming online tournaments for the best players,

No, the purpose of the groups will be more about common interests and games, but won't be able to post artwork, etc.. We're planning a "showcase" area of the site for people that want feedback on their art/game ideas, etc.

There should be clan armor points (CAP) or clan points (CP) or a point system for the clans.

I doubt we'll do this. We'll probably just come up with a way to cumulatively sum up the scores of the individual players to give the group/clan a rank.

I think there should be also art contests for clans to win.

Again, I think this is where third-party software would probably be required, because there's no real judging authority like we could build into the site/agi for competing on a particular game.
4,206 posts

Again, I think this is where third-party software would probably be required, because there's no real judging authority like we could build into the site/agi for competing on a particular game.

I know, but it could be like the merits. Mods/admin would give away winning clans a "clan merit" or something.
3 posts

I think it is a great idea. I would be in Nerd/Gamer Clan, awesome.

42 posts

Yes, a great thing indeed, but it has downfalls too. One thing is, we may need more Moderators due to the possibility that a group/s of abusive users may band together and stir up trouble here...

257 posts

I would want to make a super mario clan and our usernames be Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and others. That clan could even include bad guys like bowser, goomba, and others. The head would be Mario, and the co-head would be Peach. Then It would go down the ladder.

703 posts

awesome idea i hope it works out

257 posts

Also, I would want to make the lowest person, which would be probably Toad.

2 posts

clans also can be ranked by their wins in clan competitions

536 posts

AngelRaziel96 said:So I know that this may be over used but maybe we could have a clan system in the AGv3 system?

This is just another one of many reasons that I can't wait for AG3!
2,891 posts

As far as Larry is concerned, "version 1" of groups/clans will essentially have two roles: leader, and user. We'll likely expand it later based on feedback, but that's what we're going to start with.

In his words (paraphrased)

basically a user will make a group, name it, and other users can join. The leader can give someone else 'leadership' of the group if they choose, but it means they won't be a leader any more.

We'll have to make sure, or course, that the user you're giving leadership control to has the necessary requirements to be a leader (it'll be the same as what's needed to create a group in the first place).
3,028 posts

We'll have to make sure, or course, that the user you're giving leadership control to has the necessary requirements to be a leader (it'll be the same as what's needed to create a group in the first place).

Does that mean the leader has to be of certain AG rank?
Showing 16-30 of 322